Forwarded message from [isrobert@IS.CITYU.EDU.HK (Robert Davison)] sent originally on Fri, 29 Oct 1999 18:31:52 +0800: : This is a call for papers for the Globalisation and Culture track of the 8th : European Conference on Information Systems. : : Track Description: : : Information and Communication Technologies are widely considered to be : enablers of globalisation processes, that is processes which cut across : national boundaries, integrating and connecting communities in new : space-time combinations, and making the world in reality and in experience : more interconnected. Globalisation processes involve increasingly more free : trade and flow of finance, labour and commodities among countries; : increasing significance of multinational corporations and cultural flows of : signs, meanings and identities. : : This track is intended to explore the way information and communication : technologies are involved in the complex globalisation process. There are : both theoretical and practical issues that need to be addressed. What role : will information technologies play in the globalisation trends? : Globalisation is not a homogeneous process. Local culture mediates the : globalisation processes. The role of information and communication : technologies in such a complex process, where the local is intertwined with : the global and cultural aspects are combined with technical rationality are : not well understood. : : What kind of information systems are deployed to support organisations in : the emerging new 'global' economy, and what approaches are appropriate for : their development? The research and practice of information systems often : assume that 'best practice' in the application of new technologies is : transferable across organisational and national boundaries. Moreover, : information and communication technology is expected to lead organisations : to adopt new and more effective structires and practices according to : 'global' standards. Yet, research which examined the use of information : technologies in specific contexts has shown that organisational actors are : not restricted to following the formally determined ways of acting that are : inscribed in information technology systems, but they improvise in ways : which are meaningful in their context. : : Submission Deadline: November 15th. : : Submission Details: see : : For further details on the track and its organisers, see: : : : Robert Davison, Dept of Information Systems, City University of Hong Kong : : ÿÿStart of ISWorld List Footer ÿÿ : Moving? Want to subscribe/unsubscribe? Find an old posting? : See: : If you do not find the answer contact : ÿÿEnd of ISWorld List Footer ÿÿ
-- Wirtschaftsinformatik, FB5, Universitaet GH Essen,