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Subject: ISWC2002: 2nd call for participation (program, support) Date: Thu, 16 May 2002 20:19:12 +0200 From: Jerome.Euzenat@inrialpes.fr (Jerome Euzenat) To: (Recipient list suppressed)
* apologies for multiple reception (this is expected to be the last posting) *
Updated items are: - program is available on site - student support program from AAAI - call for late breaking session now closed.
1st International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC2002)
June 9-12th, 2002
Baia Chia, Sardinia, Italia
supported in part by the OntoWeb network in cooperation with the DARPA DAML Program
ISWC will be a major international forum at which research on all aspects of the Semantic Web is presented. ISWC 2002 follows on from the success of the first Semantic Web Working Symposium (SWWS), which was held in Stanford in July, 2001. ISWC 2002 will take place on the beautiful Mediteranian island of Sardinia, Italy, 9th-12th June, 2002, immediately preceding the OntoWeb workshop. It will begin by a tutorial day on Sunday 9th.
Registration is now open for ISWC and related events, see the web page:
ISWC 2002 has gathered submissions related to all aspects of the Semantic Web. Both technical and survey/overview papers were solicited, as well as descriptions of working Semantic Web systems, position statements and reports on work in progress. The selected papers (list available on the web site) will make an exiting technical program.
The detailled technical program is available on the site.
Four general interest and technical tutorials are available to attend just before ISWC: - Ontologies: Representation, Engineering, Learning and Applications - Description Logics for Conceptual Design, Information Access, and Ontology Integration: Research Trends - Semantic web services - Jena Tutorial
The Ontoweb workshop will take place immediately after ISWC. Ontoweb features the RuleML workshop. Program and registration pages are ready.
See: http://www.ontoweb.org/workshops/ontoweb3/ and http://tmitwww.tm.tue.nl/staff/gwagner/RuleML-BR-SW.html
Accomodation and registration are handled by Consulta Umbria reachable from the web site http://iswc.semanticweb.org CONSULTA UMBRIA S.r.l. Piazza Italia, 9 06121 Perugia (Italia) Tel +39.0755720608 Fax +39.0755721913 congressi@consultaumbria.com
You should contact, them for special requests.
Do not contact directly the hotel which cannot process registration and booking.
Some support is available for student travel thanks to a grant from AAAI. Applicants must be full time students at the time they attend ISWC. Priority will be given to authors of accepted papers and posters. The amount of the awards will depend on the number of applications, but will be at least $500 each. Applications should be made to the ISWC PC Chair iswc2002@cs.man.ac.uk as follows: Name and affiliation: Accepted paper (title): Accepted poster (title):
General Chair James Hendler Maryland Information and Network Dynamics Lab University of Maryland College Park, MD 20742, USA hendler@cs.umd.edu
Program Chair Ian Horrocks Department of Computer Science University of Manchester Oxford Road Manchester M13 9PL, ENGLAND UK horrocks@cs.man.ac.uk
Organisation chair Michele Missikoff Istituto di Analisi dei Sistemi ed Informatica - CNR Viale Manzoni, 30 00185 Roma - Italy missikof@iasi.rm.cnr.it
Tutorial Chair Asunción Gómez-Pérez Late-breaking poster Chair Raphael Malyankar Local coordination Nicoletta Dessí Sponsor Chairs Deborah McGuinness Ying Ding Metadata Chair Steffen Staab Finances and Web Jérôme Euzenat