-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: IEEE ICEBE2010 Call for Papers Datum: Thu, 4 Mar 2010 16:19:15 +0800 Von: ICEBE2010 icebe2010@gmail.com An: icebe2010@gmail.com
2010 IEEE International Conference on e-Business Engineering (ICEBE 2010) http://conferences.computer.org/icebe/ October 20-22, 2010, Shanghai, China
*** Important Dates *** April 20, 2010: Paper Submission Deadline June 20, 2010: Notification of Acceptance July 15, 2010: Final Manuscripts Due October 20, 2010: Conference Starts
*** Scope and Topics *** The 7th IEEE International Conference on e-Business Engineering (ICEBE 2010) is a prestigious conference which is initiated from 2003 by the IEEE Technical Committee on E-Commerce. ICEBE is a high-quality international forum for researchers and practitioners from different areas of computer science and information systems to exchange their latest findings and experiences, as well as to help shape the future of IT-transformed consumers, enterprises, governments and markets.
The conference scope spans the areas of Web, databases, service science, multimedia, information systems and electronic marketplaces. The main tracks include but not limited to:
+ Cloud Computing Track - Infrastructure as a Service, Platform as a Service, Application as a Service - Extreme scalability, high availability, elasticity, and reliability in a cloud - Multi-tenancy, security and privacy in clouds - Programming models and transaction models for the cloud - Cloud business support services and operational support services + Software Engineering for e-Business Track - Design methods, tools and science for e-business - Models, platforms and applications for e-business - Components, services and solutions for e-business - Aspects of green business and green commerce + Data and Knowledge Management for e-Business Track - Data and knowledge engineering for e-business - Workflow and business process tools and management for e-business - Semantic Web, Web 2.0, and business intelligence - Stream processing, complex event processing and continuous queries - e-business marketing, data mining, and relationship management - Machine learning, cybernetics, and agents for e-business services management - Knowledge management and e-learning + Service Engineering Track - SOA business modeling and governance - SOA enterprise architecture, service bus and federated architecture - SOA business process management and orchestration Grid services + Integration and Collaboration Track - Collaboration technologies and applications for e-business - Semantic integration for e-business (e.g. integration of e-business vocabularies, documents and processes) - E-business functions integration (e.g. integrating functions of e-marketing, e-trade, e-payment and e-logistics) - Engineering electronic marketplace and supply chain - Virtual marketplace engineering in virtual world - Social computing for electronic and virtual marketplaces + Security, Privacy and Open Source Track - Security, privacy and trust methods and solutions for enabling e-business - Open source technologies and components for e-business - Open source version management - Authentication in e-business + Mobile and Pervasive Commerce Track - Mobile and pervasive methods, applications and integrated solutions - Sensor systems and RFID applications - Ubiquitous information access - Context awareness and smart environments - Resource discovery of mobile services - 3G technology and services for e-business - Social networks and social behaviour modelling in mobile and pervasive commerce + Green Supply Chain, Business and RFID Track - RFID and automation - Carbon footprint, accounting and trading - Energy efficient computing and enabling technologies - Green business, organization, technology and practices - Green ecosystems and sustainable development - Green logistics and supply chain management - Standards, regulations, and legal issues + Business Analytic and Optimization Track - Decision support for e-business - Real-time analytics for e-business - Modeling and simulation of e-businesses - Applications of predictive modeling to e-business - E-business process optimization + Industrial Experiences and Applications Track - Related to any of the topics above, highlighting large-scale applications, and persistent and emerging real-world challenges
*** Special Issues on ICEBE 2010 *** The committee of journal special issue will select quality papers to be published in the following journals after expansion, review and revision as required. + Service Oriented Computing and Applications (SOCA) published by Springer (EI) More journals will be added later.
*** Honorary Chair *** - Lionel M. Ni, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong
*** General Chairs *** - Yueting Chai, Tsinghua University, China - Jen-Yao Chung, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA
*** Program Chair *** - Francis Lau, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
*** Program Vice Chair *** - Yinsheng Li, Fudan University, China
*** Organizing Chairs*** - Kuo-Ming Chao, Coventry University, UK - Ci-Wei Lan, IBM Research Collaboratory, Taiwan
*** Organized by *** - IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Electronic Commerce
*** Hosted by *** - Fudan University