-------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: [WI] WIJ-Special Issue: 20 Years of Web Intelligence Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2022 18:29:02 +0900 From: H.Z. Kuai hongzhi.kuai@gmail.com Reply-To: H.Z. Kuai hongzhi.kuai@gmail.com To: agents@cs.umbc.edu, fca-list@cs.uni-kassel.de, iefac.list@mailhost.ces.clemson.edu, neuromail@brain.riken.jp, s-news@lists.biostat.wustl.edu, wi@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de, pvs@csl.sri.com, connectionists@cs.cmu.edu, Lprolog@cs.umn.edu, computational.science@lists.OptimaNumerics.com computational.science@lists.optimanumerics.com, types-announce@lists.seas.upenn.edu, types-list@lists.seas.upenn.edu, ai-grid@mailman.isi.edu, Vki-list@dfki.de, Ak-kd-list@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Web Intelligence Journal
*Special Issue: 20 Years of Web Intelligence*
https://www.iospress.com/catalog/journals/web-intelligence* *
The Web Intelligence (WI) journal celebrates its 20th anniversary (2022) and
the Web Intelligence and Intelligence Agent Technology (WI-IAT) conference celebrates its 20th anniversary as well (2021).
We will recognize the anniversary year of Web Intelligence journal with a special issue aimed at an in-depth review of our research field and a visionary exploration of its future prospects.
WI is a dynamic field with flourishment over the past 20 years. WI has always been closely entwined with, and contributed to, all the latest developments in AI, especially for the future of the highly connected world, which makes use of the power of human ingenuity and man-made networks to create a better world. We continually promote the key theme: *WI = AI in the Connected World*, the fieldofexploringhowadvancedintelligenceimpactstheWebofPeople,WebofTrust,WebofThings, Web of Data, Web of Agents, and emerging Web in health and smart living in the 5GEra.
While WI further evolves, many new ideas, methodologies, and techniques will continue to emerge with the contributions of all the researchers in the field.
We therefore launch an open call for:
A)In-depth state-of-the-art papers focusing on current progress and challenges on AI in the connectedworld;
B)Broad survey papers focusing on important applications of WI, aimed at assessing the effectiveness of WI-based techniques and/ormethodologies;
C)Visionary papers addressing the future of WI-based systems and the impact of WI on technology andsociety;
D)Short position papers on matters in general interest of the broad WIcommunity.
All papers will undergo a fast-track peer-review process, adhering to our usual quality standards. The fivebestpapersfallingintoCategoriesA,B,andCabovewillbepublishedinvolume20,issue4ofWeb Intelligence, together with the most relevant position papers in Category D. Space will be reserved in subsequent issues of the journal for any remaining papers considered to be suitable for publication. The best papers will be awarded with “Best Article in WI 20Y Anniversary” and the authors will be invited to deliver keynote talks on the work in the WI-IAT 2022 conference (https://www.wi-iat.com/wi-iat2022/). Only *Categories A-B-C *papers submitted by *August 1st, 2022 *will be considered for the award (papers received after this deadline may still be considered for the special issue or for the subsequent issues, but not for the award). Category D *position papers *should be submitted by *October 1st,2022.*
Submission Instructions:
Authors are requested to submit their articles electronically following the instructions on https://www.editorialmanager.com/wi/default1.aspx. Authors should clearly specify in the cover letter that their paper is submitted to the anniversary issue, as well as the category (A, B, C, or D) to which it belongs to. The maximum length for papers in Categories A-B-C is 35 pages, while the maximum length for position papers is 10 pages, both in double space.
Guest Editors
* Yuefeng Li, Queensland University of Technology, Australia
* Jiming Liu, Hong Kong Baptist University, HK, China
* Gabriella Pasi, University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy
* Xiaohui Tao, University of Southern Queensland, Australia
* Ning Zhong, Maebashi Institute of Technology, Japan
-- Mailing-Liste: wi@lists.kit.edu Administrator: wi-request@lists.kit.edu Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi