-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [isworld] KES-AMSTA 2010: DOCTORAL TRACK Datum: Sat, 5 Dec 2009 08:39:20 -0500 Von: Dariusz Krol dariusz.krol@pwr.wroc.pl Antwort an: Dariusz Krol dariusz.krol@pwr.wroc.pl An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network isworld@lyris.isworld.org
[Apologies for multiple postings]
Dear Colleagues, you are cordially invited to submit papers to
DOCTORAL TRACK at 4th International KES Symposium on Agents and Multi-agent Systems 23-25 June 2010, Gdynia, Poland
Proceedings in Springer LNCS/LNAI http://www.ii.pwr.wroc.pl/~krol/eng_AMSTA.htm -----------------------------------------------------------------------
An integral part of the KES-AMSTA-10 will be the Doctoral Track organized with the aim to publish students' research in the filed of agents and multi-agents systems. The session will offer students the opportunity to discuss and to exchange the experience both the work in progress and almost finished dissertations. Best student paper of the KES-AMSTA-10 Doctoral Track will be selected and awarded.
TOPICS OF INTEREST -------------------------- Agent Systems Formal models of agency. Agent architectures. BDI architecture. Learning, evolution, and adaptation. Perception and action. Communication: languages, semantics, pragmatics, protocols, and conversations. Knowledge representation Computational complexity. Autonomous or humanoid robots. Social robots and robot teams. Autonomy aspect. Cognitive models, including emotions and philosophies. Embodied and believable agents. Emergent behaviour. Ontologies.
Multi-agent Systems Cooperative distributed problem solving. Task and resource allocation. Mechanism design, auctions, and game theory. Modelling other agents and self. Multi-agent planning. Negotiation protocols. Multi-agent learning. Conflict resolution. Trust and reputation management. Privacy, safety and security. Scalability, robustness and dependability. Social and organizational structures. Verification and validation. Novel computing paradigms (autonomic, grid, P2P, ubiquitous computing). Brokering and matchmaking. Agent-oriented software engineering, including implementation languages and frameworks. Mobile agents. Per-formance, scalability, robustness, and dependability. Verification and validation. E-business agents. Pervasive computing. Privacy, safety, and security.
Tools and Applications Simulation systems. Web services and service-oriented computing. Artificial social systems. Autonomic computing. Case studies and reports on deployments. Computational infrastructures. Information retrieval. Web services and semantic web. E-learning sys-tems. E-institutions. E-commerce.
PAPER SUBMISSION ---------------- Ph.D. students (optionally with supevisors) are invited from prospective authors with interests on the indicated topics and related areas of application. All contributions should be original and not published or intended to be published elsewhere during the review period. Contributions from more applied related fields in industry and commerce are very welcome.
PUBLICATION ----------- The proceedings will be published by Springer-Verlag in LNCS/LNAI series. Extended versions of selected papers will be considered for publication in special issues to be included in several journals indexed by ISI, KES Journal and Int. Journal of Intelligent Information and Data-base Systems.
IMPORTANT DATES & DEADLINES ---------------------------
Doctoral Track - Submission of Papers: 31 December 2009 - Notification of Acceptance: 31 January 2010 - Upload of Final Publication Files: 28 February 2010
Early Registration Deadline - All delegates: 5 March 2010
Symposium - Symposium: 23-25 June 2010
ORGANISATION ------------ KES AMSTA 2010 is part of the AMSTA Series, Chair: N.T. Nguyen, The AMSTA Series is a sub-series of KES International Conference Series, Chairs L.C. Jain and R.J. Howlett. KES AMSTA 2010 Honorary Chair: R. Cwilewicz, Rector, Gdynia Maritime University, Poland KES AMSTA 2010 Honorary Co-Chair: L.C.Jain, University of South Australia, Australia KES AMSTA 2010 General Co-Chairs: P. Jedrzejowicz, Gdynia Maritime University, Poland and N.T. Nguyen, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
On behalf of the KES-AMSTA 2010: Doctoral Track Chair: D. Król, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
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