-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [WI] CfP: Knowledge-based interactive environments Datum: Tue, 17 Jul 2012 11:27:10 +0200 Von: Hilda Tellioglu hilda.tellioglu@tuwien.ac.at An: Hilda Tellioglu hilda.tellioglu@tuwien.ac.at
(Apologies for cross-posts) 1st CALL FOR PAPERS: Knowledge-based interactive environments -In conjunction with NordiCHI2012- October 14th, 2012 Copenhagen, Denmark TOPIC: Knowledge management has been recognized as a challenging, and sometimes deeply problematic term, which however still keeps attracting much attention in large areas of information systems and management science research. It has, however, being going largely under the radar of the HCI community, except perhaps insporadic references to expert systems. The field is much broader, however, and we believe that is a systematic re-examination of it from a fresh angle. Our target for this workshop is to drill deeper into how knowledge may be approached as a basis for building better IT, and we welcome equally contribution that describe: -Bringing empirical work and theoretical frameworks to bear on design in a transparent and novel way, distinguishing such systems from “ordinary design”, and -Information and knowledge sharing, which is somehow mediated by technology. This could be documents, procedures, and expressions of art or technology itself. RELEVANCE: The notion of knowledge management has been tremendously little effective. Apart from having inspired a large number of academic publications, we have not been seeing much in terms of recognizably different IT systems being implement. Most industrial users still store information as documents in folders or records in databases. Even if most of this information is now easily accessible from a web-based user interface, it is hardly being offered in a fashion that makes it more timely or accumulative than in traditional information systems. This is where HCI may contribute to advance the area, through its combination of a technological and critical tradition and broad social platform. WORKSHOP GOALS: The workshop is intended to bring together scholars with HCI background and an interest in organizational development, management science and user studies, systems and appliances design, and evaluation effects of technology on individuals as well as society at large. The aim is to see how technology may be involved in exploring, enhancing or even exploiting the idea of knowledge, and hence to revitalize the thematic research in this direction without going through another round of definitions or modelling of assumptions surrounding knowledge creation and management. The title of the workshop clearly also indicates that the role of knowledge even in our own profession should not be exempt of such an examination. WORKSHOP OUTCOMES: The main outcome of the workshop will be to draw and renew interest from the Nordic HCI community, into a an information systems and technologically enabled field that is still widely researched in other disciplines, but unfortunately not here. We invite the delegates to contribute with ideas, arguments, and examples, which the workshop may be able to help accelerate through interaction with peers at the conference. More concretely, we think that the workshop may result in -The decision to create a repository of contributions and annotated bibliography, which will be maintained and extended after the workshop -Plan for an invited PhD seminar organized among the participating institutions -Statements, papers, and demos from this workshop being developed further in order to beaccepted and published at a dedicated conference track in 2013 -Formulation of a longer-term dissemination plan, e.g., resulting in a special issue of a suitable journal or an edited book coming out. INTENDED AUDIENCE: The audience is intended to be researchers and practitioners with experience or interest in systematically supporting innovation, change management or process management, as well as co-operative knowledge management, decision theory, planning and co-ordination, etc., and who have taken an interest in the notion of “knowledge management”, albeit without finding it particularly satisfying the way that it is being used currently. ORGANIZERS: Steinar Kristoffersen (PhD) is a Professor of Information Technology at Østfold University College, where he has been teaching Interaction Design and Mobile IT since 2007. He is also a researcher at Møreforskning AS Molde, where he works with applied science in logistics and IT. He has previously been a consultant and entrepreneur, and spent time at the University of Oslo as well as Gothenburg. Nada Matta, Professor at the University of Technology of Troyes. She studies techniques in knowledge engineering and management and especially to handle cooperative activities. She did her PhD in knowledge engineering and Artificial Intelligence at Univesrity of Paul Sabatier in collaboration with ARTEMIS. Prof. Matta worked for four years at INRIA in projects with Dassault-Aviation and Airbus Industry. Currently, Prof. Matta a director of The Safety, Security and Control of Complex Systems Group (https://www.gis-3sgs.fr/) and the UTTDepartment of Human, Environment and ICT. http://techcico.utt.fr/fr/membres/matta.html Hilda Tellioglu is an Associate Professor at the Institute of Design and Assessment of Technology at the Faculty of Informatics at the Vienna University of Technology. She has been involved with both research and teaching on: software engineering, knowledge management, coordination support, design and development of information technology, CSCW in systems design, in health care work, and in architectural planning, gender issues in computer science. SUBMISSION: Workshop candidates are requested to submit a position paper, which must be formatted according to ACM SIGCHI Publications Format and should not exceed 4 pages) about research or work they have been involved with (related to the topics described above) via email to sk@hiof.no mailto:sk@hiof.no. Papers will be reviewed by the organizers. At least one author of accepted papers needs to register for the workshop and for the conference itself. All accepted papers may be made available on the website, depending on the authors’ acceptance and wishes. The aim, however, is to initiate a publication cycle. IMPORTANT DATES: July 30th, 2012 - Submission of Position Papers August 15, 2012 - Notification of Acceptance August 31st, 2012 - Camera Ready Paper Version October 14th, 2012 - One-Day Workshop at NordiCHI 2012 CONTACT: For any further information on the workshop please contact sk@hiof.no mailto:sk@hiof.no
-- Hilda Tellioglu Vienna University of Technology Faculty of Informatics Institute of Design and Assessment of Technology Multidisciplinary Design Group Favoritenstrasse 9-11/187, A-1040 Vienna, Austria
Phone:+43.1.58801.18716 Fax: +43.1.58801.918716 E-mail: hilda.tellioglu@tuwien.ac.at mailto:hilda.tellioglu@tuwien.ac.at http://media.tuwien.ac.at/h.tellioglu DVR: 0005886