-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: [AISWorld] 3rd Call for Papers: IFIP EGOV-ePart 2016 Datum: Mon, 22 Feb 2016 07:54:42 -0800 Von: Jochen Scholl acodinga@gmail.com An: aisworld AISWorld@lists.aisnet.org
15th IFIP International Conference on eGovernment (IFIP EGOV 2016) 8th IFIP International Conference on eParticipation (IFIP ePart 2016)
September 5 to 8, 2016 — Guimarães, Portugal
www.egov-conference.org http://www.egov-conference.org/, www.epart-conference.org http://www.epart-conference.org/
The dual 15th IFIP Electronic Government (EGOV) and the 8th Electronic Participation (ePart) Conference 2016 will be held from Monday, September 5 to Thursday, September 8, 2016 in Guimarães, Portugal. The dual conference will be hosted by the United Nations University Operating Unit on Policy-Driven Electronic Governance (UNU-EGOV, http://egov.unu.edu/ http://egov.unu.edu/) and the University of Minho (http://www.uminho.pt/en http://www.uminho.pt/en).
The annual international IFIP EGOV conference is the top-2 ranked core conference in the domain of e-Government or ICT in the public sector and the public sphere. Each year, scholars from all over the globe present the most recent advancements and findings of research and innovations in e-Government, e-Governance and related fields of study. The annual international ePart conference is the top-ranked conference in the domain of electronic participation and the 5th-ranked overall conference dedicated to information technologies in the context of public administration and the public sphere.
The dual conference is organized by the IFIP Working Group 8.5 on information systems in the public sector. Since the beginnings of EGOV in 2001 and the inauguration of ePart in 2009, the two conferences have provided important guidance for research and development in this fast-moving domain of study. The dual IFIP EGOV—ePart conference brings together leading researchers and professionals from across the globe and from a number of disciplines.
The 2016 edition of the dual IFIP (WG 8.5) conference will continue to host five topical tracks. Two general tracks will maintain the tradition of EGOV and ePart in the way, with which former conference attendees have become familiar. In addition, three special-topics tracks are intended to expand the reach and scope of the dual IFIP WG 8.5 conference: ⎯ The General E-Government Track (EGOV LNCS Proceedings) ⎯ The General eParticipation Track (ePart LNCS Proceedings) ⎯ The Open Government & Open and Big Data Track (EGOV LNCS Proceedings) ⎯ The Policy Modeling and Policy Informatics Track (ePart LNCS Proceedings) ⎯ The Smart Governance, Smart Government, & Smart Cities Track (EGOV LNCS Proceedings)
Although the five tracks overlap in certain areas, they cover and emphasize distinct areas of research and appeal to specific and important sub-communities within the overall EGOV—ePart scholarly community. Therefore the tracks have their separate and detailed call for papers, a short version of which is shown below.
For the dual 15th IFIP EGOV and 8th IFIP ePart conference we seek contributions that include but are not limited to:
The GENERAL EGOV TRACK (Track Chairs: Marijn Janssen (lead), and Maria Wimmer, and Hans Jochen Scholl)
The General EGOV Track serves as an umbrella for all e-Government-related topics except the special-topics tracks on Open Government & Big Data and the Smart Governance, Smart Government, & Smart Cities (see below). In particular, it also covers emerging and special topics in e-Government research.
Areas of focus and interest include but are not limited to the following topics: ⎯ Foundations of e-government and e-governance research including theories, standards of inquiry, methods and frameworks as well as multi- and interdisciplinary approaches to e-government research ⎯ Innovation management, transformation and change management, collaboration (including new strategic demands such as the once-only principle) ⎯ Design approaches for ICT solutions in the public sector, including stakeholder engagement, social media, citizen co-creation, and crowd sourcing ⎯ Special topics (for example, disaster management, cybersecurity, etc.) and novel topics (for example, ICT4D, e-Justice, etc.) ⎯ E-government architecture, interoperability, infrastructure, and project success and failure cases ⎯ ICT usage, acceptance, measurement, benchmarking, benefit management and performance of technology-supported public sector activities ⎯ Sustainability of ICT investments in the public sector —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
The GENERAL ePARTICIPATION TRACK (Track Chairs: Efthimios Tambouris (lead), Panos Panagiotopoulos, and Oystein Saebo)
The General ePart Track serves as an umbrella for all eParticipation-related topics, except the special-topic track on Policy Modeling and Policy Informatics Track (see below). It focuses on research topics regarding citizen engagement in public affairs, and, in particular, on research that studies participation facilitated by information and communication technologies.
Areas of focus and interest include but are not limited to the following topics: ⎯ The eParticipation research landscape, its directions, foundations, theories, and methods ⎯ Online deliberation and discourse, eConsultation, ePolling, eLegislation, eElectioneering, eCampaigning, eVoting, social networking, and social media ⎯ eParticipation-related simulation, impact assessment and visualization methods and tools eParticipation-related conceptual models, tools and technologies ⎯ Current practices in eParticipation: Projects, designs, implementations, evaluations, quality standards, and impact assessment
The OPEN GOVERNMENT & BIG DATA TRACK (Track Chairs: Bram Klievink (lead), Ida Lindgren, and Marijn Janssen)
The Open Government & Big Data Track focuses on practices and methods of transparency, accountability, public big data sharing, data for improving public value and data analytics.
Areas of focus and interest include but are not limited to the following topics: ⎯ Open data and big data applications and dashboards for decision making ⎯ Data Science in government including predictive and pattern modeling on big and open data (technical challenges, information quality, implementation considerations, policy implications, among others) ⎯ Open government, transparency, and accountability ⎯ Software as service (SaaS), utility computing, and shared services ⎯ Service-oriented architectures, orchestration and composition ⎯ Infrastructure and enterprise architecture planning ⎯ Cloud computing in government ⎯ Metadata, ontologies, and semantic approaches
The POLICY MODELING AND POLICY INFORMATICS TRACK (Track Chairs: Maria Wimmer (lead), Theresa Pardo, and Yannis Charalabidis)
The Policy Modeling and Policy Informatics Track has the focus on supporting public policy making with innovative ICT therewith involving relevant stakeholders. The scope ranges from policy analysis and conceptual modeling to programming and visualization of simulation models, to help policy makers and stakeholders deliberate and evaluate policy decisions as well as explore new models of governance.
Areas of focus and interest include but are not limited to the following topics: ⎯ Model building, evaluation, and stakeholder acceptance ⎯ Modeling and simulating dynamics of social-environmental interactions ⎯ Decision-making in the public sector through data- and information-centric as well as model-based analyses of evidence ⎯ Designing, managing, and evaluating information systems and infrastructures for policy construction, analysis, and implementation ⎯ Public policy issues including modeling and simulation and use of social media
The SMART GOVERNANCE, SMART GOVERNMENT, & SMART CITIES TRACK (Track Chairs: Peter Parycek (lead), Mila Gascó, and Olivier Glassey)
The Smart Governance, Smart Government, Smart Cities & Smart Regions Track focuses on the orchestrated interplay and balance of smart governance practices, smart public administration, smart resource and talent leverage in urban and regional spaces facilitated by novel uses of ICTs and other technologies.
Areas of focus and interest include but are not limited to the following topics: ⎯ Smart governance as the foundation to creating smart urban and regional environments (elements, prerequisites, and principles of smart governance) ⎯ Smart government (focal areas, examples, current practices, cases, potential pitfalls) ⎯ Smart partnerships (triple/quadruple helix, public-private partnerships, citizen participation) ⎯ Smart cities and smart regions (cases, rankings and comparisons, critical success factors) ⎯ Smart grids and the Internet of Things (infrastructure, transportation, education, governance, environment, health care, safety, security, and energy) ⎯ Smart carbonless and clean individual and public mobility ⎯ Smart devices and their novel use in public management ⎯ Smart (technology-facilitated) practices such as payment systems, identification systems, etc. ⎯ SMART as a public-sector planning and management principle (Specific, Measurable, Action-oriented, Results-based, and Time-bound) ⎯ New cybersecurity risks and vulnerabilities in smart technologies
FORMATS Across its tracks, the dual IFIP EGOV—ePart 2016 conference hosts three distinct formats of contributions: ⎯ Completed research papers (max. 12 pages, published in either IFIP EGOV or IFIP ePart proceedings of Springer LNCS) ⎯ Ongoing research and innovative projects (max 8 pages, published in alternate proceedings by IOS Press) Beyond the tracks, the dual IFIP EGOV—ePart 2016 conference also hosts ⎯ Posters (max. 2 pages), to be exposed along the welcome reception on Tuesday evening and included in the alternate proceedings ⎯ Workshops and panels on pertinent issues, short abstracts (2 pages) to be included in the alternate proceedings, and ⎯ PhD colloquium submissions (max. 8 pages) to be included in the alternate proceedings by IOS Press
These formats encourage both, scientific rigor and discussions of innovative research approaches, work in progress, and studies of practical e-Government, e-Governance or e-Participation projects along with papers on system implementations.
PROCEEDINGS All accepted completed research papers will be published by Springer Verlag (LNCS). Accepted submissions in all other categories will be published by IOS Press. After the conference, both volumes will be submitted to Thompson Reuters for evaluation in order to be indexed in Web of Science Conference Proceedings.
PHD COLLOQUIUM Prior to the conference (that is, on Sunday, September 4), a PhD student colloquium will be held providing doctoral students with an international forum guided by senior scholars for presenting their work, networking opportunities and cross-disciplinary inspiration. Read more about the submission guidelines and review criteria on the conference website: www.egov-conference.org http://www.egov-conference.org/ <http://www.egov-conference.org/ http://www.egov-conference.org/> www.epart-conference.org http://www.epart-conference.org/ <http://www.epart-conference.org/ http://www.epart-conference.org/>
March 15, 2016—Submission of papers April 15, 2016—Submission of workshop/panel/poster/PhD colloquium contributions April 30, 2016—Notification of acceptance/rejection decisions for papers May 15, 2016—Notification of acceptance for workshops/panels/posters/PhD colloquium contributions May 31, 2016—Camera-ready papers of accepted completed research/ongoing research/workshop/panel/poster/PhD colloquium contributions
SUBMISSION SITE: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=egov2016 https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=egov2016
2016 DUAL CONFERENCE CHAIRS: Hans Jochen Scholl, University of Washington, USA (jscholl@uw.edu mailto:jscholl@uw.edu) Marijn Janssen, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands (M.F.W.H.A.Janssen@tudelft.nl mailto:M.F.W.H.A.Janssen@tudelft.nl) Maria A. Wimmer, University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany (wimmer@uni-koblenz.de mailto:wimmer@uni-koblenz.de) Efthimios Tambouris, University of Macedonia, Greece (tambouris@uom.gr mailto:tambouris@uom.gr) Tomasz Janowski, United Nations University Operating Unit on Policy-Driven Electronic Governance (UNU-EGOV, Portugal (janowski@unu.edu mailto:janowski@unu.edu) Delfina Sá Soares, University of Minho, Portugal (dss@dsi.uminho.pt mailto:dss@dsi.uminho.pt) _______________________________________________ AISWorld mailing list AISWorld@lists.aisnet.org