-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [isworld] Call for papers: WOSES 2009 Datum: Mon, 9 Feb 2009 22:47:42 -0200 Von: Rafael Prikladnicki rafaelpri@terra.com.br Antwort an: Rafael Prikladnicki rafaelpri@terra.com.br An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network isworld@lyris.isworld.org
Call for Papers WOSES 2009
V Workshop "A sociotechnical perspective on Software Engineering"
In conjunction with the 8th Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality (http://www.sbqs2009.ufop.br) Ouro Preto, MG, Brazil, June 2nd, 2009 ==============================================================
Important dates
March 9th 2009 (24h00 GMT+3) Deadline for paper submission April 4th 2009 Submission results disclosed May 9th 2009 - Camera-ready version June 2nd 2009 - WOSES
Authors of the best papers may be invited to submit an extended version of their works for publication in a special issue of the INFOCOMP Journal of Computer Science: http://www.dcc.ufla.br/infocomp/ingles/index_eng.htm
Following on its first four editions, WOSES is proposed as a pioneer event in Brazil dedicated to investigate the possibilities and the potential of a sociotechnical perspective on the practices of software development and use in its intent to design and develop high quality software. The sociotechnical view seeks to apprehend software development without fragmenting it into "technical aspects or factors" on the one hand, and "non-technical aspects or factors" on the other hand, and thereby beter describing the "seamless cloth" that imbricates the technical and the social into the same indivisible tissue constituted by the practices of software design and use. (For further details, see the material of the four previous workshop editions in http://www.cos.ufrj.br/woses and see Vols.18:1 and 19:2 of the journal Scientia with revised editions of selected papers of WOSES in http://www.unisinos.br/publicacoes_cientificas/Scientia/ . Vol. 14 of the journal RITA brings also two papers related to WOSES.)
Researchers and practitioners whose work and concerns are related (directly and indirectly) to the interplay between so-called non-technical, social, organizational or cultural aspects with the "technical" aspects for software engineering, and that are therefore potentially or actually aware of the need for a sociotechnical perspective as an effective instrument to improve the quality of software products.
TOPICS OF INTEREST (not exhaustive)
* Software processes and sociotechnical issues; * History of Software Engineering (SE); * Social sciences approaches applied to software development; * The relationship between designer / user / customer; * Elicitation of requirements /needs: challenges, difficulties and solutions; * Customization and use of software packages; * Software Factory; * Ergonomics of software interfaces; * Limits / gaps of SE; * The software life cycle and related sociotechnical issues; * Law (intellectual property) and software; * Management of software projects and projects for implementation and improvement of software processes: culture, politics, social and organizational behavior; * Knowledge management in software projects: sociotechnical complexity; * The practice of SE in face of market pressures; * Case studies of software projects, and projects for implementation and improvement of software processes, which may bring evidence of the cultural, political, organizational, and economic implications; * Ethics in the development and research of software;.
Submissions must follow the SBC (Brazilian Computer Society) style format (available at SBC - www.sbc.org.br). Submissions may be written in Portuguese, Spanish or English and must have between 8 and 12 pages including all appendices, figures and references. The body of the article should contain: title, abstract, abstract (minimum of 300 words), list of keywords, and the full text. Authors must not be identified in the text.
The articles will be judged by a multidisciplinary Program Committee composed of faculty researchers from different areas (software engineering, information systems, organizational studies, management, sociology, political science, among others) and professional and business people involved with the ES, all with sensitivity for a sociotechnical perspective, in which software development and use is seen as inextricably technical, social, historical, economic, ethical and political.
General Chair João Porto de Albuquerque - EACH/USP
Program Chairs Rafael Prikladnicki - FACIN/PUC-RS Henrique Luiz Cukierman - COPPE/UFRJ
Henrique Luiz Cukierman - COPPE/UFRJ Rafael Prikladnicki - FACIN/PUC-RS João Porto de Albuquerque - EACH/USP Lucia Filgueiras - POLI/USP Heitor Augustus Xavier Costa, UFLA Cássio Adriano Nunes Teixeira - BNDES
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