-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [isworld] ECRA Special Issue M-commerce and Nomadic Computing Datum: Wed, 20 Aug 2008 13:21:24 -0400 Von: Altinkemer, Kemal kemal@purdue.edu Antwort an: Altinkemer, Kemal kemal@purdue.edu An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network isworld@lyris.isworld.org Referenzen: B4737B356A16C14A9373FD75AE389B1D0355A13F@EXCH02.purdue.lcl
Special Issue Call for Papers Electronic Commerce Research and Applications (ECRA) Mobile Commerce and Nomadic Computing
OVERVIEW Motivation. With the recent advances in mobile technology, people can be connected 24/7 with easier access for mobile commerce the world over. Even if not everyone will be using mobile devices in the future, nomadic computing nevertheless will allow a whole new level of connectivity for desktops, laptops, mobile devices, and buyers and sellers in digital commerce. People will be able to choose one, a couple or all of these devices to be connected. The technology is there today already, and the time is right for further technological innovation. With easier connections and more availability, m-commerce and nomadic computing are likely to grow dramatically. Nevertheless, there are going to be important technical, managerial and economic issues that will arise around mobile commerce, which will be worthwhile to understand and resolve. These issues are likely to be interdisciplinary in terms of the span of related fields of inquiry, including Computer Science, Telecommunications, Marketing, Operations, Information Systems, Strategy, Economics, Public Policy and Risk Management.
PURPOSE. This special issue is devoted to mobility, the related technologies, and how mobile infrastructure has been making e-commerce ubiquitous. It will examine how recent technological and marketplace developments seem to be leading to nomadic computing. Humans are mobile creatures and technology is enabling their increased mobility, and changing their patterns of interaction, search and information gathering, and buying and selling habits. 3G and 4G cell phones have improved tremendously of late too. There also is a convergence of telecommunications, computers, telephones and Internet technologies. Bringing these industries together has given gives rise to the infotainment industry, which blends information and entertainment. Meanwhile, voice over Internet protocol (VoIP) is revolutionizing old-fashioned circuit-switching telephone conversations with a much lower-cost, packet-switched Internet. A new generation of mobile devices also has opened the door for m-commerce. Hence, this new kind of commerce is becoming ever more ubiquitous. Mobile humans, from here on, will always be connected through nomadic computing capabilities. Research contributions involving emerging technologies, current issues and future perspectives that will shape the mobile commerce and nomadic computing are welcome. This special issue is intended to promote groundbreaking research that is rigorous and relevant. Academic and industry research contributions are welcome. Further development of research in this area also will help us to better understand and analyze issues that will affect the technical and managerial futures of mobile commerce and nomadic computing. Topics. We welcome design science, theoretical, analytical, case study, and empirical works, as well as inter-disciplinary research devoted to mobile commerce and nomadic computing.
Relevant topics include, but are not restricted to: * Infortainment, m-commerce, ubiquitous and pervasive systems, nomadic computing * Technological developments and platforms for m-commerce, such as Gphone and Google's Mobile Android Platform * Triple play and fiber optic service (FiOS) broadband infrastructure, and ubiquitous computing in the home * Mobile payments and banking, smart cards and mobile ticketing and transportation applications, * Product design, pricing strategy, and service differentiation in m-commerce * Hand-held search, online recommendation tools, and mobile ordering * SMS and text messaging applications, device-level RFID and near-field communication applications * Location-based services, and mobile geographical information systems * Applications in industry, including financial services, telecommunications, airlines, public transport, digital music and videos, book-selling, etc. * Consumer behavior, purchasing and use patterns in m-commerce * Industry analysis, changes in infrastructure, digital convergence in mobile systems * Mobile business strategy, adoption and diffusion issues, growth and barriers to success * Managerial, technology and public policy issues * Prospective and retrospective assessment of the business value of mobile systems * Entrepreneurial and venture capital perspectives
Special Issue Editor. Kemal Altinkemer, Krannert School of Management, Purdue University, kemal@purdue.edu. Kemal is an Associate Professor at the Krannert Graduate School of Management at Purdue University. He was the MIS area coordinator during 1995-2004. He was a Guest Editor in Telecommunication Systems, special issue on the design and analysis of wide-area networks in 2002, and a co-guest editor of Information Technology and Management's special issue on the economics of electronic commerce in 2001. He is an associate editor for multiple journals related to telecommunications, e-commerce and management information systems. He also was the chair for the 2002-2004 INFORMS Section on Telecommunications. His research interests are in the design and analysis of computer networks, infrastructure development, distribution of priorities by using pricing as a tool, infrastructure for e-commerce and pricing of information goods, bidding with intelligent software agents, strategy from bricks-and-mortar to clicks-and-mortar business models. He has more than thirty publications in prominent journals such as Operations Research, Operations Research Letters, Management Science, INFORMS Journal on Computing, Transportation Science, European Journal of Operations Research, Computers and Operations Research, and the Annals of Operations Research. He also has numerous publications in various conference proceedings. He is a member of INFORMS, AIS and ACM. Interested authors should feel free to contact the special issue editor. All papers should be submitted via ECRA's submission system at www.ees.elsevier.com/ecra/, as specified in the submission guidelines.
IMPORTANT DATES ADVISORY BOARD: * Optional abstracts: November 15, 2008 Izak Benbesat (UBC, Canada) * Initial submission: January 15, 2009 Rob Kauffman (ASU) * First round reviews by: April 15, 2009 June Park (SAMSUNG, S. Korea) * Resubmission by: June 15, 2009 Hasan Pirkul (UT, Dallas) Ushio Sumita (Japan) Andy Whinston (UT, Austin)
Submission Guidelines. Only original and unpublished research papers will be considered. Authors should limit their initial submissions to no more than 32 double-spaced pages in 12-point font with appropriate margins, inclusive of all materials (i.e., references, figures, tables and appendices). Author names and affiliations should be listed on the first page of the paper; the reviewing will be single blind only. All papers should be submitted via ECRA's submission system at ees.elsevier.com/ecra. Authors should select the "M-Commerce" menu item when they reach the "Article Type" step in the submission process. Authors may request a sample paper from the editor for a full formatting sample. Authors generally should follow Elsevier's Electronic Commerce Research and Applications manuscript format, which can be found on the Elsevier Web site at authors.elsevier.com/GuideForAuthors.html? PubID=621289&dc=GFA. However, it will be appreciated if the paper includes citations in the text in the 'Smith and Lee 2008' format, as opposed to using numbered citations. References at the end of the paper also should be alphabetized. In addition, all figures and tables should be embedded in the paper near to the location where the associated text occurs, to improve the paper's readability for review.
Review Process. The special issue editors will return first reviews and AE reports no later than 90 days from the date of submission, which is approximately April 15, 2009. Two or three reviewers will be engaged, depending on the contents and expertise required. A developmental reviewing approach will be used for this special issue, with the aim of helping special issue authors to achieve very high quality final publications, if their research is deemed to be topically, theoretically, technologically or managerially interesting. Second and third round reviews, as needed, will be completed on an expedited basis, if authors are able to turn their revisions around quickly. We also will provide special issue authors with an indication as early as possible of rejection for the special issue, including on the basis of a first reading by the special issue editor. Inappropriately targeted or under-developed papers will be returned immediately to the authors also.
******************************************************** Professor Kemal Altinkemer Krannert Graduate School of Management Purdue University 403 West State Street West Lafayette IN 47907-2056 phone: 765 494 9009 FAX: 765 496 1567 URL: http://www.mgmt.purdue.edu/faculty/kemal/ ********************************************************
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