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Subject: Collaboration Systems And Technology Track Call for Paper Date: Mon, 1 Apr 2002 11:34:53 -0500 From: "Dennis, Eileen" eidennis@INDIANA.EDU To: ISWORLD@LISTSERV.HEANET.IE
Collaboration Systems And Technology Track Call for Paper at the Thirty-Sixth Annual HAWAI'I INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SYSTEM SCIENCES on the Big Island of Hawaii January 6 - 9, 2003
Additional detail on website: http://www.hicss.hawaii.edu
Asynchronous Learning Networks (ALN) Starr Roxanne Hiltz; E-mail: Hiltz@adm.njit.edu David Spencer; E-mail: dspencer@pegasus.rutgers.edu
Computer Supported Collaborative Learning Requiring Immersive Presence Nicholas C. Romano, Jr.; E-mail: Nicholas-Romano@MSTM.OKState.EDU Joyce Lucca; E-mail: ljoyce@okstate.edu Ramesh Sharda; E-mail: sharda@mstm.okstate.edu
Collaborative Environments for Value Creation Sajda Qureshi; E-mail: squreshi@fac.fbk.eur.nl Robert O. Briggs; E-mail bbriggs@GroupSystems.com Jay Nunamaker; E-mail: jnunamaker@cmi.arizona.edu
Collaborative Vision Development Mariƫlle den Hengst; E-mail: m.den.hengst@tpm.tudelft.nl John Kruse; E-mail: john@kruser.org
Distributed Collaborative Project Management (Dcpm) Roberto Evaristo; E-mail: Evaristo@Uic.Edu Bernhard R. Katzy; E-mail: Prof.Katzy@Cetim.De Nicholas C. Romano, Jr.; E-mail: Nicholas-Romano@MSTM.Okstate.EDU
Distributed GSS Laku Chidambaram; E-mail: laku@ou.edu Kelly Burke; E-mail: kellyb@hawaii.edu
Global Virtual Collaboration Robert Davison; E-mail: isrobert@is.cityu.edu.hk Gert-Jan de Vreede; E-mail: Devreede@sepa.tudelft.nl Karen Loch; E-mail: Kloch@gsu.edu
Group Support Systems Patterns: Thinklets and Methodologies Robert O. Briggs; E-mail: bbriggs@GroupSystems.com Gert-Jan deVreede; E-mail: devreede@sepa.tudelft.nl
Measuring the Effectiveness of Collaboration Technology Bruce A. Reinig; E-mail: breinig@mail.sdsu.edu Donald L. Amoroso; E-mail: amoroso@mail.sdsu.edu
Negotiation Support Systems Tung Bui; E-mail: tbui@cba.hawaii.edu Melvin F. Shakun; E-mail: mshakun@stern.nyu.edu
Next Generation Learning Platforms Joachim Schaper; E-mail: Joachim.schaper@sap.com Max Muehlhaeuser; E-mail: max@informatik.tu-darmstadt.de Joerg M. Haake; E-mail: joerg.haake@fernuni-hagen.de Bob Dugan; E-mail: dugan@cs.rpi.edu
Technology Supported Learning Eric Santanen; E-mail: esantane@bucknell.edu
User Experience: Collaboration & Knowledge Management Jay Nunamaker; E-mail: jnunamaker@cmi.arizona.edu
Wireless Mobile Collaboration Joe Valacich; Email: jsv@wsu.edu Len Jessup; Email: ljessup@wsu.edu
June 1, 2002 Full papers submitted to Minitrack Chairs. Contact minitrack chairs for submission instructions.
August 31, 2002 Notice of accepted papers sent to authors by Minitrack Chairs.
October 1, 2002 Accepted manuscripts submitted electronically to the publisher of the conference proceedings. At least one author of each accepted paper must register to attend the conference by this date. Registration cancellations after this date may result in the paper being pulled from the Proceedings prior to printing. See conference web site for registration fee refund policy.
NOTE: Because HICSS is a nonprofit activity funded entirely by registration fees, all participants and speakers are expected to have their university/organization bear the costs of their expenses and registration. HICSS is not able to subsidize registrations or offer reduced fees.
INSTRUCTIONS FOR PAPER SUBMISSION 1. Contact the Minitrack Chair in advance for specific submission instructions. Otherwise, submit six (6) copies of the full paper, consisting of 22-26 double- spaced pages, including diagrams, directly to the appropriate Minitrack Chair. (NOTE: The final paper will be 10 pages, double- column, single spaced.)
2. Do NOT submit the manuscript to more than one Minitrack Chair. Papers should contain original material and not be Previously published, or currently submitted for consideration elsewhere.
3. Each paper must have a title page to include title of the paper, full name of all authors, and complete addresses including affiliation(s), telephone number(s), and e-mail address(es).
4. The first page of the manuscript should include only the title and a 300-word abstract of the paper.
TRACKS AT HICSS-36 * Collaboration Systems; Co-Chair: Jay Nunamaker; Email: nunamaker@bpa.arizona.edu Co-Chair: Robert O. Briggs; Email: bbriggs@GroupSystems.com * Complex Systems; Chair: Robert Thomas; Email: rjt1@cornell.edu * Decision Tech. for Management; Chair: Dan Dolk; Email: dolker@redshift.com
* Digital Documents and Media; Chair: Michael Shepherd; Email: shepherd@cs.dal.ca * Emerging Technologies; Co-Chair: Ralph H. Sprague; Email: sprague@hawaii.edu Co-Chair: Hesham El-Rewini; Email: rewini@engr.smu.edu * Information Technology in Health Care; Chair: William Chismar; Email: chismar@cba.hawaii.edu * Internet & the Digital Economy; Co-Chair: David King; Email: dave@comshare.com Co-Chair: Alan Dennis; Email: ardennis@indiana.edu * Organizational Systems & Tech.; Chair: Hugh Watson; Email: hwatson@uga.edu
* Software Technology; Chair: Hesham El-Rewini; Email: rewini@engr.smu.edu
For the latest information; visit the HICSS web site at: http://www.hicss.hawaii.edu
HICSS conferences are devoted to advances in the information, computer, and system sciences, and encompass developments in both theory and practice. Invited papers may be theoretical, conceptual, tutorial or descriptive in nature. Submissions undergo a peer referee process and those selected for presentation will be published in the Conference Proceedings. Submissions must not have been previously published.
CONFERENCE ADMINISTRATION: * Ralph Sprague, Conference Chair Email: sprague@hawaii.edu
* Eileen Dennis, Track Administrator Email: eidennis@indiana.edu Tel: 1-812-331-0551 Fax: 1-812-331-0564
* Sandra Laney, Conference Administrator Email: hicss@hawaii.edu Tel: 1-808-956-3251 Fax: 1-808-956-5759
2003 CONFERENCE VENUE: Hilton Waikoloa Village (on the Big Island of Hawaii) 425 Waikoloa Beach Drive Waikoloa, Hawaii 96738 Tel: 1-808-886-1234 Fax: 1-808-886-2900 www.hiltonwaikoloavillage.com
Eileen Dennis, CMP Cactus Meetings & Technologies, Inc. Tel: 812-331-0551 Fax: 812-331-0564 E-mail: eidennis@indiana.edu
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