-------- Original Message -------- Subject: [AISWorld] CfA > First International Cashless Society Roundtable (ICSR) Date: Thu, 2 Feb 2012 10:47:35 +0100 From: Jan Ondrus ondrus@essec.edu To: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org
First International Cashless Society Roundtable (ICSR) A roundtable in Copenhagen, Denmark, April 18 & 19, 2012 Abstract submission deadline: February 29, 2012
Sponsored by the Copenhagen Finance IT Region, the Department of IT Management, Copenhagen Business School, and Financial Services Innovation Centre, University College Cork
For centuries, coins and bills were the only options to make purchases and to transfer money between people and organizations. The second half of the last century witnessed the introduction of plastic cards, Electronic Fund Transfer, Internet banking, and pre-paid payment cards all aimed at making payment more efficient. With advances in information technology a number of new payment solutions has emerged, including premium SMS payments, M-PESA, Pay Pal, Google Wallet, and Bit Coin, Flatter, and Square-Up. Many of these innovations offer advantages in terms of costs, security, and convenience, they also pose a number of challenges and risks related to, at least, technical standards, data security, legal issues and consumer behavior. Overall, these innovations are changing people?s perception and experience of money and paying. The innovation process in payments is promoted by different groups of actors (such as financial institutions, start-up software companies, merchants, and mobile operators) and by international governmental agencies (for example the European Central Bank). Not only new payment solutions attract a lot of attention in media and press, but they also trigger a debate regarding the cashless society.
The development towards a cashless society affects our life. It will have an impact on the actors in the payment eco-system, leading to a number of both anticipated as well as unanticipated consequences on individual, organizational and society level. These consequences are of critical importance and need to be explored. We stress the importance of investigating a cashless society from multiple perspectives, including economics, technical, infrastructure, sociological, anthropological, design, and information systems, to mention a few.
This roundtable will examine the consequences and impact of a cashless society from multiple perspectives at different levels of analysis. Specifically, topics of interest may include (but are not limited to) the following:
- Cash in the future - New payment solutions as disruptive technologies - Social consequences of a cashless society - Digitalization of money - Changes in the payment eco-system - Emerging payment business models - Role of money and payments in society - Economics of payments - Emerging payment technologies, e.g. mobile payments, Bit Coin, Flatter etc. - Designing new payments and payments techniques, e.g. NFC, Bio metric payments - Integrity and privacy issues
Confirmed keynote speaker:
Professor Priya Raghubir from New York University Stern School of Business. Her interests are in the areas of marketing research and in particular consumer behavior, marketing strategy, and psychological aspects of prices and money.
SUBMISSIONS Abstracts for presentations are invited and should be not more than 2000 words. Please also provide a short (100 word) bio, with full contact information including email addresses.
Abstracts are due February 29, 2012. Please email your abstract to cashlessroundtable@gmail.com mailto:cashlessroundtable@gmail.com. Acceptance decisions will be announced March 3.
If you have questions, please contact the Roundtable Chair Jonas Hedman (jh.itm@cbs.dk mailto:jh.itm@cbs.dk).
The roundtable committee consists of Jonas Hedman (Copenhagen Business School), Jan Ondrus (ESSEC Business School), Fergal Carton (University College of Cork), and Virpi Kristiina Tuunainen (Aalto University).
ROUNDTABLE LOCATION The roundtable will be held in Copenhagen, Denmark, exact location is not decided yet. A number of Hotel rooms will be booked in advance to a discount price at SAS Radisson. Roundtable website: http://www.cfir.dk/Forside/Projekter/Fremtidenspenge/FirstInternationalCashl...