-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [isworld] Call for Industry Papers - ICST 2009 Datum: Fri, 5 Sep 2008 10:26:46 +0100 Von: Jens Krinke krinke@acm.org Antwort an: Jens Krinke krinke@acm.org An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network isworld@lyris.isworld.org
2nd IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST 2009)
April 1-4, 2009, Denver, Colorado
Submission of abstracts: 26 September, 2008 Submission of full papers: 3 October, 2008
ICST welcomes papers and experience reports from software development and testing practitioners. We are looking for papers that crisply address practical software testing and quality improvement, presenting empirical results or reporting on open problems. All industrial papers should discuss broader implications and usage of the specific topic.
There are two paper formats: full length -- ten pages, and short -- four pages. Full length papers should present a significant experience report about industrial software testing, verification, or validation. Papers with metrics that quantify effects on time, cost, and quality are preferred. Short papers should present a clear description of a problem, and either a brief discussion of a solution, or an analysis of why existing approaches do not work. All contributions will receive a full program committee peer review. Accepted and presented contributions will be part of the published conference proceedings. The evaluation criteria for industry papers is based less on the originality of the technical contribution, and more on its relevance for practice, empirical results, and implications for research.
The IEEE International Conference on Software Testing Verification and Validation (ICST) is the premier conference in all areas related to software quality and the success of the first edition in 2008 demonstrated the growth of the field: 214 submitted papers, 52 full length papers, and over 200 attendees.
The second edition will build on the success of ICST 2008 and leverage the many exciting advances in software testing to create dynamic exchanges of new ideas and industrial applications. The theme of ICST 2009 is comprehensive testing, which means that we view testing in a holistic way and encourage contributions on all facets of testing:
Topics * Developer unit testing * Integration testing * End-to-end testing * Validation and verification * System testing * Regression testing * Model-based testing * Usability testing * Security testing * Quality assurance * Inspections
Techniques * Test data generation * Test oracles (new) * Metrics * Testing theory * Empirical studies
Systems * Embedded and real-time software * Concurrent software * Web applications
General Chair: Anneliese Andrews (andrews@cs.du.edu) Program Chairs: Jeff Offutt (offutt@gmu.edu) Per Runeson (per.runeson@cs.lth.se) Workshop Chairs: Mark Harman (Mark.Harman@kcl.ac.uk) Zheng Li (Zheng.Li@kcl.ac.uk) Matthew Rutherford (mjr@cs.du.edu) Industry Chair: Wolfgang Grieskamp
Important dates: Submission of workshop proposals: 5 September, 2008 Submission of abstracts: 26 September, 2008 Submission of full papers: 3 October, 2008 Notification: 19 December, 2008 Camera-ready: 16 January, 2009 Dates of Conference: April 1 - April 4, 2009
For ICST 2009 submission guidelines and all additional up to date information, please visit http://bitterroot.vancouver.wsu.edu/icst2009/
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