----- Original Message ----- From: "Teresa Pereira" tpereira@dsi.uminho.pt To: "Www-Rdf-Interest" www-rdf-interest@w3.org Cc: "Www-Rdf-Interest-Request" www-rdf-interest-request@w3.org Sent: Friday, December 13, 2002 11:21 AM Subject: FW: Elpub2003 - CFP
-----Original Message----- From: Teresa Pereira [mailto:tpereira@dsi.uminho.pt] Sent: quinta-feira, 12 de Dezembro de 2002 9:54 To: Www-Rdf-Interest-Request Cc: Www-Rdf-Interest Subject: FW: Elpub2003 - CFP
Dear all,
Sely Costa, the Elpub2003 Programme Committee chair asked me to post Elpub2003 CFP in the DC mailing list. Please apologize for cross-posting.
Best regards,
-----Original Message----- From: programmelpub@unb.br [mailto:programmelpub@unb.br] Sent: sexta-feira, 1 de Novembro de 2002 18:48 To: programmelpub@unb.br Subject: Elpub2003 - CFP
Call for Papers - ELPUB 2003
ICCC/IFIP 7th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ELECTRONIC PUBLISHING, to be held in Guimarães, Portugal, 25 - 28 June 2003
ELPUB 2003 - FROM INFORMATION TO KNOWLEDGE http://www.dsi.uminho.pt/elpub2003
This 7th conference will be hosted by the Department of Information Systems at the University of Minho, in Guimarães, (Northern Portugal), a beautiful XII century city that recently became part of world's cultural heritage.
The 7th ELPUB attempts to keep the tradition of the six previous international (annual) conferences on electronic publishing, held in the United Kingdom (1997 and 2001), Hungary (1998), Sweden (1999), Russia (2000), and the Czech Republic (2002) which is to bring together researchers, lecturers, developers, industrials, businessmen, entrepreneurs, managers, users and all those interested on issues regarding electronic publishing in the most different contexts. These include human, cultural, economic, social, technological, legal, commercial and any other relevant aspect that such an exciting theme encompasses.
Elpub 2003 offers a variety of new activities, such as workshops, tutorials, panel debates etc. So, the conference will bring about opportunities for attendants to participate in a number of activities, including:
- The communication of papers specially prepared and
selected (peer reviewed) for the conference;
- Three prominent invited speakers who will be
presenting their keynotes on the three first days of the conference programme;
- Several workshops and tutorials that aim to provide
opportunity for attendants to update themselves in topics of high interest within this community of experts;
- Plenary sessions that aim to summarise the main ideas
presented and discussed during the presentation of the conference papers;
- Panel debates on selected topics
- And at last but not least, the presentation of
posters. The conference welcomes authors on the following topics:
GENERAL TRACK: New publishing models New services for the Web Services and products for academics, executives, governors, media communicators, etc. The Semantic Web Multimedia and multimodal Web Web for the TV New services for disabled people Metadata use and interoperability The communication cycle of electronic scholarly publications: production, distribution, acquisition and use Infocracy / infoexclusion Copyright on the web Security, privacy and other issues regarding information availability on the web Digital preservation, reliability, quality, etc. Digital libraries for different communities of users Distance learning; Education and training Global collaboration through the information infrastructure internationally available
TECHNICAL TRACK The use of XML and its related technologies Development and use of XML applications Development and use of codification mechanisms, technologies and tools for the metadata encoding process :MHP, RDF, etc. Content search, analysis and retrieval on the Web; Interoperability and scalability of Web publishing applications Electronic publishing for mobile devices Development and use of technologies for security, preservation and quality assurance of information sources and information access channels Technologies for the global information infrastructure Technologies for the integration of recommendations, standards, and standards proposals. Technologies for the publication process in different contexts
***AUTHOR GUIDELINES: DEADLINE FOR ABSTRACTS: January 15thth, 2003 Abstracts submission include: Title of the paper; Authors' names; Authors' affiliation; Authors' full address (including phones, fax and email); Extended abstract in English - sent by email, using: text only format; no formatting; double space between paragraphs; Font type/size Arial 12 or similar; 1.200- 1.500 words length. Keywords in English Abstracts should be sent to: programmelpub@unb.br
The programme committee will send notification of acceptance of submitted papers by February 28th, 2003. The deadline for Full Papers will be April, 30th, 2003. Speakers will be given 20 minutes for their presentation, plus 10 minutes at most for discussion. All Full Papers will be published in the conference proceedings. Posters are due to be brought by their authors at the conference time and only their abstracts will be published in the conference proceedings.
Host: University of Minho, Guimarães, Portugal. General Chair: João Álvaro de Carvalho, University of Minho, Portugal jac@dsi.uminho.pt Programme Chair: Sely M. S. Costa, University of Brasilia, Brazil selmar@unb.br Programme Committee: Amaral, Luís, University of Minho, Portugal Berto, Rosa M. V. S. - Technology Research Institute, Brazil Bonn, Maria - University of Michigan, USA Bräscher, Marisa - Brazilian Institute of Science and Technology Information, Brazil Carvalho, Ana Amélia A. - University of Minho, Portugal Cetto, Ana Maria - National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico Chan, Leslie - University of Toronto at Scarborough, Canada Costa, Sely M. S. - University of Brasilia, Brazil Delgado, Jaime - University Pompeu Fabra, Spain Diocaretz, Myriam - International Institute of Infonomics, Netherlands Engelen, Jan - Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium Fox, Edward - Virginia Tech, USA Guimarães, Nuno M. - University of Lisbon, Portugal Henriques, Pedro Rangel - University of Minho, Portugal Iyengar, Arun - IBM Research, USA Jezek, Karel - University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Czech Republic Juhola, Helene - VTT Information Technology, Finland Linde, Peter - Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden Moreira, Ana Cristina - University of Brasilia, Brazil Okerson, Ann - Yale University, USA Russell, Jane - National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico Schwänzel, Roland - University of Osnabrück, Germany Smith, John W. T. - University of Kent at Canterbury, UK Targino, Maria das Graças - University of Piauí, Brazil
For additional information, please contact the Programme Committee: programmelpub@unb.br