-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [isworld] 14th International Conference on Information Quality (ICIQ) Datum: Tue, 6 Oct 2009 15:45:51 -0400 Von: Paul L. Bowen pbowen@cob.fsu.edu Antwort an: Paul L. Bowen pbowen@cob.fsu.edu An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network isworld@lyris.isworld.org
CALL FOR PARTICIPATION 14th International Conference on Information Quality (ICIQ) November 7 - 8, 2009 www.iciq2009.org
Hosted annually from 1996 to 2008 at MIT in Cambridge, MA, the International Conference on Information Quality (ICIQ) will celebrate its 14th anniversary in 2009 in Potsdam, Germany. Each year, the conference attracts numerous researchers and practitioners from the academic academy and both the public and private sectors. In addition to the official program, there are plenty of opportunities for informal discussions. The conference program will include tracks of practice-oriented papers, research papers, and panel sessions. ICIQ strongly encourages practitioners to submit papers that report experiences, lessons, and perspectives. The 14th International Conference on Information Quality (ICIQ-09) will be held at the Hasso Plattner Institute on November 7.-8.
We are very proud to present three distinguished invited speakers at ICIQ 2009. Jeff Jonas (IBM) will hold the opening keynote for ICIQ on Saturday; Niels Weigel (SAP AG) will open Sunday with his keynote talk; and Richard Wang (MIT) will give a dinner speech at the conference banquett.
*** Full Papers *** * Anja Klein, Gregor Hackenbroich, Wolfgang Lehner: How to Screen a Data Stream - Quality-Driven Load Shedding in Sensor Data Streams
* Rolf Wigand, Jerry Wood, Yusuf Yiliyasi: Information Quality Standards in the Mortgage Banking Industry: Diffusion and Adoption Challenges
* Ana Lucas, Antonio Palma-dos-Reis, Mario Caldeira: The Quality of Monitoring Data in Civil Engineering Works
* Sven Ahlheid, Therese Friberg, Gernot Graefe, Alexander Krebs, Jan-Philipp Mueller, Dirk Schuster: Towards Assessing Information Quality in Knowledge Management in the Enterprise 2.0
* David Becker, John Jaster, Jereme Kuperman: Flexible and Generic Data Quality Metadata Exchange
* Boris Otto, Kai Huener, Hubert Oesterle: Identification of Business Oriented Data Quality Metrics
* Kai-Uwe Baryga: Master Data Management Processes - A Petri-Net based solution that supports organizations with global and local MDM quality requirements
* John Talburt, Yinle Zhou, Savitha Shivaiah: SOG: A Synthetic Occupancy Generator to Support Entity Resolution Instruction and Research
* Therese Friberg, Wolfgang Reinhardt: An Empirical Study on Criteria for Assessing Information Quality in Corporate Wikis
* Marcus Kaiser, Adir Even: A Framework for Economic-driven Assessment of Data Quality Decisions
* Noelia Sanchez-Serrano, Ismael Caballero, Felix Garcia: Extending BPMN to Support the Modeling of Data Quality Issues
* Jochen Kokemueller, Anette Weisbecker: On the Evolution of Master Data Management
* Laure Berti-Equille, Virginie Thion-Goasdoue, Veronika Peralta, Zoubida Kedad, Sylvaine Nugier: Multidimensional Management and Analysis of Quality Measures for CRM Applications at EDF
* Georg Fischer, Axel Herbst: Information Management along the life cycle of data and application systems - challenges and solution approaches
* Yao Zhou: A SOA-based Data Quality Assessment Framework in a Medical Science Center
* Carlos Rodriguez, Florian Daniel, Fabio Casati, Cinzia Cappiello: Computing Uncertain Key Indicators from Uncertain Data
* Kashif Mehmood, Samira Si-Said Cherfi, Isabelle Comyn-Wattiau: Data Quality through Conceptual Model Quality - Reconciling Researchers and Practitioners through a Customizable Quality Model
* Soumaya Ben hassine-Guetari, Brigitte Laboisse: Data Quality Evaluation in an E-Business Environment: A Survey
* David Aumueller, Erhard Rahm: Web-based Affiliation Matching
*** Poster Papers ***
* Zbigniew Gackowski: Is DQ/IQ the Quality of Information? Two Views
* Veerawat Masayna, Andy Koronios, Jing Ga: A Framework for the Development of the Business Case for the Introduction of Data Quality Program Linked to Corporate KPIs & Governance
* Boris Otto, Kai Huener: A Meta-model for Data Quality Management Simulation
* Pei Li, Andrea Maurino: Schema Based Deduplication
* Zhemin Zhu, Delphine Bernhard, Iryna Gurevych: A Multi-Dimensional Model for Assessing the Quality of Answers in Social Q&A Sites
* Matteo Di Gioia, Domenico Beneventano, Monica Scannapieco: Multi-Source Object Identification With Constraints
* Wojciech Barczynski, Falk Brauer, Adrain Mocan: ExplainIE - Explaining Information Extraction Systems
The registration site is opened at http://www.iciq2009.org/.
Felix Naumann, Hasso Plattner Institute, Potsdam, Germany (naumann@hpi.uni-potsdam.de)
Paul Bowen, Florida State University, (pbowen@cob.fsu.edu) Ahmed K. Elmagarmid, Purdue University, (ake@cs.purdue.edu) Hubert Oesterle, University of St. Gallen (hubert.oesterle@unisq.ch) Kai-Uwe Sattler, Ilmenau University of Technology, (kus@tu-ilmenau.de)
Carlo Batini (University of Milan, Italy) Laure Berti-Equille (University of Rennes, France) Mokrane Bouzeghoub (Universite de Versailles, France) Ismael Caballero (University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain) Tiziana Cartaci (University of Roma La Sapienza, Italy) Tamraparni Dasu (AT&T Labs, USA) Helena Galhardas (University of Lisboa, Portugal) Floris Geerts (University of Edinburgh, UK) Michael Gertz (University of Heidelberg, Germany) Eberhard Hechler (IBM, Germany) Markus Helfert (Dublin City University, Ireland) Theodore Johnson (AT&T Labs, USA) Barbara Klein (University of Michigan-Dearborn, USA) Andrea Maurino (Universita di Milano Bicocca, Italy) Paolo Missier (University of Manchester, UK) Boris Otto (University of St. Gallen, Switzerland) Mourad Ouzzani (Purdue University, USA) Elizabeth Pierce (University of Arkansas, Little Rock, USA) Leo Pipino (University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA) Erhard Rahm (University of Leipzig, Germany) Friedrich Roithmayr (University of Linz, Austria) Monica Scannapieco (University of Roma La Sapienza, Italy) Yasuki Sekiguchi (Hokkaido University, Japan) Valerie Sessions (Charleston Southern University, USA) Kai Simon (Gartner, Germany) Divesh Srivastava (AT&T Labs, USA) Dan Suciu (University of Washington, USA) Panos Vassiliadis (University of Ioannina, Greece) Vassilios Verykios (University of Thessaly, Greece) Anette Weisbecker (Fraunhofer Institute, Germany)
CONTACT INFORMATION For questions about the program, please contact the ICIQ Program Chairs. For questions about local arrangements, please contact naumann@hpi.uni-potsdam.de.
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