-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [WI] LAST CALL FOR PAPERS: 12th RefMod at BPM 2009 Datum: Tue, 19 May 2009 18:38:04 +0200 Von: Patrick Delfmann patrick.delfmann@ercis.uni-muenster.de An: 'wi@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de' wi@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
***** Apologies for cross-postings *****
|--------------------------------------------------------| | CALL FOR PAPERS | | Reference Modelling 2009 - 12th International Workshop | | Workshop on the 7th International Conference on | | Business Process Management (BPM 2009) | | 7-10 September 2009 in Ulm, Germany | | http://www.bpm2009.org | |--------------------------------------------------------|
Important Dates: ---------------- Paper submission: 22 May 2009 Notification of acceptance: 16 June 2009 Camera-ready paper due: 01 July 2009
Aims and Scope: --------------- The development of conceptual models is often an expensive and time consuming task. Consequently, approaches are preferable which increase the efficiency of conceptual modelling. The aim of reference modelling is to provide conceptual models that are reusable for different but similar purposes. Reference modelling research addresses the question how to design conceptual models in order to make them notably reusable and how to apply them efficiently without any loss of quality.
The objective of the workshop RefMod 2009 is to exchange current findings on Information Systems and Computer Science research dealing with the topic of reference modelling. Academic contributions which provide methodological and contextual recommendations for the development and application of reference models will be discussed. Further-more, practitioners are invited to explain their requirements to reference modelling research and to share their experien-ces in the hands-on application of reference models. In particular, possible topics of conference papers are (but are not restricted to):
- procedure models and modelling languages for the development of reference models - collaborative construction of reference models - adaptation of reference models - evaluation of reference models - semantic aspects of reference modelling - economic aspects of reference modelling - particular reference models for manufacturing, retailing, service, and (public) administration - reference modelling tools
Submission Requirements: ------------------------ Papers should be submitted in English language and should not exceed 12 pages. The submission format should be MS Word (DOC or RTF). Figures should preferably be embedded in VISIO or EMF format. Papers should be submitted in the new LNBIP format. Instructions for authors are available at
Papers have to present original research contributions not concurrently submitted elsewhere. The title page must contain a short abstract and a classification of the topics covered, preferably using the list of topics above. Manuscripts should be sent to modeling@ercis.de. Please submit your paper without any author information and provide this information and the title of the paper in a separate cover file.
Quality Requirements and Review Process: ---------------------------------------- Papers should be original, well-written, self-contained contributions that elucidate novel research and innovation in reference modelling which advance the field fundamentally and significantly. Papers are selected within a rigorous double-blind peer review process performed by the conference program committee (see below).
Track Chairs: ------------- Jörg Becker Patrick Delfmann European Research Center for Information Systems Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster Leonardo-Campus 3, 48149 Münster Tel.: +49 (0)251 8338100 E-Mail: {becker|delfmann}@ercis.uni-muenster.de
Program Committee (preliminary): -------------------------------- Wil van der Aalst (Eindhoven University of Technology, NL) Jörg Becker (European Research Center for Information Systems, Münster, D) Patrick Delfmann (European Research Center for Information Systems, Münster, D) Jörg Desel (University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, D) Werner Esswein (Dresden University of Technology, D) Ulrich Frank (University of Duisburg-Essen, D) Ralf Knackstedt (European Research Center for Information Systems, Münster, D) Helmut Krcmar (Munich University of Technology, D) Peter Loos (University of Saarland, D) Markus Nüttgens (University of Hamburg, D) Andreas Oberweis (University of Karlsruhe, D) Michael Rohloff (Siemens AG, D) Michael Rosemann (Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, AUS)
BPM 2009 Workshops Homepage: ---------------------------- http://www.uni-ulm.de/in/iui-bpm09/workshops.html
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