-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [isworld] CfP GOR 09 - GENERAL ONLINE RESEARCH 2009 Vienna Austria Datum: Mon, 11 Aug 2008 12:47:26 +0200 Von: Dr. Martin Welker welker@uni-leipzig.de Antwort an: Dr. Martin Welker welker@uni-leipzig.de An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network isworld@lyris.isworld.org
Dear Colleagues, please redistribute, sorry for crossposting.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL FOR PAPERS -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
GENERAL ONLINE RESEARCH 2009 (GOR 09), http://www.gor.de
April 6-8, 2009, University of Vienna, Austria
"Do more - See more - Get more: Online Research in Theory and Practice". An Assessment of new Methodological Approaches and Classical Insights on the Impact of Online and Mobile Communication
Organizer: * German Society for Online Research, http://www.dgof.de Local Organizers: * Austrian Market Research Association (VMÖ) * Austrian Advertising Research Association (WWG) * Austrian Forum of Experts in Online Research
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program Committee:
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Roland Burkart (University of Vienna, Austria) Prof. Dr. Nicola Doering (Ilmenau University of Technology, Germany) Andera Gadeib (CEO, Dialego AG, Aachen, Germany) Dr. Uwe Matzat (Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands, DGOF member of the board) Emanuel Maxl (VMÖ, Expertenforum Online-Forschung, Vienna, Austria) Dr. Lieselotte Stalzer (VMÖ, Vienna, Austria) Dr. Martin Welker, Chair (Macromedia University of Applied Sciences Munich, Germany, DGOF member of the board)
Focus and Papers Deadline Topics Types of Contributions and Abstract Submission Schedule of GOR 09 Conference Fees and Registration Exhibition Stand Space Summary: Important Deadlines, How to Get in Touch with GOR 09
Focus of the Conference
The aim of the General Online Research (GOR) is the discussion of basic research, innovative developments, and practical experiences in the field of online research. Online research covers a) all methods, instruments and theories that are dealing with the collection of data via online networks and b) effects of online applications and technologies on all levels of society. That involves mobile communication as well. The annual GOR conference involves research mainly within the social and behavioral sciences. GOR 09 supports the exchange of knowledge not only in an interdisciplinary way, but also between researchers and practitioners as well as between universities and companies.
Papers Invited
Theory driven papers are welcome as well as papers with a strong empirical basis and a thorough design. The presentation of applications, best practice examples and cases studies are encouraged. Purely promotional presentations will not be considered for the program. Purely theoretical papers are welcome as long as they provide a clear guidance for future empirical research. The program committee invites presenters from the private sector, official statistics in the governmental and the academic sector. Presentations by teams of authors from two or more sectors are especially welcome. Proposals may include industry cases / clients with a case from practice. Conference Language is English. All papers shall be presented in English (including slides and written papers, if applicable).
***Deadline for abstract submission is October 15, 2008*** The program committee accepts abstract proposals through an online submission system. [http://www.gor.de/gor09/conftool_en.php]. All abstracts should be submitted in English. All abstracts will be evaluated by members of the program committee. There will be a transparent evaluation process based on scores. Contributors will be informed regarding the evaluation of their abstracts by Dec. 07, 2008. After accepting the invitations to present at the conference, authors are expected to register with the conference and provide a proof of their working on the paper prior to the assembly of the final conference program.
Which Topics?
(1) Data Collection Using the Internet: Measurement: - Web 2.0 Features and New Instruments in Web Surveys, - Field-experimental Work on the Question Answer Process in Web Surveys, - Audio and Video Elements in Web Surveys. Weighting in Web surveys: - Propensity Score Weighting and Related Procedures. Sampling: - Probability Samples and Online Access Panels, - Sampling of Special Populations on the Internet, - Non-response: Incentives, Field work and its Timing.
(2) Research Goes Mobile: New Applications in Data Collection: - The Merger of Oral and Visual Communication, - Supporting Interviewers and Field Representatives, - Self-administered Mobile Data Collection, - Evaluation of New Technologies.
(3) Qualitative Research via Internet: - New Approaches in Qualitative Research Online - Qual-Quant Methods which are enabled by the Internet - Semi-structured and Qualitative Interviews on the Web, - Qualitative Content Analysis of Websites, Blogs, Wikis, Personal Profiles.
(4) Internet and Mobile Metrics: - Network Analysis: Methods, Instruments, Indicators - Data Mining Techniques, Indicators, - Combining Data Mining and Survey Data.
(5) Social Web & Civil Society: - Online Groups, Online Communities & Social Networking Sites, - Internet and Social Movements: Participation and the Deliberative Democracy, - Social Networks and Relations Online and Offline, - Digital Inequality, - eDemocracy & eGovernance, - Social and Psychological Effects of Internet Use, - eHealth, - e- & m-Learning.
(6) Electronic & Mobile Business: - Evaluation of Web-Sites and E-Commerce, - Electronic CRM and its Relation to Online Market Research, - Online Employee Surveys.
Types of Contributions and Abstract Submission:
* Papers: Oral presentation of a paper. * Poster presentations: Contribution to a poster session. For oral presentations and posters please submit an abstract of about 350 words. The abstract should be descriptive with respect to the underlying research question(s), the methods used to assess these questions, the data used and a short summary of the results. It should especially make clear what the results add to existing insights and knowledge about the topic. * Sessions: Contributors are encouraged to propose sessions of 3 to 5 presentations focused on a particular topic within the scope of the conference. Session organizers are invited to submit a draft program including the names of all contributors, titles of their presentations, and contact information in addition to a 250 word rational for the session. Sessions combining presentations from the private sector and the academic sector are especially welcome. * Workshops: You may propose teaching a 2.5 or 5 hour pre-conference workshop covering key methods or ethical aspects of Internet science.
Proceedings: rights remain with the authors. There will be a) proceedings, that is a booklet with all the abstracts of the accepted papers, free for all participants of GOR 09. b) an edited volume of 10-15 excellent papers in the series ?Neue Schriften zur Online-Forschung? c) an edited volume of 10-15 excellent papers of the special track ?Research goes mobile?.
Schedule of GOR 09:
Traditionally, the GOR follows this schedule (subject to alteration): Monday (April 6, 2009): Workshops, DGOF Member Meeting & Early Bird Meeting Tuesday (April 7, 2009): Conference, Exhibition & Party Wednesday (April 8, 2009): Conference & Exhibition
Traveling and accommodation: please refer to our website www.gor.de
Social Events and Membership Meeting:
The traditional Early-Bird-Meeting takes place in the evening of April, 6th, 2009. Visitors and participants will have the opportunity to meet and get in touch with other researchers. On Tuesday evening (April 7th, 2009) there will be a big party. During the conference there is a meeting of the members of the German Society for Online Research. Members will receive additional information about the meeting at a later date.
Exhibition Stand Space:
Companies will have the opportunity to book exhibition stand space for presentations of products or services. Please contact office@dgof.de.
Conference Fees and Registration:
Conference fees include tax, conference materials, two lunches, the evening event, drinks and snacks during breaks. * Researchers: 180 Euros * First authors: 145 Euros * Students: 90 Euros * Commercial participants (e.g., company representatives, free-lancers, consultants): 465 Euros
Early registrants (i.e., registration by January 15, 2008) have a 15 % discount. DGOF, VMÖ and WWG members have a 20 % discount, which cannot be combined with the early registrants' discount. For participants other than first authors, day tickets are available, as well.
Registration for all participants begins December 10th , 2008 at http://www.gor.de.
Important deadlines:
Okt/15th /2008 deadline for abstract submission Dec/07th /2008 feedback on paper acceptance/registration begins Jan/01th /2009 preliminary program available Jan/31th/2009 deadline for first author registration Feb/22th/2009 deadline for sending in slides and powerpoints
How to Get in Touch:
Conference website, abstract submission, workshops: http://www.gor.de
Business activities and any further questions: office@dgof.de.
Aug. 10, 2008, the program committee
Dr. Martin Welker
DGOF e.V. Vorstand office@dgof.de www.dgof.de
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