-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: USAB 07 > Graz > Usability & HCI for Medicine & Health Care > CALL extended to JULY, 9, 2007 Datum: Wed, 13 Jun 2007 14:20:27 +0200 Von: Andreas Holzinger andreas.holzinger@meduni-graz.at An: Andreas Holzinger andreas.holzinger@meduni-graz.at
***** USAB 07 CALL FOR PAPERS (extended to JULY, 9, 2007) ****** <Due to popular request we have extended the deadlines - please accept our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this CfP>
In order to further promote the collaboration between Psychology and Computer Science, we are inviting your contribution to the USAB 07.
USAB 2007 - Usability & HCI for Medicine and Health Care 3rd Symposium of the Austrian Computer Society, WG HCI&UE NOVEMBER 22, 2007, Graz, Austria
Technological performance increases exponentially and Medical Information Systems and Decision Support Systems are extremely sophisticated. However, human cognitive performance does not advance at the same speed. Consequently, the focus on interaction and communication between human and computer is of increasing importance.
We are seeking high quality papers, which will be reviewed by at least three independent reviewers. Accepted contributions will be published by Springer in their series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). Suggestions for Tutorials and Workshops are also welcome.
TOPICS include but are not limited to:
* Medical Usability and New Research Methodologies * Formal Methods and Methodologies * Human-Computer Interaction in Health Care * Usability of Medical Information Systems * Human Aspects of Future Technologies in Health Care * Semantic Usability in Medicine and Health Care * Human Language Analysis and Natural Language Processing * Usability of Ontologies in the Medical Domain * Usage and Utility of Medical Terminology * Incident Investigation and Safety Issues for Health Care * Human Error and System Development * Usability and Human Aspects of Medical Informatics * Aspects of Usability in Info Vis for Medicine and Health Care * Usability Aspects of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine * Usability in Ambient Assisted Living and Life Long Learning * Cognitive Performance Support (CPS) in Medical Workflows * Augmented Cognition (AugCog) in Medical Workflows * Cognitive Workload in Medical Tasks * Problem Solving Support * Adaptivity and Usability of Medical Decision Support Systems * Usability of Mobile Computing in Medicine * Adaptive User Interfaces for Medical Information Systems * Simulations in Medicine * Log File Analysis in Health Care * User Centered Design & Development in Medicine and Health Care * Real-Life Usability Testing in the Hospital * Cognitive Task Analysis
A) Full papers:
9th July Deadline for submission of long papers 1st August End of first review period: notifications 20th August Deadline for revised papers 3rd September End date for final decision as to publication of the paper, begin sending out notifications of the final decision to the authors and request to provide the final camera-ready version in the case of acceptance 17th September ABSOLUTE DEADLINE for the completed camera-ready papers
B) Short papers & posters
1st August Deadline for submission of short papers 20th August End of first review period: notifications 3rd September Deadline for revised papers 10th September End date for final decision as to publication of the paper, begin sending out notifications of the final decision to the authors and request to provide the final camera-ready version in the case of acceptance 17th September ABSOLUTE DEADLINE for the completed camera-ready papers
C) SYMPOSIUM in Graz (Austria)
20th November 2007: Tutorials, Workshops, Workgroup Meetings 21th November 2007: Tutorials, Workshops, Workgroup Meetings 22th November 2007: Symposium
Further information: http://www.meduni-graz.at/imi/usab-symposium/page.php
For questions please contact: andreas.holzinger@meduni-graz.at
***** USAB 07 CALL FOR PAPERS (extended to JULY, 9, 2007) ******
----------------------------------------------------------------------- Assoc.Prof.Dr.Andreas HOLZINGER, PhD, MSc, MPh, BEng, CEng, DipEd, MBCS Head Research Unit HCI4MED Institute for Medical Informatics, Statistics and Documentation (IMI) Medical University Graz (MUG) Auenbruggerplatz 2/V, A-8036 Graz (Austria) Phone: ++43 316 385 3883, Fax: ++43 316 385 3590 http://www.meduni-graz.at/imi/usab-symposium http://user.meduni-graz.at/andreas.holzinger --------------------------------------------------------------------