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ICTAI 2001 The Thirteenth IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence November 7-9, 2001 Dallas, Texas
Call for papers
The annual ICTAI conference is an international forum for the exchange of ideas relating to artificial intelligence (AI) among academia, industry, and government agencies. It fosters the creation and transfer of such ideas, and promotes their cross-fertilization over all AI application domains and AI paradigms through a unifying theme: AI Tools. ICTAI focuses on both theory and developing, implementing, and evaluating theoretical and applied frameworks that may serve as tools for developing intelligent systems and pursuing AI applications.
We invite paper submissions that include but are not limited to the following topics: * AI algorithms * AI in Software Engineering * Cognitive Modeling * Collaborative Software Agents * Fuzzy Logic and Reasoning Under Uncertainty * Genetic Algorithms * Intelligent tutoring/Training Systems * Intelligent Internet Agents * Intelligent Interface Agents * Environmental Applications * AI in Data Mining * Intelligent Information Retrieval * AI in database * Knowledge Sharing * Machine Learning * Natural Language Processing * Neural Networks * Planning and Scheduling * Qualitative Reasoning * Vision and Image Processing * AI in Multimedia Systems
Important dates:
Full papers due June 15, 2001 Notification of acceptance August 10, 2001 Camera ready papers due September 1, 2001 ICTAI 2001 Conference November 7-9, 2001
Program Committee
General Chair Arvind Bansal, Kent State University
Steering Committee Nikolaos Bourbakis, Wright State University C. V. Ramamoorthy, University of California at Berkeley Jefferey Tsai, University of Illinois at Chicago Benjamin Wah, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Program Chair Dan Moldovan, Southern Methodist University
Program Committee Farokh Bastani, U.T. Dallas, USA Diane Cook, University of Texas at Arlignton, USA Forouzan Golshani, Arizona State University, USA Gopal Gupta, U.T. Dallas, USA Babak Hamidzadeh, University of British Columbia, Canada Sanda Harabagiu, Southern Methodist University, USA Rammohana Rao Kotagiri, University of Melbourne, Australia Seven Maiorano, USA Bill Manaris, College of Charleston, USA Miura, Kyoto University, Japan Haleh Vafaie, Logicon Federal Data, USA Marin Simina, Tulane University, USA Vincent Tam, National University of Singapore Takashi Yukawa, NTT, Japan Wlodek Zadrozny, IBM, USA
Publicity Chair Enrico Pontelli, New Mexico State University
Registration Chair Nikolaos Bourbakis, Wright State University