Date: Mon, 15 Dec 2003 14:19:36 +0100 Subject: SCIL Fellowship Programme 2004 - Call for Applications From: To: X-MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on HSG2/INfoB/UNISG/CH(Release 5.0.12 |February 13, 2003) at 15.12.2003 14:19:22, Serialize by Router on HSG2/INfoB/UNISG/CH(Release 5.0.12 |February 13, 2003) at 15.12.2003 14:20:29, Serialize complete at 15.12.2003 14:20:29 X-WU-uvscan-status: clean v4.2.40/v4308 popstar 9ee14962de2b686e1d4000ee2cb76705
SCIL Fellowship Programme
The Swiss Centre for Innovations in Learning (SCIL) offers two Fellowships in 2004. The SCIL Fellowship Programme aims at the promotion of interdisciplinary science communication on eLearning. The Programme enables young researches to conduct a research project to support the sustainable implementation of eLearning in higher education. SCIL will compensate Fellows' home institutions for 50 percent of each Fellow's salary. Due date for applications is February 28, 2004.
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