---------- Forwarded Message ---------- Subject: PADS 2002: Deadline Extended Until Oct 15th Date: Sun, 30 Sep 2001 22:18:57 -0400 From: chrisc@lally-34.cs.rpi.edu To: PADS@lally-34.cs.rpi.edu
CALL FOR PAPERS P A D S 16th Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Simulation 2 0 0 2 Washington, DC (USA) 12-15 May 2002
SPONSORS: ACM Special Interest Group on Simulation (ACM SIGSIM)* IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Simulation (IEEE TC-SIM)* Society for Computer Simulation (SCS)* * approval pending
The PADS workshops provide a forum for presenting recent work that enhances the understanding of parallel and distributed simulation techniques (including optimistic, conservative, real-time and interactive synchronization, synthetic environments, virtual reality, DIS and HLA, and web-based simulation) and their use in real-world situations.
Papers on a diversity of topics are welcomed, particularly those that indicate and explore new directions; the scope of PADS 2002 is by no means limited to the topics explicitly mentioned here, nor to those discussed at previous meetings.
We invite RESEARCH CONTRIBUTIONS that present new formulations, theoretical models, architectures, algorithms, protocols, data structures or other implementation techniques; in short, anything that advances the state of the art or provides deeper insight into its fundamental nature. Papers describing languages, systems, libraries, tools or techniques that facilitate the development, interoperation, re-use and validation of parallel simulation models are also sought, as are contributions towards predicting their performance.
We also solicit APPLICATION STUDIES AND EXPERIENCE REPORTS from practitioners who have tried to apply these techniques in real-world applications. Success stories that demonstrate the practical benefits that parallel, distributed, and web-based simulation can offer are obviously welcome, but we would also encourage those for whom these techniques did not prove successful to characterize those aspects of their problem that caused the most difficulty and thereby frame challenges for future research. (Naturally, deeper analysis than just ``we tried this and it did/didn't work'' would be preferred!)
Papers must be written in English and should not exceed 5000 words. Authors should identify clearly the contribution of their paper, explain its significance, and show how it relates to previous work. Papers must not have been previously published, nor may they be under consideration for publication elsewhere.
All submissions will be reviewed using a double-blind review process --- the identities of authors and referees will not be revealed to each other. To ensure blind reviewing, authors' names and affiliations should not appear in the submission, and bibliographic references should be modified so as not to reveal the identities of the authors.
Authors are encouraged to submit their papers in electronic form. Further guidelines regarding submissions will be made available on the PADS 2002 web site in due course.
Electronic submissions (PostScript only) be sent to the program co-chairs by 15 OCTOBER 2001.
Notification of acceptance will be made by 20 DECEMBER 2001. Camera ready final versions of accepted papers will be required approximately mid FEBRUARY 2002.
D. I. Bruce Defence Evaluation and Research Agency, UK A. S. Elmaghraby University of Louisville, USA R. M. Fujimoto (Honorary) Georgia Inst. of Technology, USA S. J. Turner Nanyang Tech. University, Singapore B. W. Unger University of Calgary, Canada F. P. Wieland The MITRE Corporation, USA P. A. Wilsey University of Cincinnati, USA
Frederik P. Wieland Philip A. Wilsey Center for Adv. Aviation Syst. Develop. Experimental Computing Lab The MITRE Corporation ECECS Dept, PO Box 210030 1820 Dolley Madison Blvd. Cincinnati, OH 45221-0030 McLean, VA 22102 Voice: +1 513 556-4779 Voice: +1 703 883-5385 Fax: +1 513 556-7326 Fax: +1 703 883-1917 Email: philip.wilsey@ieee.org Email: fwieland@mitre.org
Lorenzo Donatiello Francesco Quaglia Dipart. di Scienze dell'Informazione Dipart. di Informatica e Sistemistica University of Bologna University of Roma "La Sapienza" Via di Mura Anteo Zamboni 7 Via Salaria 113 40127 Bologna, Italy 00198 Roma, Italy Voice: +39 051 2094512 Voice: +39 06 49918485 Fax: +39 051 2094510 Fax: +39 06 85300849 Email: donat@cs.unibo.it Email: quaglia@dis.uniroma1.it
Christopher D. Carothers Department of Computer Science Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 110 8th Street Troy, New York 12180-3590 Voice: +1 518 276-2930 Fax: +1 518 276-4033 Email: chrisc@cs.rpi.edu
R. L. Bagrodia University of California, Los Angeles, USA A. Boukerche University of North Texas, USA D. I. Bruce Defence Evaluation and Research Agency, UK W. Cai Nanyang Technological University, Singapore C. D. Carothers Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA J. G. Cleary University of Waikato, New Zealand S. R. Das University of Cincinnati, San Antonio, USA A. Ferscha University of Linz, Austria P. A. Fishwick University of Florida, USA R. M. Fujimoto Georgia Institute of Technology, USA D. M. Nicol Dartmouth College, USA E. H. Page The MITRE Corporation, USA C. D. Pham University of Lyons, France B. R. Ronngren Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden M. Takai University of California, Los Angeles, USA C. Tropper McGill University, Canada S. J. Turner Nanyang Technological University, Singapore B. W. Unger University of Calgary, Canada
Up-to-date information about PADS 2002 can be obtained on the World Wide Web at URL: http://www.dis.uniroma1.it/~quaglia/pads2002.
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