-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [isworld] CFP: 3rd International Workshop on E-Marketplace Integration & Interoperability (EM2I'09) Datum: Mon, 27 Apr 2009 14:00:53 -0400 Von: Joerg Leukel joerg.leukel@uni-hohenheim.de Antwort an: Joerg Leukel joerg.leukel@uni-hohenheim.de An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network isworld@lyris.isworld.org
========================================================================== Call for Papers ========================================================================== The 3rd International Workshop on E-Marketplace Integration & Interoperability (EM2I'09)
In conjunction with 2009 IEEE International Conference on e-Business Engineering (ICEBE 2009)
October 21-23, 2009
Macau, China
http://www.em2i.org/2009 ==========================================================================
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: -------------------------- EM2I'09 is a venue for presenting state-of-the-art research and development achievements in the design, introduction, and use of integration technology for e-marketplaces that affect business interoperability between firms, within supply chains, and between fragmented e-marketplaces. Although the traditional forms of e-marketplaces such as intermediaries, supplier portals, and content hubs are an important area of focus for the workshop, integration technology is increasingly supporting a much wider range of business interoperability that enables contextually heterogeneous enterprises to semantically work together beyond operational transactions. As more and more firms in all regions of the globe are able to interact online, we are rapidly moving toward an integrated global e-marketplace consisting of loosely coupled vertical, horizontal, and regional e-marketplaces.
Topics of interest for EM2I'09 include all contexts in which integration technology is used to mediate enterprise activities through e-marketplaces such as buyer and seller matching, transaction facilitation and international trade, e-servicing, and legal infrastructure. The technology may include business information engineering, languages for describing products and services, business document modeling and integration, business process design and coordination, marketplace services collaboration, business semantic technologies, business rules, e-marketplace protections and legal infrastructure.
Given its specified context, EM2I'09 is a multi-disciplinary workshop, and participation of people from diverse backgrounds, cultures and perspectives is strongly encouraged. We welcome submissions from researchers and practitioners in all sectors, including academia, industry, and government.
TOPICS OF INTEREST: ------------------- * Semantic technologies for business interoperability on e-marketplaces - Ontology-based e-marketplace integration technologies - Collaboration-based e-marketplace integration technologies - Standards and protocols for business vocabulary, documents, processes, and services - Semantic approaches to business rules on e-marketplaces - Computational linguistics in the context of e-marketplaces
* Web Service technology on e-marketplaces - Service-oriented models and frameworks for e-marketplaces - Service-oriented approaches for fragmented e-marketplaces
* Technical functions on e-marketplaces - Matching sellers and buyers - Support electronic marketing - Facilitating business transactions and international trade, including e-trading, e-payment, e-logistics, e-warehousing, - e-customs, e-quality inspection, and e-banking - Support of after-sales services - Securely protecting e-marketplaces - Implementing the legal infrastructure of e-marketplaces
* Empirical research on e-marketplaces - Trends of e-marketplace development - Business models for e-marketplaces - Vertical, horizontal, and regional aspects of e-marketplaces
SUBMISSION: ----------- We solicit original unpublished full papers of both technical and empirical aspects. Papers should be submitted in IEEE conference paper format and should not exceed 6 pages. Maximum of two additional pages is allowed for US$150/page. All papers will be evaluated based on relevance, significance, originality, clarity, and technical merit. Accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings of ICEBE 2009, which will be published by IEEE Computer Society and made available in the IEEE Digital Library. The paper submission will take place using EasyChair.
IMPORTANT DATES: ---------------- 2009-06-14: Abstract submission 2009-06-21: Paper submission 2009-07-12: Notification of paper accceptance 2009-07-26: Camera-Ready submission
PROGRAM CO-CHAIRS: ---------------------------- - Joerg Leukel (University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany) - Jingzhi Guo (University of Macau, Macao, China)
PROGRAM COMMITTEE MEMBERS: -------------------------- (invitations on-going) - Nick Bassiliades (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece) - Beihong Jin (Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China) - Andre Ludwig (University of Leipzig, Germany) - Haifeng Shen (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore) - Li Xu (Old Dominion University, USA)
SPONSORED BY: ------------- - IFIP TC 8 WG 8.9 Enterprise Information Systems - IEEE Technical Committee on Enterprise Information Systems
SUPPORTED BY: ------------- - IEEE Technical Committee on Electronic Commerce - FZID, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany - University of Macau, Macao, China
CONTACT: -------- Dr. Joerg Leukel FZID (Center for Research on Innovation and Services) University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany E-mail: joerg.leukel@uni-hohenheim.de URI: http://www.joerg-leukel.net
========================================================================== EM2I 2009 URI: http://www.em2i.org/2009
ICEBE 2009 URI: http://conferences.computer.org/icebe ==========================================================================
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