-------- Original Message -------- Subject: [AISWorld] Call for Papers - Special Issue on Agent Technology in Cyberspace, Journal of Internet Technology (SCI-E) Date: Mon, 24 Jan 2011 05:25:46 +0800 From: Maiga Chang maiga.igibook@gmail.com Reply-To: Maiga Chang Maiga.IGIBook@gmail.com To: AISWorld@lists.aisnet.org
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----- SI on Agent Technology in Cyberspace Call for Papers ---------
*Journal of Internet Technology (SCI-E) *Special Issue on Agent Technology in Cyberspace (http://jit.ndhu.edu.tw/callforpaper/CFP_S_I_on_Agent_Technology_in_Cyberspac...)
*Theme and Scope*
Many agents now exist in our life, searching agents help us find resources which we are interesting in and/or feel useful to ourselves; backup agents help us backup important data and documents daily, weekly, or monthly; spam-filter agents help us block malicious pop-up windows when we are surfing on the Internet; anti-virus agents secure our computers and data from worms, virus, and other on-purposed attacks; and learning companion agents and virtual tutor agents help us in lifelong learning process. This special issue is going to recruit those researches regarding using software agents, intelligent agents, and multi-agent systems to assist users in cyberspace, e.g. Internet, mobile networks, and virtual worlds include chat rooms, discussion forums, web conferencing software, computer games and video games. This special issue will be attractive to both Intelligent Systems and Computational Engineering researchers, more than that, this issue can be very interesting to ordinary people to know how agent technology could affect our lives in the future. The trend of using agents is becoming more discernable and we can foresee that agents exist in multidiscipline and various application areas..
*Guest Editors (in alphabet order): *
Maiga Chang, Athabasca University, Canada Fuhua (Oscar) Lin, Athabasca University, Canada Timothy K. Shih – National Central University, Taiwan
*Suggested topics: *
All papers related to agent technology in cyberspace are welcome. This special issue is going to provide a forum for researchers, practitioners and users of agent technology to exchange ideas, to share experiences and requirements, and to lay the foundations for agent technology in cyberspace research area. We cordially invite presenters to submit manuscript for any application domain as long as the core of the manuscript belongs to:
u"Practical experiences in using and applying agents u"Successful cases (best practices) u"Not-so-successful cases and the lessons learnt u"Mature agent applications, tools and/or systems u"Evaluation models for agents u"Software agents in cyberspace u"Intelligent agents in cyberspace u"Multi-agent systems (conceptual/practical)
*Instructions for Manuscripts: *
This special issue aims to foster state-of-the-art research in the agent technology in cyberspace. Authors are invited to submit manuscripts reporting original unpublished research and recent developments. Manuscripts should be written in English and strictly follow the guideline of the Journal of Internet Technology at http://jit.ndhu.edu.tw/preparation2.php. The covering letter should indicate the names of the authors and their affiliations, addresses, faxes, and e-mails. Prospective authors should submit full manuscripts with MS Word format, .doc, electronically by e-mail to Guest Editor, Dr. Maiga Chang, at maiga.chang@gmail.com mailto:maiga.chang@gmail.com by Feburary 28, 2011.
Important dates:
Manuscript Due: February 28, 2011 Notification of Acceptance/Revision/Rejection: May 31, 2011 Revised Manuscript Due: June 30, 2011 Final Manuscript Due: July 31, 2011 Tentative Publication Date: November 31, 2011
*For queries, you may contact Dr. Maiga Chang (maiga.chang@gmail.com)*