-------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: [AISWorld] OzCHI'2019 - CfP - @Perth/Fremantle/WA/Australia - Submit your Long Papers/Workshops by 24th May 2019 Date: Sun, 12 May 2019 19:00:01 +0200 From: Artur Lugmayr artur.lugmayr@ambientmediaassociation.org To: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org
OzCHI 2019 - Call for Participation 31st Australian Conference on Human-Computer-Interaction "Experience Design Across Asia Pacific" @Perth/Fremantle, WA, AUSTRALIA 3-5 December 2019
W. http://www.ozchi.org | F. https://www.facebook.com/ozchi2019/ T. https://twitter.com/OzchiWA | #Quokka_CHI E. ozchi2019@gmail.com IMPORTANT DATES 24 May 2019 Long Papers 24 May 2019 Workshop Proposals 24 June 2019 Doctoral Consortium 10 August 2019 Short Papers 24 August 2019 Student Design Challenge Team Applications 6 September 2019 Demos, Posters, Industry Papers, and Work-in-Progress
We listen to YOUR voice and want to make OzCHI'19 even better - submit your conference ideas! The best ideas are awarded during the conference closing session. ozCHI ‘Idea Box': https://goo.gl/forms/0XceZlmoP0XSV5RO2
OzCHI is the annual non-profit conference for the Computer-Human Interaction Special Interest Group (CHISIG) of the Human Factors and Ergonomic Society of Australia and Australia's leading forum for the latest in HCI research and practice. OzCHI attracts a broad international community of researchers, industry practitioners, academics and students. Participants come from a range of backgrounds, including interface designers, user experience (UX) practitioners, information architects, software engineers, human factors experts, information systems analysts and social scientists. After 18 years, OzCHI finally come back to Western Australia. Time has passed and things have changed a lot since OzCHI 2001. More HCI and UX works have been done in Western Australia as well as its neighbouring countries. Having the privilege to convene the 2nd OzCHI conference in Western Australia, one of our objectives is to be inclusive towards attendees across overall Asia-Pacific. The conference theme is Experience Design in Asia Pacific, which highlights the challenges we all face in the endeavour to tame the environment without destroying it to ensure our continuing existence. Our vision is to make OzCHI 2019 as an inclusive event for academic, industry, research, start-ups, maker communities to learn and exchange knowledge in the recent and emerging HCI and UX areas - practical, technical, empirical and theoretical aspects regardless their level of maturity in the fields. We invite contributions on all topics related to Human-Computer Interaction, Interaction Design, Architecture, Engineering, Planning, Social Science, Creative Industries, and other related disciplines. Creating * Designing * Experiencing * Innovating * Intelligence * Community * Reaching out to Asia-Pacific
Join us in Perth/Fremantle, Western Australia in December 2019 to explore and understand the design and role of contemporary interactive technologies. ============================================================================================================================= SUBMISSIONS =============================================================================================================================
Submissions will be accepted in various categories as described below. All submissions must be written in English and follow formatting guidelines in the paper template. Both long and short papers will undergo a double-blind review by an international panel and evaluated on the basis of their significance, originality, and clarity of writing. This review will be based on the full text of the submitted paper. Accepted papers will be published in the ACM International Conference Proceedings Series available from the ACM Digital Library. Award will be given to the highest quality papers.
We are looking for submissions under the theme of Experience Design across Asia Pacific in the following areas but not limited to:
============================================================================================================================= TOPICS ============================================================================================================================= HCI: Methods, Tools and Techniques • Usability Methods and Practices • Human-centered Design • Participatory Design • User Studies and Ethnographic Approaches • Design Methods • Tools for Design, Modelling and Evaluation • HCI and Software Engineering • Usability Metrics and Measurement • Ethical issues in HCI • HCI Education and Design Education • HCI4D
UX Applications and Business Domains • Digital Transformation • Mobile User Experience • Organizational context and technology design • Games and Entertainment • Healthcare, E-health and Telemedicine • Interactive Design for Online Education • Computer-supported cooperative work and collaboration • E-commerce Interface Design and Evaluation • Electronic, Mobile and Ubiquitous Commerce • Service Design (Micro-finance, Micro-loan, Instant Courier, Agile Transport) • Social Computing (Social Media, Social Networking) • Online Gaming, Crowdsourcing, Collective Intelligence, Online Dating • Cryptocurrency and Financial Technology • UX and eLearning • Blockchain • Crowdsourcing
User Research and Usability • Lean User Experience • Agile User Experience • Usability Testing • User Research • Internationalization and Localization • Accessibility and inclusion • Design System • Multimedia and Multimodal Interfaces • Natural User Interfaces • Tactile and Haptic Interaction • Novel Interaction Techniques • Mobile User Interfaces • Responsive Design • Graphic User Interface • Information Visualisation
Emerging Technologies • Virtual Reality • Augmented Reality • Mobile Computing and User Mobility • Affective Computing • Context-Aware and Ubiquitous Computing • Internet of Things • Big Data • Human Robot Interaction • Artificial Intelligence • Smart Cities • Autonomous Vehicles • Wearable Technology • Brain Computer Interface • Novel Interface
Graphics, Art and Media Technology • Engaging users with multimedia • Methods and techniques of creative practices • Visualizing and interacting with data • Quality of Experience (QoE) • Digital storytelling • Interactive art • Media technology and interactivity • Designing for multi-user interaction • Tangible, mixed reality interfaces and multi-modal interfaces ============================================================================================================================= SUBMISSION TYPES =============================================================================================================================
1. Long papers report on innovative, original, and completed research, which is relevant, significant, and interesting to the HCI community.
2. Short papers present ideas that are emerging and would benefit from discussion with members of the HCI community. This type of submission may include work-in-progress, experiences of reflective practitioners, and first drafts of novel concepts and approaches.
3. Workshops are half-day and full-day sessions on topics that contribute to community building around a specific HCI topic. Topics may include methods, practices, and other areas of interest and that support active participation beyond presentation.
4. Doctoral consortium is a full-day intensive session for research students. A panel of experienced HCI researchers provides advice and guidance.
5. Student Design Challenge is an annual international competition in which students work rapidly researching, brainstorming and sketching a solution for a real HCI problem. Finalists will present their work at the OzCHI 2019 conference.
6. Industry papers provide the opportunity for practitioners and industries for their initiatives or new developments that could benefit from discussion with members of the HCI community.
7. Work-in-Progress papers are a subset of the long papers track (subject to the same format and deadlines). Rather than reporting on mature research, they describe work-in-progress, late-breaking and new ideas, questions, or challenges, and are intended to provoke discussion in the OzCHI community. The accepted submission will be required to present a poster
8. Demo/Posters is a venue for industry, research, startups, maker communities, the arts, and design to present their hands-on demonstration, share novel interactive technologies, and stage interactive experiences. This venue promotes and provokes discussion on novel technologies. ============================================================================================================================= OzCHI 2019 GENERAL CHAIRS =============================================================================================================================
General Chairs Artur Lugmayr, Curtin Univ., AUSTRALIA Eunice Sari, UXINDO & Charles Darwin Univ., AUSTRALIA/INDONESIA
Long Paper Chairs Ryan, Kelly, Univ. Melbourne, AUSTRALIA Mark Reynolds, Univ. of Western Australia, AUSTRALIA Virpi Roto, Aalto Univ. FINLAND Ingrid Richardson, Murdoch University, AUSTRALIA
Short Paper Chairs Haifeng Shen, Australian Catholic Univ. AUSTRALIA Callum Parker, Univ. of Sydney, AUSTRALIA Naseem Ahmadpour, Univ. of Sydney, AUSTRALIA Jo Li Tay, Curtin Univ., AUSTRALIA
Publication Chairs Hollie White, Curtin Univ., AUSTRALIA Jared Donovan, QUT, AUSTRALIA Simon Perrault, Singapore Univ. of Technology & Design, SINGAPORE
Workshop Chairs Greg Wadley, Univ. of Melbourne, AUSTRALIA Sarah Webber, Univ. of Melbourne, AUSTRALIA Jo Jung, Edith Cowan Univ., AUSTRALIA
Demos, Work in Progress, Posters Mark Billinghurst, Univ. of Auckland, NEW ZEALAND Soojeong Yoo, Univ. of Sydney, AUSTRALIA Martin Masek, Edith Cowan Univ., AUSTRALIA
Doctoral Consortium Chairs Dana McKay, Univ. Melbourne, AUSTRALIA Margot Brereton, QUT, AUSTRALIA Wally Smith, Univ. Melbourne, AUSTRALIA
Panel Chairs Marcus Foth, QUT, AUSTRALIA Jaz Hee-jeong Choi, RMIT, AUSTRALIA
Student Design Challenge David Cook, Edith Cowan Univ., AUSTRALIA Trevor Hunter, Univ. of Queensland, AUSTRALIA Peter Worthy, Univ. of Queensland, AUSTRALIA
Industry Engagement and Sponsorship Chairs Jess Tsimeris, Google, USA Jonathan Steingeisser, Isobar, Perth, AUSTRALIA Greg Stewart, SMS Management and Technology, Perth, AUSTRALIA Christopher Kueh, ECU, Perth, AUSTRALIA Ulrich Engelke, Data61, CSIRO, AUSTRALIA Sean Gardiner, BHP, AUSTRALIA Adi Tedjasaputra, UX Indonesia, AUSTRALIA/INDONESIA
Local Liaisons & Publicity Chairs Susannah Soon, Curtin Univ., AUSTRALIA
Website Yanginbo Zhang, Curtin Univ., AUSTRALIA
Student Volunteers Chairs Casey Xin Wei Lim, Curtin Univ., AUSTRALIA Jamie Dougall, Curtin Univ., AUSTRALIA Asian Liaisons and Publicity Ethel Ong, De La Salle University, PHILIPINES Masitah Ghazali, University of Teknologi, MALAYSIA Thippaya Chintakovid, Chulangkorn University, THAILAND Nova Ahmed, North South University, Dhaka, BANGLADESH Adi Tedjasasaputra, UX Indonesia, INDONESIA/AUSTRIA
CHISIG Liasons Duncan Stevenson, Australian National University, AUSTRALIA George Buchanan, University of Melbourne, AUSTRALIA
Local Conference Steering Board Artur Lugmayr, Curtin University, AUSTRALIA Andrew Woods, HIVE, Curtin University, AUSTRALIA Andrew Rohl, Curtin University, AUSTRALIA Christopher Kueh, Edith Cowan University, AUSTRALIA Clive Barstow, Edith Cowan University, AUSTRALIA David Cook, Edith Cowan University, AUSTRALIA Eunice Sari, Charles Darwin University and UX Indonesia, AUSTRALIA Jo Jung, Edith Cowan University, AUSTRALIA Michelle Ellis, Edith Cowan University, AUSTRALIA Philip Ely, Curtin University, AUSTRALIA Martin Masek, Edith Cowan University, AUSTRALIA Mark McMahon, Edith Cowan University, AUSTRALIA Mark Reynolds, University of Western Australia, AUSTRALIA Tele Tan, Curtin University, AUSTRALIA
Honorary Local Conference Steering Board Members Vasillis Kostakos, Univ. Melbourne, AUSTRALIA
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