-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: SOFSEM 2007 - Second Call for Papers Datum: Mon, 10 Jul 2006 19:48:44 +0200 Von: Martin Rimnac rimnacm@cs.cas.cz An: gustaf.neumann@wu-wien.ac.at
Dear gustaf.neumann@wu-wien.ac.at,
allow us to inform You about the
: = S O F S E M 2 0 0 7 = : 33rd Conference on
Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science January 20 - 26, 2007, Hotel Sklar, Harrachov, Czech Republic
S E C O N D C A L L F O R P A P E R S : = = : [This information is being posted to multiple lists - we apologize if you get it several times. Please, pass the information to whom it may benefit. Thank You for understanding and cooperation. The organizers.]
SOFSEM (originally SOFtware SEMinar) is the annual, international conference devoted to the theory and practice of computer science. Its aim is to foster cooperation among professionals from academia and industry working in all modern areas of computer science.
* Ricardo Baeza-Yates (Yahoo, Spain) * Lubos Brim & Mojmir Kretinsky (Masaryk University, Czech Republic) * Manfred Broy (TU Munchen, Germany) * Andrew Goldberg (Microsoft, USA) * Tom Henzinger (EPFL Lausanne) * Nick Jennings (University of Southampton, UK) * Jerome Lang (IRIT, France) * Bertrand Meyer (ETH Zurich) * David Peleg (Weizmann Institute, IS) * Heinz W. Schmidt (Monash University, Australia) * Remco Veltkamp (Utrecht University, NL)
For the SOFSEM 2007 the following 4 tracks have been chosen:
* Foundations of Computer Science Track Chair: Guiseppe F. Italiano (Rome)
* Multi-Agent Systems Track Chair: Wiebe van der Hoek (Liverpool)
* Emerging Web Technologies Track Chairs: Christoph Meinel (Potsdam) & Harald Sack (Jena)
* Dependable Software and Systems Track Chair: Frantisek Plasil (Prague)
Moreover, for students, there is the
* Student Reseach Forum SRF Chair: Maria Bielikova (Bratislava)
Details on each track and the Forum can be found on the conference web site.
SOFSEM 2007 Program Committee Chair: Jan van Leeuwen (Utrecht).
The submission system available trought the conference web page is open.
* Abstract Submission: August 7, 2006 * Paper Submission: August 14, 2006 * Conference: January 20 - 26, 2007
The proceedings of SOFSEM 2007 with all the invited and contributed papers are expected to be published in the series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS, Springer-Verlag), as in previous years.
Student Research Forum papers will be published in the local proceedings (with the corresponding ISBN).
Both proceedings will be distributed at the conference.
Harrachov is one of the best known Czech winter sport resort located in Krkonose Mountains, about 130 km in the North of Prague. Its beautiful nature is ideal for many winter sport activities and relaxation. Thanks to Harrachov reputation a standard confort and services are guaranteed.
The Hotel Sklar is situated in the upper part of Harrachov beyond the main municipal street overlooking the ski-jumps grounds.
The hotel also provides a ski rental.
* Algorithmic Game Theory * Algorithms and Data Structures * Automata Theory and Formal Languages * Coding and Compression * Computational Biology * Computational Complexity * Computational Geometry * Cryptography * Discrete Optimization * Internet Algorithmics * Parallel and Distributed Computing * Programming Logic and Calculi * Quantum Computing and Quantum Information * Specification, Refinement and Verification * Wireless Network Algorithmics
* Agent Programming Languages * Agents and Cognitive Models * Architectures, Theories and Languages for Rational Agents * Argumentation and Negotiation in Multi-agent Systems * Coalitional Games * Conventions, Commitmens, Norms and Social Laws * Cooperation and Coordination * Desires and Intentions * Game Theory and Multi-agent Systems * Logics for Agents and Multi-agent Systems * Preference Aggregation and Social Choice Mechanisms * Resource-bounded Agents * Robotics * Social Software * Specification and Verification of Multi-agent Systems * Trust and Reputation
* Semantic Web Technology and Applications * eCommunities, Social Networks and Collaborative Web Tagging * Reasoning on the Web * Models of Trust for the Web * Ubiquitous and Pervasive Web * Semantic Web Services and Service Oriented Architecture * Search Engineering and New Search Paradigms * Visualization with New Browser and User Interfaces * Web Based Systems for Distance Education and Distributed eLearning
* Component Models for Resource-constrained Systems/devices * Specification Methods and Techniques * Converting a Natural-language Specification into a Formally Analyzable Specification * Abstraction and Refinement Methods and Techniques * Specification Interleaved with Code (such as in Spec#) * Code Analysis and Model Checking * Testing, Benchmarking, Validation and Certification * Contract Checking both Static and Runtime * Remote System Management and Monitoring * Exceptions Handling and their Reflection in Specifications * Reconfiguration and Dynamic Updating * Safety Properties * Prediction and Analysis of Non-functional Properties * Case Studies