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Subject: WISE'2002 First Call for Papers Date: Sat, 16 Feb 2002 10:26:16 +0800 From: Ling Tok Wang lingtw@COMP.NUS.EDU.SG To: ISWORLD@LISTSERV.HEANET.IE
The 3rd International Conference On Web Information Systems Engineering (WISE 2002) Workshops: 11th Dec 2002, Conference: 12-14th Dec 2002 Grand Hyatt, Singapore
Held in conjunction with the International Conference of Asian Digital Library ICADL2002 Organised by School of Computer Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, & WISE Society.
INTRODUCTION ------------ The WWW is now a familiar channel for information dissemination and gathering among people from all walks of life. The sheer variety and amount of information that may be obtained are staggering. Academics and researchers now have another avenue to publish their research and satisfy their quest for knowledge. Many are discovering and tapping vast amounts of information never dreamed of before. Team workers utilise the Web for remote collaboration. Corporations with business sense have established a Web presence by reconstituting corporate materials and product information for Web publication. The consumer has benefited from access to large amounts of dynamic data; this has also enabled comparison-shopping and assisted decision-making. Hence, the Web has become somewhat indispensable to many and for various reasons. The aim of this conference is to provide an international forum for researchers, professionals, and industrial practitioners to share their knowledge in the rapidly growing area of Web technologies. We invite submissions that address both fundamental issues of Web data management and issues related to the development and management of Web-based applications. Suggested topics include, but are not limited to:
* Deep/Hidden Web * Web Ontologies * Mobile Web Information Systems * Web Performance * Semantic Web * Web Query Languages * Web Agents * Web Security * Web Change Monitoring & Management * Web Services * Web Commerce * Web Tools & Languages * Web Data Model * Web Transactions * Web Information Retrieval * Web Visualization * Web Intelligence * Web Warehousing * Web Metrics * Web-Based Business Processes * Web Mining * XML & Semi-structured data
IMPORTANT DATES --------------- Workshop proposals: 8th Mar. 2002 Abstract: 13th May 2002 Paper/tutorial submission: 20th May 2002 Notice of Acceptance: 19th Aug. 2002 Camera-ready paper: 23th Sep. 2002
SUBMISSION OF PAPERS -------------------- Authors are invited to submit an abstract of about 150 words through the Conference home page (http://www.cais.ntu.edu.sg:8000/wise2002). Full papers (in postscript, or pdf format) should also be submitted through this home page. Each full paper should include a cover page with the title, authors, mailing and electronic addresses, phone, fax number, contact author, conference title and subject area(s) and listed in the order of the author's preference. Authors should certify that their papers represent original work and is previously unpublished.
CORRESPONDENCE -------------- Electronic submission should be made via the Conference home page. Other enquiries/correspondence should be directed to the Secretariat at the address given below.
WISE 2002 Secretariat Conference Management Centre/CCE, Nanyang Technological University Administration Annex Building #04-06 42 Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639815 Fax: (65) 793-0997
Email: WISE2002@ntu.edu.sg Home Page: http://www.cais.ntu.edu.sg:8000/wise2002
WORKSHOPS AND TUTORIALS ----------------------- Proposals are invited for pre-conference workshops and tutorials addressing topics of interest to the Internet community. If you would like to organise a workshop or present a tutorial, please email your proposal to the Tutorial/Workshop Chair ( asschui@ntu.edu.sg ).
PUBLICATION ----------- The Conference Proceedings will be published by the IEEE CS. The authors of selected papers will be invited to contribute extended versions to a WISE Special issue of World Wide Web: Internet and Web Information Systems.
CONFERENCE ORGANISATION ----------------------- Honorary General Chair Cham, Tao Soon, President, Nanyang Technological University
Advisor, Org. Committee Singh, Harcharan Nanyang Technological University
General Chairs Goh, Angela, Nanyang Technological University asesgoh@ntu.edu.sg
Rusinkiewicz, Marek, Telcordia Research Center, USA marek@rusinkiewicz.com
Program Co-Chairs Ling, Tok Wang, National University of Singapore lingtw@comp.nus.edu.sg
Dayal, Umeshwar, Hewlett-Packard Labs, USA dayal@hpl.hp.com
Bertino, Elisa, U. of Milano, Italy bertino@dsi.unimi.it
Tutorial Co-Chairs Hui, Siu Cheung, Nanyang Technological University asschui@ntu.edu.sg
Zhou, Xiaofang, University of Queensland zxf@csee.uq.edu.au
Workshop Co-Chairs Sanjay, Madria, University of Missouri-Rolla, USA madrias@umr.edu
Mohania, Mukesh, IBM Research Lab, India mkmukesh@in.ibm.com
Publication Chair Ng, Wee Keong, Nanyang Technological University awkng@ntu.edu.sg
Publicity/ Sponsorship Heng, Alfred, Nanyang Technological University asaheng@ntu.edu.sg
Publicity Bressan, Stephane, SoC, NUS steph@comp.nus.edu.sg
Local Arrangements Bhowmick, Sourav, Nanyang Technological University assourav@ntu.edu.sg
Regional Coordinators Europe Neuhold, Erich, IPSI, Franuhofer neuhold@ipsi.fhg.de
Asia Nishio, Shojiro, University of Osaka nishio@ise.eng.osaka-u.ac.jp
Li, Xiaoming, Beijing University lxm@pku.edu.cn
WISE Society Liaison & Zhang, Yanchun, U.of Southern Queensland,Australia Representatives yan@usq.edu.au
Li, Qing, City University of Hong Kong, China csqli@cityu.edu.hk
PROGRAM COMMITTEE ----------------- Atzeni, Paolo Madria, Sanjay Roma Tre University University of Missouri-Rolla
Bressan, Stephane Meng, Xiaofeng National University of Singapore Renmin University of China
Bussler, Christoph Mitchell, Gail Oracle Corporation BBN Technologies
Chang, Chin-Chen Moerkotte, Guido National Chung Cheng University University of Mannheim
Chang, Edward Mohania, Mukesh Univ. California Santa Barbara IBM India Research Lab
Chen, Arbee Naacke, Hubert National Tsing Hua University University of Paris 6
Chen, Qiming Neuhold, Erich J. Commerce One Inc Fraunhofer-IPSI
Collet, Christine Ng, Wee Keong ENSIMAG-INP Grenoble Nanyang Tech. University
Datta, Anindya Nishio, Shojiro Georgia Tech and Chutney Osaka University
Dobbie, Gillian Norrie, Moira C. The University of Auckland ETH Zurich
Embley, David W. Peng, Zhiyong Brigham Young University Wuhan University
Fong, Joseph Ramakrishnan, Raghu City University of Hong Kong University of Wisconsin
Ford, Daniel A. Raschid, Louiqa IBM Almaden University of Maryland
Franklin, Michael Rys, Michael Univ. California, Berkeley Microsoft
Frieder, Ophir Schuldt, Heiko Illinois Institute of Technology ETH Zurich
Fuhr, Norbert Sellis, Timos University of Dortmund Nat. Tech. U. of Athens
Georgakopoulos, Dimitrios Shan, Ming-Chien Telcordia HP Labs
Goble, Carole Shih, Timothy K. University of Manchester Tamkang University
Haerder, Theo Song, Il-Yeol University of Kaiserslautern Drexel University
Jonker, Willem Tan, Kian Lee Philips Research National University of Singapore
Kambayashi, Yahiko Tanaka, Katsumi Kyoto University Kyoto University
Kennedy, Jessie Tompa, Frank W. Napier University University of Waterloo
Kersten, Martin Wang, Shan CWI Renmin University of China
Kitagawa, Hiroyuki Weikum, Gerhard University of Tsukuba University of Saarland
Kitsuregawa, Masaru Whang, Kyu-Young University of Tokyo KAIST
Klaus, Meyer-Wegener Wong, Kam-Fai Dresden University of Technology The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Klusch, Matthias Yoshikawa, Masatoshi DFKI NAIST
Lee, Mong Li Yu, Philip S. National University of Singapore IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
Li, Qing Zaiane, Osmar City University of Hong Kong University of Alberta
Li, Xiaoming Zaniolo, Carlo Beijing University UCLA
Liu, Ling Zhou, Aoying Georgia Tech University Fudan University
Liu, Mengchi Zhou, Lizhu Carleton University Tsinghua University
Lochovsky, Frederick H. Zhou, Shuigeng HKUST Wuhan University
Lu, Hongjun Zhou, Xiafang HK U. of Science & Technology University of Queensland
Zdonik, Stan Brown University
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