-------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: [WI] CfP 11th Workshop on Social and Human Aspects of Business Process Management (BPMS2’18) Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2018 19:53:39 +0200 From: rainer.schmidt@hm.edu Reply-To: rainer.schmidt@hm.edu To: wi@lists.kit.edu
The 11th Workshop on Social and Human Aspects of Business Process Management (BPMS2’18) September 9-14, 2018 Sydney, Australia Call for Papers Deadline for workshop paper submissions: June 1st, 2018 Workshop Theme Social software [1] is a paradigm that is spreading quickly in society, organizations and economics. It enables social business [2] that has created a multitude of success stories. More and more enterprises use social software to improve their business processes and create new business models. Social software is used both in internal and external business processes. Using social software, the communication with the customer is increasingly bi- directional. E.g. companies integrate customers into product development to capture ideas for new products and features. Social software also creates new possibilities to enhance internal business processes by improving the exchange of knowledge and information, to speed up decisions, etc. Social software is based on four principles: weak ties, social production, egalitarianism and mutual service provisioning. * Weak ties Weak-ties [3] are spontaneously established contacts between individuals that create new views and allow combining competencies. Social software supports the creation of weak ties by supporting to create contacts in impulse between non-predetermined individuals. * Social Production Social Production [4] is the creation of artefacts, by combining the input from independent contributors without predetermining the way to do this. By this means it is possible to integrate new and innovative contributions not identified or planned in advance. Reputation based mechanisms assure quality following an a-posteriori approach. * Egalitarianism Egalitarianism is the attitude of handling individuals equally. Social software highly relies on egalitarianism and therefore strives for giving all participants the same rights to contribute. This is done with the intention to encourage a maximum of contributors and to get the best solution fusioning a high number of contributions, thus enabling the wisdom of the crowds [5] [6]. Social software realizes egalitarianism by abolishing hierarchical structures, merging the roles of contributors and consumers and introducing a culture of trust. * Mutual Service Provisioning Social software abolishes the separation of the service provider and consumer by introducing the idea, that service provisioning is a mutual process of service exchange. Thus both service provider and consumer (or better prosumer) provide services to one another in order co-create value [7]. This mutual service provisioning contrasts to the idea of industrial service provisioning, where services are produced in separation from the customer to achieve scaling effects. Up to recent years, the interaction of social software and its underlying paradigms with business processes have not been investigated in depth. Therefore, the objective of the workshop is to explore how social software interacts with business process management, how business process management has to change to comply with weak ties, social production, egalitarianism and mutual service, and how business processes may profit from these principles. The workshop will discuss three topics. Social Business Process Management, Social Business and Big Data in Social Business. Social Business Process Management is the use of social software to support one or multiple phases of the business process life cycle.
1. Social Business Process Management (SBPM) - Which phases of the BPM lifecycle (Design, Deployment, Operation, and Evaluation) can profit the most by social software? - Do we need new BPM methods and/or paradigms to cope with social software? - Is there an influence of weak ties, social production, egalitarianism and mutual service provisioning on BPM methods themselves? - How are trust and reputation established in business processes using social software? - How do weak ties, social production, egalitarianism and mutual service provisioning influence the design of business processes? - How does social software interact with WFMS or other business process support systems? - What is the impact on conceptual models for those categories of business processes which are not well-defined?
2. Social Business: Social software supporting business processes - Which new possibilities for the support of business processes are created by social software? - Are there business processes which require sociality, especially when they are not predictable (as production workflows) but collaborative or ad hoc? - How can we use Wikis, Blogs etc. to support business processes? - Which types of social software can be used in which phases of the BPM lifecycle? - What new kinds of business knowledge representation are offered by social production?
3. Human Aspects of Business Process Management - What requirements are created for individuals by participating in a multitude of business processes. - Which concepts and technologies exist to support the individual in coping with different external business processes - Which further human aspects of business process management exist ? - Human-centric business processes - Human resource management in business processes
Based on the ten previous successful BPMS2 workshops since 2008, the goal of the BPMS2’18 workshop is to promote the integration of business process management with social software and to enlarge the community pursuing the theme.
Workshop paper format Position papers of up to 2500 words are sought. Position papers that raise relevant questions, or describe successful or unsuccessful practice, or describe experience will all be welcome. Position papers will be assigned a 20-minute presentation. Short papers of up to 1000 words can also be submitted, and will be assigned a 10-minute presentation. Submission
Prospective authors are invited to submit papers for presentation in any of the areas listed above. Only papers in English will be accepted. The length of full papers must not exceed 12 pages (There is no possibility to buy additional pages). Position papers and tool reports should be no longer than 6 pages. Papers should be submitted in the new LNBIP format (http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-7-487211-0). Papers have to present original research contributions not concurrently submitted elsewhere. The title page must contain a short abstract, a classification of the topics covered, preferably using the list of topics above, and an indication of the submission category (regular paper/position paper/tool report). Please use Easychair for submitting your paper: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=bpms2 The paper selection will be based on the relevance of a paper to the main topics, as well as upon its quality and potential to generate relevant discussion. All the workshop papers will be published by Springer as a post- proceeding volume (to be sent around 4 months after the workshop) in their Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing (LNBIP) series. Activities All papers will be published on workshop wiki (www.bpms2.org) before the workshop, so that everybody can learn about the problems that are important for other participants. A blog will be used to encourage and support discussions. The workshop will consist of long and short paper presentations, brainstorming sessions and discussions. The workshop report will be created collaboratively using a wiki. A special issue over all workshops will be published in a journal (decision in progress).
Important dates Deadline for workshop paper submissions: June 1st, 2018 Notification of Acceptance: July 1st , 2018 Camera-ready papers deadline: July 21st 2018 Workshop: September 9-14th, 2018 Primary Contact Rainer Schmidt Munich University of Applied Sciences Rainer.Schmidt@hm.edu Phone: +49 89 1265 3740 Fax: + 49 89 1265 3780
Selmin Nurcan University Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, Centre de Recherche en Informatique (CRI) France Selmin.Nurcan@univ-paris1.fr Phone: +33 53 55 27 13 Fax: + 33 53 55 27 01Workshop Program Committee The following people have accepted to be members of the PC. Some invitations are still pending and more people are expected:
Renata Araujo -Department of Applied Informatics, UNIRIO Jan Bosch - Intuit, Mountain View, California, USA Marco Brambilla- Politecnico di Milano Lars Brehm - Munich University of Applied Science Claudia Cappelli - UNIRIO Norbert Gronau - University of Potsdam Monique Janneck – Lübeck University of Applied Sciences Ralf Klamma - Informatik 5, RWTH Aachen, Germany Sai Peck Lee - University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Michael Möhring, Munich University of Applied Sciences Selmin Nurcan - University Paris 1 Pantheon Sorbonne, France Mohammad Ehson Rangiha - City University Gustavo Rossi - LIFIA-F. Informatica. UNLP Flavia Santoro-NP2Tec / UNIRIO Rainer Schmidt - University of Applied Sciences, Aalen, Germany Miguel-Ángel Sicilia - University of Alcalá, Madrid, Spain Irene Vanderfeesten- Eindhoven University of Technology Moe Wynn - Queensland University of Technology
1 R. Schmidt and S. Nurcan, “BPM and Social Software,” BPM2008 Workshop Proceedings, Springer–LNCS, Springer, 2008. 2 D. Kiron, D. Palmer, A. N. Phillips, and N. Kruschwitz, „Social Business: What are Companies Really Doing??“, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 3 Mark Granovetter, “The Strength of Weak Ties,” The American Journal of Sociology 78, no. 6 (1973): 1360–1380. 4 Yochai Benkler, The Wealth of Networks?: How Social Production Transforms Markets and Freedom (Yale University Press, 2006). 5 James Surowiecki, The Wisdom of Crowds:?: Why the Many Are Smarter Than the Few and How Collective Wisdom Shapes Business, Economies, Societies and Nations (Anchor, 2005), accessed August 30, 2008, http://www.amazon.ca/exec/obidos/redirect?tag=citeulike09-20&path=ASIN/0.... 6 J. Surowiecki, The Wisdom of Crowds, Anchor, 2005. 7 S. Vargo, P. Maglio, und M. Akaka, “On value and value co-creation: A service systems and service logic perspective,” European Management Journal, vol. 26, Juni. 2008, S. 145-152. ---------------
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