-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [WI] 2nd CFP: ECSCW Workshop: Social Media for the Elderly, Vienna Sept. 09 Datum: Fri, 5 Jun 2009 16:50:54 +0200 Von: Mueller, Claudia Claudia.Mueller@uni-siegen.de An: wi@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de wi@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
************CALL FOR PAPERS***************
Enhancing interaction spaces by social media for the elderly Workshop at ECSCW 2009, Vienna, Austria September 7th http://www.uni-siegen.de/locatingmedia/workshops/ecscwageingworkshop
The extension of CSCW research towards new domains, such as the home, has brought up many ideas to support ageing in place. However, the social wellbeing as a pivotal pillar of healthiness besides physical and psychical health has not gained much attention yet. This workshop aims to address the area of social wellbeing of the elderly by means of focussing on social media, such as Social TV and social support online communities for elder people in their homes. By bringing together CSCW and social media researchers we wish to open up discussions on the development of new interaction and coordination spaces for wellbeing and social support which enhance the spaces of physical home environments. The workshop especially welcomes empirical studies and work which pay attention to concepts of spatiality and by this shed light on modes of perception, appropriation and use of spaces by elder persons for informing domestic media design.
Contributions are welcomed on such topics as: - Ethnographic studies on elderly people at home. - Analysis and design of software fostering existing local communities and personal networks. - Analysis and design of online social support systems. - Design of software contributing to formulate virtual generational communities. - Design of (haptic) input/output devices in the context of social medial for the elderly. - Usage studies of home-based social media applications by elderly people.
Important dates - 20th of June - Deadline for position papers - 6th of July - Notification of acceptance (early registration end 17th of July) - 7th-8th of September - Workshops days at ECSCW
Submission details Position papers should contain a brief overview (max. 5000 words) over the key ideas of the presentation and some information on the occupational background of the submitter. Papers have to be sent as a .pdf or .doc file to ageing-workshopecscw@utt.fr After the workshop, the authors will have the optional possibility to send a long version of their position paper for a publication in a special issue.
Organisers: Myriam Lewkowicz*, Claudia Mueller+, Cornelius Neufeldt+, Volker Wulf+ *Universite de Technologie de Troyes (UTT), France + University of Siegen, Germany Contact address: ageing-workshopecscw@utt.fr
Claudia Mueller M.A.
Graduate School "Locating Media/ Situierte Medien" and Institute for Information Systems University of Siegen Hoelderlinstr. 3 57068 Siegen, Germany
fon: +49 271 740 4076 fax: +49 271 740 3384 mobil: +49 176 78 199 788 email: claudia.mueller@uni-siegen.de
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