-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [computational.science] CFPs: A Special Session on Intelligent Forecasting Systems and Application Datum: Fri, 2 Nov 2007 04:04:58 +1100 Von: Honghua Dai honghua.dai@gmail.com Organisation: "OptimaNumerics" An: Computational Science Mailing List computational.science@lists.optimanumerics.com
*IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence *
*June 1-6, **200**8** **Hong Kong**,** P.R.China* CALL FOR PAPERS
*A Special Session at the 2008 IEEE Congress of Evolutionary Computation**on ***
* Intelligent **Forecasting Systems and Application*
*Session Organizers**: *
*Dr. James Liu http://www.comp.polyu.edu.hk/people/csnkliu.html, ** **Hong Kong** Polytechnic University**, Hong Kong**, P.R. China*
*Dr. Weimin Ma http://sem.tongji.edu.cn/prof/prof_detail.jsp?user=maweimin, **Tongji** University**, Shanghai, P.R. China***
*Dr. Honghua Dai http://www3.it.deakin.edu.au/%7Ehdai/**,** **Deakin University, Australia***
Forecasting systems involve multidisciplinary research areas that touch upon a wide range of intelligent technologies (e.g. statistical analysis, artificial intelligence, chaotic theory, evolutionary computing, data mining, fuzzy logic, machine learning, etc.) to optimize and facilitate various kinds of decisions making. The intent of this session is to highlight technologies and recent results that provide useful insights to advance forecasting modeling. We will focus on the development of modern techniques for intelligent forecasting systems (IFS). More attention is put in the interpretation, implementation, and evaluation of the prediction problems. We welcome novel algorithms, creative ideas, the state-of-art technologies, useful tools, and well justified processes that help address the prediction problems in various domain applications.
Authors are invited to submit research and application papers representing original, previously unpublished work. Submissions are solicited that should address an interdisciplinary audience, but may deal with issues at the cutting edge of research in IFS development, including (but not limited to) the following:
Application areas including (but not limited to):
1. Adaptive learning and training
2. Chaos in complex domain
3. Clustering/classification/ranking/identification
4. Data mining/information mining/pattern mining
5. Decision support / intelligent decision making
6. Ensemble prediction models
7. Feature extraction and representations
8. Natural disaster forecasting and reduction
9. Time-series modeling/forecasting
10. Weather predictions
Specific intelligent techniques including (but not limited to):
1. ANN
2. Chaotic networks
3. Classifier systems
4. Cluster analysis
5. Evolutionary algorithms
6. Fuzzy logic and rough set theory
7. Graphical model induction
8. Genetic algorithms
9. Hybrid systems
10. Immune and Self-optimization systems
11. Reinforcement/incremental learning
* *
*Publications *
All papers accepted and presented at WCCI2008 will be indexed by EI.
*Instructions for Authors*
Please follow the congress instructions for authors at
*Deadlines & Important Dates *
Deadline for paper submission: *December 1, **200**7* Notification of acceptance: *February 1, **200**8* Camera-ready* papers: *March 1, **200**8* Congress: *June 1-6, 2008*