-------- Original Message -------- Subject: [AISWorld] CfP: AMCIS 2011 minitrack on "Knowledge Management Value, Success and Performance Measurements" Date: Thu, 16 Dec 2010 01:45:06 +0100 From: Stefan.Smolnik@ebs.edu To: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org
(Apologies for cross-postings of this announcement.)
************************************************* CALL FOR PAPERS
17th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2011) August 4-7, 2011 (Thursday-Sunday) Detroit Marriott Hotel ( http://www.marriott.com/hotels/travel/dtwdt-detroit-marriott-at-the-renaissa... )
Track: Business Intelligence and Knowledge Management Minitrack: Knowledge Management Value, Success and Performance Measurements
Research into knowledge management (KM), organizational memories, and organizational learning has been affected by investigations such as implementation aspects, system developments, or knowledge flows during a number of years. Therefore, a high maturity level of KM research has been achieved. However, organizational KM initiatives are more and more faced with budget cuts and justification demands due to intense competition in today’s business environments. The influences of the rapid pace of globalization and of the ongoing liberalization of national and international markets lead to the emergence of increased pressure on existing companies. Project managers of KM initiatives like Chief Knowledge Officers need to justify their budgets and thus are in need of qualitative and quantitative evidence of the initiatives’ success. In addition, ROI calculations and traditional accounting approaches do not tell an adequate story when proposing knowledge-based initiatives. This minitrack explores research into strategies, methodologies, and stories that relate to measure this success. In addition, this minitrack will be used to explore the bodies of performance measurements that define the current state of research in measuring KM, organizational memory, and organizational learning success. Eventually, another purpose of this minitrack is to present research on how to value knowledge-based initiatives.
Topics and research areas include, but are not limited to: * Frameworks and models for assessing knowledge management and/or organizational memory systems * Methodologies and processes for measuring knowledge management and/or organizational memory success and performance * Impact of knowledge management strategy, organization, systems, culture, and other issues on knowledge management/organizational memory success * Organizational effectiveness/efficiency due to knowledge management/organizational memory/organizational learning, knowledge and organizational memory use * Knowledge management, organizational memory, and organizational learning metrics * Knowledge management, organizational memory, and organizational learning success factors and key performance indicators * Benchmarking of knowledge management/organizational memory initiatives * Case studies of knowledge management and organizational memory success and performance measurements * Measuring knowledge management and/or organizational memory performance in global organizations and globally dispersed communities * Effectiveness and/or efficiency of knowledge management/organizational memory systems * Modeling and measuring the impact of social software on knowledge management performance * Defining knowledge management and organizational memory success * Rigorous anecdotes and user stories and their theoretical basis to facilitate the value of knowledge-based initiatives * Developing grounded theory approaches to valuing knowledge-based initiatives
* Dec 30, 2010: AIS review system will begin accepting submissions for AMCIS 2011 * Feb 17, 2010: Full paper submission deadline * Mar 24, 2011: Authors notified of paper acceptance decision * April 21, 2011: Camera-ready papers due
Paper can be submitted using the online submission system at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/amcis2011. Additional information regarding the submission process will be made available on the AMCIS 2011 primary website: http://amcis2011.aisnet.org/
Murray E. Jennex Information and Decision Science San Diego State University mjennex@mail.sdsu.edu
Stefan Smolnik Institute of Research on Information Systems (IRIS) EBS University of Business and Law stefan.smolnik@ebs.edu EBS European Business School gemeinnuetzige GmbH, Universitaet fuer Wirtschaft und Recht i.Gr. - Amtsgericht Wiesbaden HRB 19951 - Umsatzsteuer-ID DE 113891213 Geschaeftsfuehrung: Prof. Dr. Christopher Jahns, President; Prof. Dr. Rolf Tilmes, Dean Business School; Sabine Fuchs, CMO; Prof. Dr. Dr. Gerrick Frhr. v. Hoyningen-Huene, Dean Law School; Aufsichtsrat: Dr. Hellmut K. Albrecht, Vorsitzender _______________________________________________ AISWorld mailing list AISWorld@lists.aisnet.org