-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [AISWorld] CFP - AMCIS 2011 minitrack on "The Role of Social Software in Social Enterprises" Datum: Fri, 21 Jan 2011 12:04:56 -0500 Von: Awazu, Yukika yawazu@bentley.edu An: 'aisworld@lists.aisnet.org' aisworld@lists.aisnet.org
Please forward this CFP to whoever might be interested.
17th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2011) August 4-7, 2011 (Thursday-Sunday) Detroit Marriott Hotel Conference Website: <http://amcis2011.aisnet.org/ https://owa.bentley.edu/owa/redir.aspx?C=f8f58145920c4a75b17982c3ac868a1d&URL=http%3a%2f%2famcis2011.aisnet.org%2f>
Track: Information Technology for Sustainability and Global Competitiveness
Mini-Track: The Role of Social Software in Social Enterprises
Mini-Track Description:
Recently, organizations have begun to take an interest in utilizing social software. Social software has promising characteristics that may encourage use-centered content generations such as self-advertisement postings in YouTube and social connections such as social networking sites. Hence, many organizations see a lot of potential for social software for emergent and collaborative information/knowledge sharing. Via Wikis' features, such as editing, and history records, users can see how information and knowledge artifacts have evolved and who made changes and contributions to them, thereby enabling them to create effective and efficient knowledge management. People use blogs for both information management and social networking purposes and these uses are emergent practices. These emergent and decentralized collaborations fostered by social software are particularly suitable for community development.
Like business enterprises, social enterprises are keen to utilize social software for their organizational objectives. For example, community networks are especially important for social enterprises enabling them to serve both local and global communities. Social enterprises also see the benefit of Internet to develop their capabilities to raise the necessary funds as well as to connect volunteers with one another. They, however, see limits in following the ways business enterprises utilize social software mainly due to the nature of their work and different organizational objectives. For example, social enterprises need to align their mission, ie. serving as a change agent for society, with their management strategies. Also, their volunteer-based operations in terms of human resource strategies are different from business enterprises. Hence, it is important for IS researchers and practitioners to explore how social software can be used to serve social enterprises' objectives.
The goal of this track, therefore, is to explore the role of social software to support social enterprises. Specifically, we are interested in papers that explore issues and challenges related to social software use by social enterprises, social entrepreneurs, NGOs, and nonprofit organizations and that promote in-depth understanding of how, and with what consequences, social software are used to serve social enterprises' ultimate objectives -- social change. We are especially interested in novel approaches to understanding the phenomenon, papers with strong managerial implications, and welcome not only empirical or theory testing papers but also theory building papers.
Suggested topics include, but are not limited to:
. The role and impact of social software in humanitarian efforts
. The role of social software in supporting community development in social enterprises
. The role of social software to foster knowledge sharing in global NGOs.
. The role of social software and other emergent technologies in campaign efforts.
. The use of social software for social entrepreneur efforts.
. Strategic Issues in Enterprise 2.0 implementation in social enterprises.
Important Dates:
1/3/2010 AIS Review System open for AMCIS 2011 submissions
2/17/2011 Submission Deadline
3/24/2011 Authors notified of paper acceptance decision
4/21/2011 Camera-ready papers due
Paper Submissions: <http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/amcis2011 https://owa.bentley.edu/owa/redir.aspx?C=f8f58145920c4a75b17982c3ac868a1d&URL=http%3a%2f%2fmc.manuscriptcentral.com%2famcis2011> http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/amcis2011 https://owa.bentley.edu/owa/redir.aspx?C=f8f58145920c4a75b17982c3ac868a1d&URL=http%3a%2f%2fmc.manuscriptcentral.com%2famcis2011
Mini-Track Chair: Yukika Awazu (yawazu@bentley.edu), Bentley University
Yukika Awazu
Bentley University
175 Forest Street
Waltham, MA 02452
yawazu@bentley.edu mailto:yawazu@bentley.edu