Forwarded message from [wspangle@WVU.EDU (William E. Spangler)] sent originally on Wed, 16 Feb 2000 15:53:04 -0500: : --ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ_25236567ÿ : Content-Type: text/plain; charsetÿs-ascii" : : --ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ_25236567ÿ : Content-Type: text/plain; charsetÿs-ascii" : : AMCIS 2000 : Americas Conference on Information Systems : Long Beach, California : August 10th - 13th, 2000 : : Call for Papers for the Mini Track : "Data Mining and Information Retrieval in Business" : : With the advent of new technologies and business practices, including the : explosion of electronic commerce and the trend toward mass personalization, : businesses are searching for new ways to make sense of massive, and : increasing, amounts of data. Data mining allows businesses to ascertain patterns : in data that indicate consumer buying habits, competitor strategies, credit : worthiness, incidence of fraud, and other information of strategic importance. This : mini-track seeks to provide a forum for researchers to share investigations : and ideas in the diverse field of data mining. Current research in data mining : explores areas related to algorithm development and performance, the data : mining process, and the impact of data mining on business practices, among : others. Information Retrieval (IR) algorithms support computerized search of : large document collections (i.e., millions of documents) to retrieve small : subsets relevant to the user's information needs. Examples are book searching : in electronic bookstores and auctions, digital library catalogues and Internet : search engines. IR Application areas include: cross language retrieval, : speech/broadcast retrieval, text categorization, and text summarization. IR : algorithms are subject to objective testing and evaluation for hundreds of : queries on millions of documents (the TREC set and conferences, for example). : : Possible Topics may include, but are not limited to, the following areas: : : * Mining of multimedia data, including image, video and sound data : * New/hybrid algorithms for data mining : * Performance evaluation of data mining methods : * Aligning data mining with task objectives and business strategy : * The impact of data mining on e-commerce strategies : * Mining of internet-based data : * Domain- and problem-specific data mining : * Data mining applications in industry : * Exploring the data mining process, including issues of data selection, : cleaning and preprocessing, and interpretation of results : * Information Retrieval algorithms for electronic commerce and other : applications : * Classifying the WWW with text categorization and clustering : * Analyzing WWW query logs for persistent patterns and query clusters : * Non-English language and cross-language information retrieval : * Text summarization and gisting : : Mini Track Co-Chairs : : William E. Spangler : West Virginia University : (304) 293-7933 : : : H. Michael Chung : California State University, Long Beach : (562)985-7691 : : : Fredric C. Gey : University of California, Berkeley : (510) 642-6571 : : : Important Dates : Submission of Material: March 15, 2000 : Notification of Acceptance: April 15, 2000 : Camera-Ready Copy: May 5, 2000 : Conference Registration: June 1, 2000 : : Submission Guidelines : All submissions and inquiries are to be made to William E. Spangler : ( Submissions must be in English, and should represent the : original work of the authors. Each submission is limited to SEVEN pages : (approximately 3500 words) in length for a full complete research paper and : THREE pages (approximately 1500 words) for a research-in-progress paper. All : submissions should be made electronically and sent as an attachment in MS : Word, WordPerfect, PDF, or HTML format. Please indicate "AMCIS 2000 Mini Track : Submission" in the subject line of the e-mail to which your submissions are : attached. Best papers will be recognized and receive awards at the conference. : : Submissions should include the following: : i)Name, e-mail, mailing address, university/organization affiliation, : phone/fax numbers of the contact person and all co-authors. : ii)Title of the submission, Keywords (five words), Abstract , and Main body of : the submission. : iii) References and/or bibliography (in MIS Quarterly format). : : Americas Conference on Information Systems covers the latest and important : issues in Information Systems and to serve the research and teaching interests : of the IS community. For more details about AMCIS 2000, see : : : --ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ_25236567ÿ : Content-Type: text/plain; charsetÿs-ascii" : : --------------------------------------------------------------------- : William E. Spangler : Dept. of Management and Industrial Relations : College of Business and Economics : West Virginia University : Morgantown, WV 26506-6025 : Voice: 304-293-7933 Fax: 304-293-8905 : E-mail: : URL: : --------------------------------------------------------------------- : : --ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ_25236567ÿ-- : : ÿÿStart of ISWorld List Footer ÿÿ : ISWorld list is a service of the Association for Information Systems (AIS) : ( hosted at University College Dublin. For archives, : subscribing, or posting "norms" see : ÿÿEnd of ISWorld List Footer ÿÿ
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