-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [computational.science] [Call for Papers] The First International Workshop on Smart Home (IWSH06) Datum: Wed, 24 May 2006 00:04:14 +0900 Von: IWSH'06 CyberChair smarthome06@gmail.com Organisation: "OptimaNumerics" An: Computational Science Mailing List computational.science@lists.optimanumerics.com
[Appologies if you receive multiple copies of this CFP.] ========================================================= The First International Workshop on Smart Home (IWSH06) November 10 ~ 11, 2006 http://www.secureworld.or.kr/IWSH.htm
Hotel Shilla Cheju, Cheju Island, Korea =========================================================
Introduction Smart Home Environments (SHE) are emerging rapidly as an exciting new paradigm including ubiquitous, grid, and peer-to-peer computing to provide computing and communication services any time and anywhere. But in order to realize their advantages, it requires the security services and applications to be suitable for SHE. If they are realized, a user will be able to remotely access and control all information appliances in the workplace as well as at home, and easily and conveniently use various services to enable working from home, remote education, remote diagnosis, virtual shopping, network gaming, and portal & high quality VOD with no limitations on space and time. Our workshop is intended to foster the dissemination of state-of-the-art research in the area of SHE including business models, security services, and novel applications associated with its utilization. In this wrkshop, we plan to publish high quality papers, which cover the various theories and practical applications related smart home. The published papers are expected to present the high level results to solve the application services and various problems in the various SH fields. In addition, we expect they will trigger further related research and technology improvements for SH.
Topics (included, but are not limited to) SH Applications - Smart home (Building) applications and services - Smart home network middleware and protocols - Commercial and industrial application for SH - Context awareness model for smart home services - Wireless sensor networks (WSN) / RFID application for SH SH Security - Multimedia Security and Services in SH - Smart home security issues and model - Access control and privacy protection in SH - Forensics and Security Policy in SH - WSN/ RFID Security in SH - Security Protocol for smart home service
International Committee
General Chairs: Ching-Hsien Hsu (Chung Hua University, Taiwan) Jong Hyuk Park (Hanwha S&C Co., Ltd., Korea) Sajal K. Das (University Texas at Arlington, USA)
Program Chair: Tai-hoon Kim (SERSC, Korea)
Publicity Chairs: Eun-Sun Jung (Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, Korea) Xinwen Fu (Dakota State University, USA)
Publication Chairs: Woo-Seok Hyun (Korean Bible University, Korea) George Roussos (University of London, UK)
Financial Chairs: Yeoun-Sik Park (KIMICS, Korea) Heau Jo Kang (Mokwon University, Korea) Sung-eon Jo (Sunchun University, Korea)
System Management Chair: Il Seok Ko (Chungbuk Provincial University, Korea)
Program Committee: Anatole Gershman (Accenture Technology Labs, USA) Andry Rakotonirainy (Queensland University of Technology, Australia) Anind K. Dey (Carnegie Mellon University, USA) Antonio Coronato (ICAR-CNR, Italy) Antonio Pescape' (University of Napoli "Federico II", Italy) Arek Dadej (University of South Australia, Australia) Bessam Abdulrazak (University of Florida, USA) Bharadwaj Veeravalli (National University of Singapore, Singapore) Bin Lu (West Chester University of Pennsylvania, USA) Bo-Chao Cheng (National Chung-Cheng University, Taiwan) Borhanuddin Mohd Ali (University of Putra Malaysia, Malaysia) Byoung-Soo Koh (DigiCAPS Co., Ltd, Korea) Debasish Ghose (Indian Institute of Science, India) Do-Hyeon Kim (Cheju National University, Korea) Dong Myung Shin (Korea Information Security Agency, Korea) Eung-Nam Ko (Baekseok University, Korea) Geoff West (Curtin University of Technology, Australia) Gerd Kortuem (Lancaster University, UK) Giuseppe De Pietro (ICAR-CNR, Italy) Hans-Peter Dommel (Santa Clara University, USA) Hakan Duman (University of Essex, UK) Hesham H. Ali (University of Nebraska at Omaha, USA) HoJae Hyun (Korea Information Security Agency, Korea) HwaJin Park (Sookmyung Women's University , Korea) Hung-Chang Hsiao (National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan) Hyoung Joong Kim (Kangwon National University, Korea) Ibrahim Kamel (University of Sharjah, UAE) Im Yeong Lee (SoonChunHyang University, Korea) In-Hwa Hong (KETI, Korea) Insung Jung (Digicaps.Co. Ltd., Korea) Jalal Al-Muhtadi (King Saud University, Saudi Arabia) Jari Veijalainen (University of Jyvaskyla, Germany) JeongHyun Yi (Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, Korea) Jin Wook Lee (Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, Korea) Joohun Lee (Dong-Ah Broadcasting College, Korea) Karen Henricksen (NICTA, Australia) Kia Makki (Florida International University, USA) Kwang-Man Lee (Cheju National University, Korea) LF Kwok (City University of Hong Kong, HK) Li-Der Chou (National Central University, Taiwan) Maria Teresa Arredondo (LifeSTech, Spain) Michael Beigl (University of Karlsruhe, Germany) Miyoun Yoon (Korea Information Security Agency, Korea) Mounir Mokhtari (INT/GET, France) Myung-Chan Park (International Graduate University for Peace, Korea) Nicolas Sklavos (University of Patras, Greece) Niki Pissinou (Florida International University, USA) Ning Zhang (University of Manchester, UK) Panos Kourouthanassis (Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece) Petteri Kaskenpalo (AUT University, New Zealand) Qi Shi (Liverpool John Moores University, UK) Rene Mayrhofer (Lancaster University, UK) Ricky Robinson (NICTA, Australia) Ron Watro (BBN Technologies, USA) Saracco Roberto (Telecom Italia Lab, Italy) Shamila Makki (Florida International University, USA) Shaohua TANG (South China University of Technology, China) SuJin Park (University of Daejeon , Korea) Sung Soo Kim (Kangwon National University, Korea) Tatsuo Nakajima (Waseda University, Japan) Tatsuya Yamazaki (NICT, Japan) Toshihiro TABATA (Okayama University, Japan) Tsung-Chuan Huang (National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan) Tsutomu Terada (Osaka University, Japan) Urs Hengartner (University of Waterloo, Canada) Vipin Chaudhary (Wayne State University, USA) Wen-Shenq Juang (Shih Hsin University, Taiwan) Yang Guangwen (Tsinghua University, P.R.China) Young Yong Kim (Yonsei University, Korea)
Deadlines and Dates Paper Submission Due: Jun 20, 2006 Acceptance Notification for IEEE CS: July 20, 2006 Camera-ready Paper Submission for IEEE CS: August 20, 2006
First Acceptance Notification for LNCS/Journals: August 31, 2006 Final Decision and Acceptance Notification for LNCS/Journals : November 17, 2006
Paper Submission Authors are invited to submit original papers: they must not substantially duplicate work that any of the authors have published elsewhere or have submitted in parallel to any other conferences that have proceedings. The submission of contributions to IWSH'06 occurs through the ICHIT2006 Electronic Submission system ( http://www.secureworld.or.kr/IWSH.files/Submission Information.htm).
Publication 1.Proceedings: All accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings published by IEEE CS. 2.Revised Monographs: We are contacting a number of top scientific journals interested in publishing the special issues consisting of the extended and additionally revised IWSH 2006 papers. Selected papers will be included revised monographs in LNCS/LNAI Series or the following journals with special issue (this has been agreed with the respective editors in chief). -Asian Journal of Information Technology -International Journal of Smart Home -Journal of Security Engineering
Contact For general enquiries about IWSH 2006 Workshop or in case of any difficulty, please contact: -IWSH'06 CyberChair (smarthome06@gmail.com) -Tai Hoon Kim(taihoonn@empal.com) -The IWSH Secretariat, Ms Hyun-ah Kim (secureworld@paran.com)