-------- Original Message -------- Subject: [AISWorld] CFP KREAM 2011 (part of ICCS 2011) - Knowledge models in e-science Date: Tue, 14 Dec 2010 19:54:32 +0100 From: Miguel-Angel Sicilia msicilia@uah.es Reply-To: msicilia@uah.es Organization: University of Alcalá To: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org
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**************************************************************************** ************************* ------- KREAM 2011 -------
Knowledge representation and applied models and metadata in computational science 2011
will be held on June 1st to June 3rd as workshop at the International Conference on Computational
Science 2011. Tsukuba International Congress Center, Tsukuba, Japan. http://www.ieru.org/org/kream/2011/
Papers accepted will be published in Elsevier Procedia.
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--------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- FOCUS --------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------
Computational science techniques require in many cases models and representations of knowledge for the complex processes supporting research in the different fields , and complex models are also required to capture the research context itself . This has resulted in the development of ontologies, metadata schemas and other kinds of models that are shared, reused and enriched for computational science tasks continuously. Relevant examples are scientific ontologies as the Gene Ontology or the Plant Ontology and metadata schemas as the Ecological Metadata Language (EML), but many other models that are less used are regularly used in computational science research.
--------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- AIMS, SCOPE AND TOPICS --------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------
The KREAM workshop aims at gathering high quality research results about the use of knowledge representations, schemas and models in computational science for concrete applications, or papers dealing with the analysis, development or evaluation of the representations themselves.
The workshop complements other workshops that are specific to some discipline or technique providing an inter-disciplinary account that emphasizes the role of knowledge representations and ontologies use in computational science contexts, providing opportunities for the transfer of techniques from domains and exposing advanced practices using models that may be reused across different disciplines. The KREAM workshop has been successfully organized in the last three editions of the ICCS conference. (http://www.iccs-meeting.org/) This year's proposal is consolidating and opening the workshop to additional organizers to bring a more inter-disciplinary orientation.
--------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- PUBLICATION --------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------
Accepted papers will be published in Elsevier Procedia.
Guidelines for formatting your paper can be found at the following link:
--------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT DATES --------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------
Full papers submission: January 20, 2011 Notification of acceptance of papers: February 20, 2011 Camera ready papers: March 7, 2011
--------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- ORGANISATION --------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------
Scientific committee chairs: ----------------------------
Dr. Miguel-Angel Sicilia, University of Alcalá (contact: msicilia at uah dot es) Dr. Nikos Manouselis, Greek Research and Technology Network (GRNET) Dr. Ioannis N. Athanasiadis, Democritus University of Thrace Dr. Daniel Rodríguez-García, University of Alcalá
Organization committee: -----------------------
Elena Mena Garcés (chair) Leonardo Lezcano, Open University of Madrid
Scientific committee members (to be completed): -----------------------------------------------
Nikos Houssos, National Documentation Centre, Greece Inigo San Gil, LTER Network Office, Department of Biology, University of New Mexico, USA Gianluca Colombo, Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca, Italy Juan Carlos Villagrán de León, Programme Officer UN-SPIDER, Office for Outer Space Affairs, Austria Jérome Gensel, Université Pierre Mendès-France Asa Ben-Hur, Colorado State University Federica Viti, Institute for Biomedical Technologies of the National Research Council, Segrate (Milan), Italy Zoe Lacroix, Arizona State University
Miguel-Angel Sicilia Associate professor, Computer Science Department, University of Alcalá
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