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Subject: TMCE 2002 - Call for Participation Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2002 15:46:48 +0100 From: tmce2002@io.tudelft.nl TMCE 2002 organising committee To: wetice@nestroy.wi-inf.uni-essen.de
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Dear Sir/Madam,
We are writing to you to inform you about the Fourth International Symposium on Tools and Methods of Competitive Engineering, which will be held in Wuhan, China, April 22 - 26, 2002. Below, please find further details about the Symposium. You can forward this information to any person who you think may be interested in. This information is also available on tthe tmce website http://www.io.tudelft.nl/research/ica/tmce2002/ We thank you for your consideration. We look forward to meeting you.
TMCE 2002 organizing committee
INTRODUCING TMCE 2002: It is our pleasure to invite you to participate in the Fourth International Symposium on Tools and Methods of Competitive Engineering TMCE 2002. This event will present a concise survey on the state-of-the-art in the field of knowledge intensive products, technologies and organizations. Its focus is the proliferation and transfer of knowledge for competitive product conceptualization, design and engineering. The TMCE 2002 offers you valuable plenary lectures, research, development and application lectures, industry tutorials, workshop and entertaining social functions. A comprehensive overview can be found on the website: http://www.io.tudelft.nl/research/ica/tmce2002/.
VENUE OF TMCE 2002: The Symposium will be in Wuhan, which is the capital of Hubei Province, in China. Wuhan is located at the spectacular confluence of the Yangtze River and Han River. The host of the Symposium is the Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), which kindly offered its facilities for the Symposium. HUST has become one of the largest and leading key universities in China, now having over 20 000 resident students.
REGISTRATION FOR THE SYMPOSIUM: The most convenient option for delegates is to register for the TMCE 2002 Symposium at the TMCE 2002 web-site. Alternatively, you may send your registration to the e-mail address of the Symposium. Or, use conventional mail or fax to return the regular Registration Form. You can also enroll for the Symposium on site at the Registration Desk.
LANGUAGE: The official language of the TMCE 2002 Symposium and the Proceedings is English.
VISA: For most of the delegates visa is required to enter China. To get a visa a Governmental Invitation letter is needed. This can be obtained from the Wuhan Secretariat of the TMCE 2002.
ACCOMMODATION: Participants are requested to reserve their accommodation, booking and payment directly with the respective hotel. For more information, please visit the web-site: http://www.io.tudelft.nl/research/ica/tmce2002/
KEYNOTE LECTURES OF TMCE 2002: Professor Dr. Ji Zhou, P. R. China ("Living on a Cyber Globe") Professor Dr. Ernst Eder, Canada ("The status of the theory of technical systems") Professor Dr. Xie Youbo, P. R. China ("Knowledge Intensive Technologies in the Chinese Industry") Professor Dr. Michael Tovey, UK ("Aesthetic design: methods, tools and practices") Professor Dr. Chris McMahon, UK ("Opportunities and Challenges of Knowledge Management") Professor Dr. Louis Komzsik, USA ("Opening the horizon of engineering numerical methods") Professor Dr. Riichiro Mizoguchi, Japan ("A framework for systematization of functional knowledge based on ontological engineering") Professor Dr. Ian Campbell, UK ("Rapid Prototyping: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow") Professor Dr. Arne Novák, Sweden ("Trends, reality and future possibilities in manufacturing") Professor Dr. Guoning Qi, P. R. China ("Global Design Strategies and Techniques")
TOPIC SESSIONS OF TMCE 2002: The professional program of the TMCE 2002 Symposium will be organized in
three streams, embedding 18 topic sessions, consisting of 69 peer-reviewed papers. A Closing Workshop is organized to discuss the development of collaborative virtual design and engineering environments.
A. General issues of knowledge engineering: Reuse, redesign and reengineering, Product related knowledge, Form design techniques, Geometric modeling techniques, Non-nominal shape modeling, Handling uncertain geometries.
B. Knowledge-intensive design: Design theories and methodologies, Product data management, Design and optimization approaches, Competitive product development, Life cycle engineering, Distributed design support.
C. Knowledge-intensive manufacturing: Applied virtual reality, Agent based technologies, Engineering software development, Process planning methods, Rapid prototyping technologies, Practical virtual enterprises
POST-SYMPOSIUM PUBLICATIONS: The best papers will be published in special issues of refereed international journals.
INDUSTRIAL TUTORIALS: The industrial tutorials to be held on April 22, 2002: * Tools for Computer-Assisted Knowledge Management * NASTRAN Numerical Methods * Tools and Methods of Global Product Realization * Dynamic Product Development (tentative) * Collaborative Product Development (tentative)
The social program of the TMCE 2002 Symposium features the following events: * Early bird reception in the Aula Building for the delegates arriving on April 22, 2002. * Reception of the President of the HUST in the Conference Center on April 23, 2002. * Symposium Gala Dinner in a spectacular hotel in the City of Wuhan on April 24, 2002. * Evening sightseeing on wheels in the City of Wuhan on April 25, 2002. * Combined with sight seeing, excursion to the venue of the TMCE Closing
Workshop on April 26, 2002.
PARTICIPATION FEE: The Organizing Committee offers advanced, regular, and on-site registration and participation. Furthermore, delegates may register for the whole Symposium or for specific days. Full registration fees include lunches, refreshments, gala diner, evening receptions, the Fridays excursion/workshop, badge, and entry package with 1 copy of the Proceedings.
Regular full registration fee: 500 USD (560 EUR) (After February 28, 2002, or on-site) Regular full registration fee: 475 USD (530 EUR) (Before February 28, 2002) Special fee for the participants from the Chinese academia: 250 USD (2070 RMB) (Before February 28, 2002) Special fee for the participants from the Chinese industry: 300 USD (2480 RMB) (Before February 28, 2002) Regular fee for the participants from the Chinese academia and industry: 325 USD (2690 RMB) (After February 28, 2002, or on site) Session chair and invited speaker full registration fee: 375 USD (420 EUR) Regular student registration fee: 125 USD (140 EUR) Special registration fee for Chinese students: 75 USD (620 RMB) One day registration fee for a specific day: 200 USD (225 EUR) (1655 RMB) Extra copy of the TMCE 2002 Proceedings (without p & p): 120 USD (135 EUR) (1000 RMB) Accompanying person registration fee (see web-site): 175 USD (195 EUR) (1450 RMB) Extra lunch ticket: 20 USD (25 EUR) (165 RMB) Extra Gala Dinner ticket: 75 USD (85 EUR) (620 RMB) Extra Reception ticket: 50 USD (60 EUR) (415 RMB)
For the Registration sheets for the Symposium and for the Industrial Tutorials, please visit the web-site: http://www.io.tudelft.nl/research/ica/tmce2002/. Please indicate to the Symposium Organizers which social functions you want to participate in and if you need special treatment. Use the regular Registration Form to register delegates, spouses and other accompanying persons.
METHODS OF PAYMENT: There are different payment possibilities for the participants from China (i.e. P. R. China mainland citizens) and for the people from the rest of the world. The people outside China can use the bank account of the TMCE 2002 in the Netherlands exclusively. The payment of the participation fees to this bank account should be made preferably in EURO (), but American dollars ($) are also accepted.
PRE-PAYMENT OPTIONS: * Payment by bank transfer Transfer by S.W.I.F.T. to ABN ANL 2A, account number Account holder is Delft University of Technology/Faculty OCP, Delft, the Netherlands. Our bank is ABN AMRO, P.O. Box 300, 2600 AH Delft, The Netherlands. Consider 4,50 additional costs. * Payment by post-office order or giro-transfer there are some extra costs involved of which your local post-office can inform you. Our giro account number is 178814. Account holder is of Delft University of Technology/Faculty OCP, Delft, the Netherlands. Transfer by S.W.I.F.T. to PSTB NL2A. * Payment by Credit Card A copy of the credit card (both sides) must be sent to the Delft Secretariat of TMCE 2002 (please see web-site). 12.00 handling costs should be added to the amount. For all payment options, please mention the reference "PC2P21264 TMCE 2002" and the name(s) of the delegate(s).
ON-SITE PAYMENT OPTION: Although the preferred methods for payment are as above, but on-site payment is also possible. In this case you need your credit card or cash. Please note that on-site payment facilities will be limited, only a small number of currencies will be accepted at the registration desk (namely Japanese Yen, US Dollars, HK Dollars).
CO-CHAIRMEN OF TMCE 2002: Professor Dr. Imre Horváth Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands Professor Dr. Peigen Li Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China
WUHAN SECRETARIAT OF TMCE 2002: Associate Professor Dr. Jihong Liu Huazhong University of Science and Technology School of Mechanical Science and Engineering EAST 8 Building, Luoyu Road 1037 Wuhan, Hubei, 430074, P.R.China
DELFT SECRETARIAT OF TMCE 2002: Associate Professor Dr. Joris S. M. Vergeest TMCE 2002 Delft Secretariat Section of Computer Aided Design Engineering Faculty of Design, Engineering and Production Delft University of Technology Jaffalaan 9, NL-2628 BX, Delft, The Netherlands Tel: +31-15-278 3520/3765, Fax: +31 15 2781839 E-mail: TMCE2002@io.tudelft.nl URL: http://www.io.tudelft.nl/research/ica/tmce2002/