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Subject: GDN 2002 Date: Thu, 6 Dec 2001 10:29:37 +0800 From: Mohammed Quaddus QuaddusM@CBS.CURTIN.EDU.AU To: ISWORLD@LISTSERV.HEANET.IE
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Dear Colleagues,
See below for "Group Decision & Negotiation 2002" conference in Perth, Australia. Please consider submitting a paper to this conference. Cheers.
==Mohammed +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ INFORMS and Curtin University are proud to present Group Decision and Negotiation Call for papers and participation
Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia 2nd-5th September 2002
Following the success of GDN 2001, we are pleased to announce that GDN 2002 will take place in Perth, Western Australia next September with the opening reception on the 1st September and the conference itself running from the 2nd to 5th September 2002. We would therefore like to invite you to participate in what promises to be another great conference
GDN 2002 (as with GDN 2001) aims to bring together researchers in the areas of Group Decision Support Systems, Group Support Systems, Negotiation Support systems, etc. It provides a forum for those working in the field - practitioners and academics alike - and hopes to bring together members from Europe, the US and Australasia. It is open to all.
We invite paper submissions that describe Group or Negotiation Support research focusing on development, application and evaluation of concepts, theories, methods and techniques. We are interested in studies in real organizational settings and laboratory situations using a variety of research approaches.
Suggested topics of interest include, but are not limit to; Design of GSS/NSS GSS and Strategic Management Creativity and DSS Decision Conferencing GDSS and organizational redesign Groupware and knowledge management GSS and policymaking Distributed GSS GSS and education GSS/NSS in cross-cultural settings Adoption and diffusion of GSS Negotiation support Technological issues with NSS or GSS
In addition to paper submission, we would like to invite anyone wishing to propose a track or take responsibility for one of the above to inform the program committee.
Paper Format
We are looking for a mix of keynote papers, research papers, and panels. Authors are invited to submit research contributions representing ongoing or completed work. The program committee will review all submissions. In addition, for GDN 2002, we are looking to produce a book of selected quality papers and therefore will be reviewing the submissions accordingly. The program committee will also review panel submissions.
Paper submission
Papers can be submitted by email to one of the contact addresses below. Submission must in MS-Word, Word Perfect, Postscript or PDF format. Abstracts for papers and outlines for panels should be around 500 words.
Dates: 4th March 2002 Abstracts and panel outline due 25th March 2002 Notification of potentially successful abstracts - with requests for full paper 27th May 2002 Full paper and panel abstracts due 24th June 2002 Notification of acceptance of papers and panels 22nd July 2002 Camera-ready paper due 2nd September 2002 Conference date
Overall Chair Des Klass, Graduate School of Business, Curtin University, Perth, WA. Email: klassd@gsb.curtin.edu.au
Program Chairs Mohammed Quaddus, Graduate School of Business, Curtin University, Perth, WA. Email: quaddusm@gsb.curtin.edu.au
Floyd Lewis, Western Washington University. Email: Floyd.Lewis@wwu.edu
Program Committee Marc Kilgour, Wilfred Laurier University, Canada Email: mkilgour@ulu.ca Marita Nauda, Graduate School of Business, Curtin University, Perth, WA Email: naudem@gsb.curtin.edu.au Pascal Estraillier, Keith Hipel, University of Waterloo, Canada. Email: kwhipel@uwaterloo.ca
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********************************************************** Assoc Prof Mohammed Quaddus, PhD Graduate School of Business Curtin University of Technology GPO Box U 1987, Perth, WA 6845 AUSTRALIA Tel: 61-8-9266 2862, Fax: 61-8-9266 3368 E-mail: quaddusm@gsb.curtin.edu.au quaddusm@cbs.curtin.edu.au ***********************************************************
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