-------- Original Message -------- Subject: [AISWorld] CfP for the 26th Bled eConference - eInnovations: Challenges and Impacts for Individuals, Organizations and Society - Deadline aproaching 1st of March Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2013 09:58:13 +0100 From: Andreja.Pucihar@fov.uni-mb.si To: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org
Dear Colleagues,
Apologies - the correct deadline is March !st, 2013.
Thank you. Andreja
Dear Colleagues,
please not that the deadline for research papers for the 26th Bled eConference entitled eInnovations: Challenges and Impacts for Individuals, Organizations and Society is in one week - 1st of March, 2013. Please find more information below and on the conference website: http://bledconference.org http://bledconference.org/, http://bledconference.org/2013/CfP
Best regards,
Andreja Pucihar
********************************* Apologies for cross-postings *********************************
Due to many requests the deadline has been extended until March 1st, 2013.
Looking forward to your submissions.
********************************* Call for Papers for the
26th Bled eConference, Bled, Slovenia eInnovations: Challenges and Impacts for Individuals, Organizations and Society June 9-13, 2013 _http://BledConference.org_ http://bledconference.org/ _http://bledconference.org/2013/CfP_
After years of rapid technological advances, it is time to reflect on how information and communication technologies (ICTs), information systems and applications have altered fundamentally the way individuals and organizations communicate, interact and organize. Now the time has come to explore the impact of these developments on individuals, organizations and society. Moreover, this provides the opportunity to develop a critical eye to examine our responsibilities as individuals, citizens, consumers and organizations when facing, challenging and shaping these impacts.
This conference uniquely addresses current developments, opportunities and challenges reflected in demographic, organizational and technological changes, the well-being and health of individuals, age groups and organizations; the demands of big data and the formation and management of online communities. Furthermore, the conference encourages contributions focusing on novel organizational forms of participation, collaboration, engagement, trust development, and leadership in virtual organizations; the role of social commerce as well as social networks and media, together with other numerous forms and issues of eCommerce.
We invite submissions in all areas of "e" research, teaching, and business encouraging submissions related to the conference theme; to addition to the following topics:
eInnnovations I Big data I Open data I Novel business and organizational models I eCollaboration I Enterprise 2.0 I Social Media I eCommerce I eBusiness I Interorganizational Systems I eMarketplaces & Communities I Mobile Value Services I Cloud Computing I eHealth & Well-being I eSociety I eParticipation I eLearning 2.0 & eEducation I eSMEs I eLiving Labs I eCollaboration I eRegions I eDependency I eTrust I ePrivacy I Research Supervision Dilemmas I any other aspect of "e".
More information: _http://bledconference.org/2013/CfP_
Beside regular tracks there are also the following Special interest tracks:
Social media in Commerce and Business Special Interest Track Co-chairs Jari Salo, Oulu Business School Finland, jari.salo@oulu.fi Hans-Dieter Zimmermann, FHS St. Gallen Switzerland, hansdieter.zimmermann@fhsg.ch _http://bledconference.org//2013/CfP-SMC_
eHealth Special Interest Track Co-chairs Nilmini Wickramasinghe, RMIT University, Australia, nilmini.wickramasinghe@rmit.edu.au Juergen Seitz, Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University, Germany, Seitz@dhbw-heidenheim.de _http://bledconference.org//2013/CfP-eHealth_
Research supervision dilemmas Co-chairs Doug Vogel, Faculty of Business, Hong Kong, isdoug@cityu.edu.hk Heinz Dreher, Curtin University, Australia, h.dreher@curtin.edu.au _http://bledconference.org//2013/CfP-RSD_ __________________________________________________________________
Important Dates
Submission deadline: March 1, 2013 Acceptance notification: March 25, 2013 Deadline for final camera-ready paper: April 22, 2013 Conference date: June 9-13, 2013 __________________________________________________________________
Publications/Journals Partnerships Commencing in 2006, a strategic partnership has been entered into with the leading journal Electronic Markets -The International Journal on Networked Business (http://www.electronicmarkets.org http://www.electronicmarkets.org/). Each year, authors of selected papers are invited to submit enhanced versions for consideration for a Special Section in EM. Since 2001 Research Papers are available also in AIS Electronic Library and since 2008 in Conference Proceedings Citation Index -- an integrated index within Web of Science®. __________________________________________________________________
Research Track Chair: Dianne Lux Wigand, Assistant Professor and Master of Public Administration Program Coordinator, Institute of Government, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, United States fdwigand@ualr.edu
Research Track Co-Chair: Christer Carlsson, Professor and Director, Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research â?? IAMSR, Ã?bo Akademi University, Finland Christer.Carlsson@abo.fi
For panel, workshop or meeting proposal: Submission: March 1, 2013 Notification: March 25, 2013 Final: April 22, 2013 Please contact Business Track Chair: Mirjana Kljajic Borstnar, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Maribor mirjana.kljajic@fov.uni-mb.si
For Students ePrototype Bazaar: Please contact Co-chairs: Johan Versendaal University of Applied Sciences Utrecht, The Netherlands, _Johan.Versendaal@hu.nl_ mailto:Johan.Versendaal@hu.nl Ronald Batenburg NIVEL & Utrecht University, The Netherlands, _R.S.Batenburg@cs.uu.nl_ mailto:R.S.Batenburg@cs.uu.nl Harry Bouwman Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands & Ã?bo Akademi, Finland, _W.A.G.A.Bouwman@tudelft.nl_ mailto:W.A.G.A.Bouwman@tudelft.nl Submission: March 29, 2013 Notification: April 22, 2013 Posters: May 24, 2013 __________________________________________________________________
For Graduate Students Consortium, that will be held on June 13, 2013: Doug Vogel, Faculty of Business, Hong Kong, isdoug@cityu.edu.hk Heinz Dreher, Curtin University, Australia, h.dreher@curtin.edu.au Submission: March 1, 2013 Notification: March 25, 2013 Final papers: April 22, 2013 __________________________________________________________________
If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact us!
We hope you will enjoy the conference with us in June 2013!
Andreja Pucihar 2013 Bled eConference Chair
For the latest information please check ... our website: _http://www.bledconference.org_ http://www.bledconference.org/ ... our Twitter account: _https://twitter.com/BledConference_ ... our Facebook Page: _https://www.facebook.com/BledConference_
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