Forwarded message from [] sent originally on Thu, 16 Dec 1999 11:46:58 +0100 (MET): : C a l l f o r P a p e r s : : RM'2000 : Workshop on Reflective Middleware : : : : 7th-8th April, 2000 : IBM Palisades Executive Conference Center : New York, USA. : : Held in conjunction with the IFIP/ACM International Conference : on Distributed Systems Platforms and Open Distributed Processing : (Middleware'2000), held at same venue, 3rd - 7th April 2000: : : : : Important Dates: : =============== : Submission of position papers: Monday 14th February : Notification of acceptances: Monday 6th March : : Technical Scope: : =============== : Middleware technologies such as CORBA and DCOM are now established : as central elements in modern computer systems. Middleware like : JINI and CORBA can offer portability and interoperability through : their platform independent programming models. However, the rapid : deployment of applications of this technology has created a demand : for dynamically configurable middleware to accommodate rapidly : changing execution requirements. The reflective middleware platforms : that are emerging offer a general solution to agile reconfiguration : through the concepts of open implementation and reflection. : : The aim of this workshop is to bring together researchers working : on reflective middleware platforms (and related technologies), : to identify key developments in such areas, and to discuss the : future of this potentially important technology. The workshop will : be limited in size to a maximum of 50 participants to enhance : discussion, with participants invited on the basis of position : papers. Such position papers should be no longer than two pages : in length and should address topics such as: : : * The design and implementation of reflective middleware platforms; : * Experiences with such reflective technologies in suitable : application domains, e.g. mobile computing; : * Fundamental developments in the theory and practice of reflection, : related to this area; : * Experience with existing mechanisms such as CORBA interceptors or : the Meta-Object Facility; : * Consideration of alternative techniques for dynamic configuration : and/or re-configuration; : * Examination of potentially complementary techniques such as : aspect-oriented programming; : * Techniques to improve performance and/ or scalability of reflective : techniques; : * Approaches to maintain the integrity of reflective technologies; : * Tool support for reflective middleware. : : The workshop will last for 1 day, starting after lunch on the 7th : April (immediately following the end of Middleware'2000, and : ending at lunchtime on the following day. : : Submission Procedure: : ==================== : Submissions should be made electronically, following the procedure : described at: : : : : by the date given above. A technical program will then be put : together by the program committee, based on the submitted position : papers, with emphasis given to opportunity for discussion. The : collective set of position papers will be made available on the : Internet, along with a record of the discussions. : : The Location: : ============ : The IBM Palisades Executive Conference Center is an excellent : facility located in Palisades, 12 miles north of New York City, : on the west bank of the Hudson river. The facility is on 106 : secluded acres in the beautiful Hudson River valley, which offers : a variety of attractions from romantic landscapes, stunning : architecture, and powerful history, to the highly accessible : cultural richness of Manhattan. : : Organisation: : ============ : Workshop Co-Chairs : Gordon Blair, Lancaster University, UK : Roy Campbell, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA : : Publicity Co-Chairs : Fabio Costa, Lancaster University, UK : Fabio Kon, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA : : Program Committee : Vinnie Cahill, Trinity College Dublin, Republic of Ireland : Jean-Charles Fabre, LAAS, France : Gregor Kiczales, University of British Columbia, Canada : Rodger Lea, Sony Research Labs, USA : Jeff McAffer, University of Tokyo, Japan : Frank Manola, Independent Consultant, USA : Thomas Plagemann, UNIK, Norway : Jean-Bernard Stefani, CNET, France : Robert Stroud, University of Newcastle, UK : Jerome Tassel, BT Labs, UK : Jonathan Walpole, Oregon Graduate Institute, USA : John Zinky, BBN Technologies, USA : : _______________________________________________________________________ : RM2000 Organising Committee -
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