-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [computational.science] Call for Papers 6th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Datum: Wed, 14 Mar 2012 13:41:49 +0100 Von: Antonio F. Skarmeta skarmeta@um.es Antwort an: skarmeta@um.es Organisation: "ICCSA" An: Computational Science Mailing List computational.science@lists.iccsa.org
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================================================================ 6th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence& 4th International Workshop on Ambient Assisted Living (UCAmI-IWAAL 2012) Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain, December 3-5th, 2012
Deadline Paper Submission : June 15, 2012
http://mami.uclm.es/ucami2012/ http://www.ucami.org ================================================================ Selected papers will be published in the following journals: - Journal of Medical Internet Research (IF = 4,7) - Future Generation Computer Systems Journal (IF = 2,365) - Journal of Universal Computer Science – 2 special issues (Ambient Intelligence& Sustainable Computing and Ambient Assisted Living: Home Care) (IF = 0,78 ) - Journal of Ambient Intelligence& Humanized Computing
================================================================ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Important dates: Paper submission: June 15, 2012 Notification of acceptance: July 15, 2012 Camera-ready version: September 15, 2012 Conference dates: December 3-5, 2012 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Topics of interest
------------- UCAmI - 2012 ------------- Sustainable Computing: - Use of sensors for environmental monitoring - Smart Control for eco-friendly devices and building - Eco-aware Devices, Services and Environments - AmI for a Greener Planet - Green Computing and Power-Aware Middleware - Smart Cities Human Interaction in Ambient Intelligence: - Human-Centric Interfaces for AmI environments (multi-modal, touch computing, NFC, 2D codes) - Context- and Location-aware Frameworks and Sensing (context modelling, user-adaptability, automatic-generation of user interfaces, sentient computing, knowledge-based approach, affective and social interfaces, etc.) - Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality - Smart-object based interaction, persuasive computing and Tangible Interactions. - Ubiquitous and Ambient Displays Environments, Wall Displays, Urban Displays, Multi-screen Environments. - Detection and Support for collaboration, User Intentions and Activity Recognition, Analysis of Psychological User States - Digital TV-based interfaces ICT instrumentation and Middleware support for Smart Environments and Objects: - Mobile Ad Hoc Networks and Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) - RFID and 2-D codes for real-world labelling - Smart Sensors - Wearable Computing - Custom made internet-connected objects - Semantic Middleware Infrastructure (Semantic Web, OSGi, DLNA, DPWS, Home automation standards) Adding intelligence for Environment Adaptation: - Knowledge Representation and Management for user and environment modelling and understanding (Ontologies, Semantic Web, Logic, Expert Systems Multi-agents) - Autonomic Computing, Responsive and Proactive Systems and Dynamic Reconfiguration - Ontologies for user and environment modelling and understanding - Learning, Reasoning and Adaptation Techniques over context models. Collaborative Smart objects - Linked Open Data applied to Smart Environments Key application domains for Ambient Intelligence: - Internet of Things and Social Web of Things - Social Robotics - Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)
------------- IWAAL - 2012 ------------- Human-Computer Interaction at AAL environments: - Ubiquitous and Mobile Interfaces - Tangible Interfaces - Multi-modal Interaction - Virtual and Augmented Reality for AAL - Sensor-based Interfaces - Agent-based Interfaces - Robot-based Interfaces - Computer Vision - Innovative Interaction Devices - Mobile Interaction - Interaction for Inclusion Intelligent Healthcare and Homecare Environments: - Ambient Intelligence for AAL - E-Learning for AAL - Artificial Intelligence techniques for AAL - Context-Awareness in Assistive Environments - Modeling of human activity and behaviour for providing timely assistance - Collaborative Systems for AAL - Decision Support Systems - Knowledge Management - Architectures for developing AAL Environments - Applications for elderly people with few resources - Accessibility Sensing and Monitoring: - Identification and Sensing Technologies - Risks Detection - Activity Recognition - Tele-mobile monitoring - Diet& Exercise monitoring - Supervising the taking of drugs - Vital Signs Supervision AAL Environments: - Smart Homes& Supervised Homes - Hospital Communication Management for AAL - Geriatric Residences - Living Labs - Getting older in rural areas Key applications domains: - Chronic diseases - Frailty - Dementia - Rehabilitation - Ocupational therapy - Emotional Support - Healthcare and Social Wellness
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- General Co-Chairs José Bravo, University of Castilla-La Mancha (Spain) Diego López-de-Ipiña, University of Deusto (Spain) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contact: grupo.mami@uclm.es