-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [isworld] DEADLINE EXTENSION: CFP IDEAS 2009 - ERRATA CORRIGE: The new deadline is May 8 Datum: Fri, 24 Apr 2009 11:08:29 -0400 Von: Domenico Sacca sacca@si.deis.unical.it Antwort an: Domenico Sacca sacca@si.deis.unical.it An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network isworld@lyris.isworld.org
In order to allow paper submission also to those celebrating the labour day, the deadline extension for IDEAS 2009 has been moved to May 8, 2009. Good work!
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====================================================== I D E A S ' 0 9 (http://confsys.encs.concordia.ca/ideas09/)
International Database Engineering & Applications Symposium
Cetraro (Calabria), Italy, 16-18 September 2009
The aim of the IDEAS series of symposiums is to address the engineering and application aspects of databases. IDEAS series of symposiums are scheduled annually and have been held since 1997 in North America, Europe and Asia and has attracted participants from governmental and non-governmental agencies, industries, and academia.
IDEAS'09 invites quality papers describing original research and new findings on technological and theoretical aspects of database engineering and applications. In particular, we welcome submissions describing work on integrating new technologies into products and applications, on experiences with existing and novel techniques, and on the identification of unsolved challenges. We consider this symposium to be an important forum to discuss experiences in applying databases to actual situations. Authors are invited to submit papers in English, reporting recent research in the area of databases, applications, experience in related fields. While research papers should report original research work, experience and application papers should describe the development and operations of challenging database related systems and applications.
The symposium plans to have focused sessions in the following areas:
* Core databases technology * Query processing and optimization * Databases and XML * Data models and languages * Data quality, integration, exchange and warehousing * Knowledge Discovery, Data and Process mining * Databases for e-commerce, e-governance, and other e-applications * Bio-medical, life science and medical databases * Privacy and security issues * Semantic Web and Web 2.0 vs. databases * P2P and Networked Data Management * Stream Databases * Emerging database technologies
Paper submission deadline: May 8, 2009 (Extended from April 26, 2009) Acceptance notice: June 15, 2009 Camera-ready copies due: July 7, 2009 Conference: September 16-18, 2009
Please visit the ConfSys (http://confsys.encs.concordia.ca/ideas09/) web sites for further instructions and submission guidelines. ConfSys will be used to manage all administrative functions of the conference. The conference proceedings will be published by BytePress. The extended version of the best papers would also be invited for publication in reputed journals.
Proposals are invited for workshops to be held in conjunction with the symposium, in the areas of interest within the scope of conference. The detailed proposals should reach the program chairs by 14 May, 2008. It is also planned to hold a special workshop for doctoral candidates from the field.
Organized by: - Concordia University (Montreal, Canada) - University of Calabria (Rende, Italy) - ICAR-CNR (Rende, Itay) with the cooperation of ACM and BytePress
General Chair: - Bipin C. Desai (Concordia University,Montreal, Canada)
Program Chairs: - Sergio Greco (University of Calabria, Rende, Italy) - Domenico Sacc� (University of Calabria, Rende, Italy)
Program Committee: - Foto Afrati (National Technical University of Athens, Greece) - Annalisa Appice (University of Bari, Italy) - Roger Barga (Microsoft Research, USA) - Jorge Bernardino (Instituto Politecnico de Coimbra, Portugal) - Francesco Bonchi (Yahoo! Reseearch, Barcelona, Spain) - Andrea Cali (Oxford University Computing Lab, UK) - Sharma Chakravarthy (The University of Texas at Arlington, USA) - Stavros Christodoulakis (Technical University of Crete, Greece) - Mariano P. Consens (University of Toronto, Canada) - Isabel Cruz (University of Illinois, Chicago, USA) - Sandra de Arno (Federal University of Uberl�ndia, Brasil) - Ahmed Elmagarmid (Purdue University, USA) - Pedro Furtado (University of Coimbra, Portugal) - Sumit Ganguly (ITT, kampur, India) - Stephane Grumbach (LIAMA, Beijing & INRIA, Paris, France) - Dimitrios Gunopulos (University of California, Riverside, USA) - Marc Gyssen (Hasselt University, Belgium) - Laks V.S. Lakshmanan (The University of British Columbia, Canada) - Carlos K. Leung (University of Manitoba, Canada) - Bertram Ludaescher (University of California at Davis, USA) - Mukesh Mohania (IBM India Research Laboratory, India) - Boris Novikov (St-Petersburg University, Russia) - Z. Meral Ozsoyoglu (Case Western Reserve University, USA) - Philippe Rigaux (UniversitÈ Paris-Dauphine, France) - Tore Risch (Uppsala University, Sweden) - Kai-Uwe Sattler (University of Ilmenau, Germany) - Yžcel Saygin (Sabanci University, Turkey) - Nicolas Spyratos (UniversitÈ de Paris-Sud, France) - Andrea Tagarelli (University of Calabria, Italy) - Letizia Tanca (Politecnico di Milano, Italy) - Giorgio Terracina (University of Calabria, Italy) - Bernhard Thalheim (University of Kiel, Germany) - Paolo Tiberio (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy) - Riccardo Torlone (university of Roma 3, Italy) - Domenico Ursino (University of Reggio Calabria, Italy) - Genoveva Vargas-Solar (LSR-IMAG, France) - Krishnamurthy Vidyasankar (Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada) - Wei Wang (University of South Wales, Australia) - Jeffery Xu Yu (Chinese University of Hong Kong, China) - Carlo Zaniolo (University of California, USA) - Esteban Zimanyi (ULB, Belgium)
Local Chairs: - Alfredo Cuzzocrea (ICAR-CNR, Rende, Italy) - Sergio Flesca (Universita' della Calabria, Rende, Italy)
The Symposium venue will be Grand Hotel San Michele in Cetraro, a nice seaside resort in Southern Italy. The hotel is located high on a cliff above the Tyrrhenian coast of Calabria Region - a lift within the rocks takes hotel guests to the beach. In 1981 the Summer School on Theoretical Issues in Data Bases took place in the same hotel, which later originated the International Conference on Database Theory (ICDT). The hotel will apply special full board prices, per day and per person to participants and to accompanying persons.
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