-------- Original Message -------- Subject: [WI] CfP: CHI 2013 workshop on Engaging the Human-Computer Interaction Community With Public Policymaking Internationally Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2012 00:24:40 +0100 From: Volker Wulf volker.wulf@fit.fraunhofer.de To: Liste@fit.fraunhofer.de:Wirtschaftsinformatik wi@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Call for Papers ACM-CHI 2013 Workshop on
"Engaging the Human-Computer Interaction Community With Public Policymaking Internationally"
THEME Public policies can come from governments (multi-national, national and regional), international bodies (the UN), and are often influenced by standards organizations (such as ISO and W3C). There is a complex cycle of influence between human-computer interaction and public policies. Public policies in the area of HCI include rules on how HCI research is performed, guidelines on how interfaces are designed (e.g. accessibility), and how research money is awarded in HCI. Goals of the workshop include increasing the number of documented examples of where public policy and HCI influence each other, and identifying areas where there is a need for research on public policy and HCI. Our long-term goal is to author a white paper on the topic of HCI and public policy.
For this workshop, we encourage the participation of people who have interest in the intersection of HCI and public policy. This can include people who perform research that could potentially influence policymakers, have experience interacting with policymakers, or have experience with international standards committees. For more information about the workshop, you can download the draft version of the extended abstract at: http://triton.towson.edu/~jlazar/CHI2013_policy.dochttp://triton.towson.edu/%7Ejlazar/CHI2013_policy.doc
Please submit a 3 page position paper, describing your interest and/or experience with public policy and HCI, and providing one specific example of where HCI community and policymakers have influenced each other (positively or negatively), that you want to expand upon in the workshop.
Position papers should be submitted to Jonathan Lazar (jlazar@towson.edumailto:jlazar@towson.edu) by Jan 4, 2013. Accepted position papers will be posted on a shared workspace before the workshop, for participants to view. The author of each accepted position paper must attend the workshop and register for CHI2013.
Workshop co-organizers: - Simone Barbosa, PUC-Rio, Brazil - Jan Gulliksen, KTH – Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden - Jonathan Lazar, Harvard University and Towson University, USA - Tom McEwan, Edinburgh Napier University, UK - Loïc Martínez Normand, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain - Philippe Palanque, Université Paul Sabatier, France - Raquel Prates, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil - Janice Tsai, Microsoft, USA - Marco Winckler, Université Paul Sabatier, France - Volker Wulf, University of Siegen and Fraunhofer-FIT, Germany
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