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Subject: WECWIS 2002 Date: Wed, 2 Jan 2002 11:38:16 -0500 From: "Martin Bichler" bichler@us.ibm.com To: "wecwis2002" wecwis02@us.ibm.com
Dear PC member,
First of all, we wish you a HAPPY NEW YEAR 2002!
We would also like to take this opportunity and remind you of the WECWIS 2002 submission deadline next weekend (January 5, 2002).
Please encourage people in your field to submit papers to the workshop (wecwis02@us.ibm.com). We are also looking forward to receiving papers from the program committee members. We strongly rely on your cooperation, in order to make WECWIS a first class event!
For up-to-date information, please look at http://linux.ece.uci.edu/TFEC/wecwis.html.
Kind regards, Jen-Yao Chung & Martin Bichler