-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [isworld] CALL FOR CHAPTERS: Enterprise 2.0: How Technology, E-Commerce, and Web 2.0 Are Transforming Business Virtually Datum: Wed, 10 Dec 2008 21:14:27 -0500 Von: Glenn Dardick gdardick@dardick.net Antwort an: Glenn Dardick gdardick@dardick.net An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network isworld@lyris.isworld.org
Enterprise 2.0: How Technology, E-Commerce, and Web 2.0 Are Transforming Business Virtually, Edited by Tracy Tuten, Longwood University
Volume 1: Evolving Enterprise Volume 2: Managing Enterprise Volume 3: Consuming Enterprise
OVERALL OBJECTIVES OF THE BOOK The intent is to offer readers a single source for insight into the evolution of business functions and opportunities created by technologies related to Web 2.0. Daily the news media covers the shift in essential business practices and consumer buying behavior brought about by the Internet. Indeed, these transformations occur as a result of shifts in consumer behavior as much as they are methods of improving efficiency, access, and profitability for businesses, small and large. Enterprise 2.0 will introduce readers to these shifts, breaking the overarching theme into three essential components: 1) business practices, 2) managerial issues, working and work life, and 3) marketing in an online world. The first book in the three-volume set will focus on general business issues related to Web 2.0. The second will focus on work and work life given the managerial advances and employee opportunities created by Web 2.0. The third and final book in the set will feature consumer behavior and concerns related to marketing in a Web 2.0 environment. Topics are noted in the proposed table of contents and author bios are provided later in this document. Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following:
* Principles of Enterprise 2.0 * Perpetual Beta, Continuous Improvement in the Virtual Age * Web Security for Businesses * Achieving Sustainability with the Internet * Leveraging the Web for Product Development * The Interaction between People and Technology and the Effect on Design * Social Software Design * Widgets and Other Applications as Profit-Generation Tools * Secure Content Management * Crowdsourcing * Organizational Transparency * Enterprise Management * Game Simulations in the Workplace * Managing the DNA of Electronic Communication * Technological Tools: Managing the Work in "Net"Work
SUBMISSION PROCEDURE Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit chapters on or before February 23, 2009. Authors of accepted proposals will be notified by March 30, 2009 about the status of their chapter. Authors of accepted chapters will then have a further opportunity to refine their work, based upon the comments of the reviewers and the editor. Revised chapters will be expected to be submitted by May 4, 2009. The book is scheduled to be published by Praeger Publishers, an imprint of the Houghton Mifflin Company. A complete guide for authors is provided below.
Inquiries and submissions should be forwarded electronically (Word document preferred) to:
Tracy Tuten, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Marketing Longwood University tracytuten@gmail.com ryantt@longwood.edu 804.690.3145
DEADLINES Manuscripts should be submitted as Word documents, delivered via email to tracytuten@gmail.com by February 23, 2009. If accepted, final versions of chapters are due by May 4, 2009.
SUBMISSION CHECKLIST Chapter file (in MS Word) Brief author bio (in MS Word) Individual files of any graphics (if applicable) Permissions files (if applicable)
TONE Because the book is intended as a book for a wide audience, it should be written in a readable, interesting style. You should not, for example, shy away from anecdotes and descriptions. However, you should avoid jargon, unless it is necessary to the topic, and then you should introduce the vocabulary terms with a definition of the term. To avoid the temptation of making chapters appear to be research articles, authors should include no more than 40 sources in their chapter.
LENGTH Each chapter manuscript should be 7,000 - 9,000 words (about 20 - 30 typed, double-spaced pages), including sources and suggested readings. Contributions of about 5,000 words will be considered as short reports.
IMAGES The publisher allows some use of images in the volumes, but the number is limited. If you wish to use an image, please ensure that it is necessary to clarify the point you are making and deliver the information. It would be useful for you to let me know if you will be requiring the use of images in your chapter.
Do not embed images, figures, or tables in the text of your chapter. Indicate placement with the instructions "Place Figure X.X about here". Include images in separate files labeled to indicate placement.
Any photos and graphics used must be camera-ready and submitted in hard copy and electronic form. Assume images will appear in black and white.
SUGGESTED READINGS At the end of your chapter, include a list of "Suggested Readings" of works that deal with the topic of your chapter.
STYLE AND USAGE Chapters should follow The Chicago Manual of Style, 15th edition.
Do not use in-text citations. Please use sequential superscript Arabic numbers paired with end-of-book notes. Chapters 16 and 17 of the Chicago Manual describe citation format extensively. Notes to figures and tables should appear as footnotes below the image. Avoid cross-references to other notes and conventions such as "see above" or "see below." Do not use bottom-of-page footnotes except when required by a copyright holder. Cite full names on first reference and by last names thereafter. Spellings should be in American English.
Quoted material of less than 75 words can be run into text and set off by quotation marks. Block quotations of 75 words or more should be set apart as an extract. The source of all quotations should be given immediately following the quotation using a numbered superscript note.
If you quote at length from other sources, you may need to secure reprint permission from the copyright holder. Follow the "Fair Use" guidelines outlined in the 15th edition of The Chicago Manual of Style (pp. 135-138) for details on when to seek permission from copyright holders.
If you do seek and receive permissions, include a file of permission forms with the submission of your chapter. This file should include your original letter requesting permission, a list of the pages where the material appears, and the letter or form granting the permission. Make sure when requesting permissions that the rights cover all editions of this work including hardcover, paperback, in all media, and in all languages.
If specific credit lines are required by the copyright holder, make a list of acknowledgements as required and include with your materials.
Reprint permission is not needed for works in the public domain including U.S. federal documents, reprinted classics, and any words published prior to December 31, 1922.
Glenn S. Dardick on behalf of:
Tracy Tuten, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Marketing Longwood University tracytuten@gmail.com ryantt@longwood.edu 804.690.3145
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