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Subject: Reminder: CfP for CRIWG'2002 - 8th International Workshop on Groupware Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2002 09:17:22 +0100 From: Joerg Haake joerg.haake@FERNUNI-HAGEN.DE To: ISWORLD@LISTSERV.HEANET.IE
Dear Colleagues,
attached find the Call for Paper for CRIWG'2002 - the 8th International
Workshop on Groupware, to be held September 1-4, 2002, in La Serena, Chile.
The submission deadline is April 22, 2002.
Proceedings wil be published by Springer Verlag in the Lecture Notes of Computer Science series.
Please, distribute the CfP to colleagues who might be interested in submitting a paper or attending the workshop.
Best regards,
Joerg Haake (Program Chair, CRIWG'2002)
CRIWG'2002 - the 8th International Workshop on Groupware September 1-4, 2002, La Serena, Chile.
The Eighth International Workshop on Groupware follows on the success of previous CRIWG workshops held in Lisbon, Portugal (1995), Puerto Varas, Chile (1996), El Escorial, Spain (1997), Buzios, Brazil (1998), Cancun, Mexico (1999), Madeira Island, Portugal (2000), and Darmstadt, Germany (2001).
The CRIWG workshops have been motivated by recent advances in computer-supported cooperative work, and by the need for CSCW to meet the challenges of new application areas. This workshop aims at providing a forum for academic researchers and professionals to exchange experiences and to engage in discussions of the research issues in designing, building, and using groupware applications. CRIWG is rooted in the Ibero-American community of researchers in CSCW, but it is completely open to contributors and participants from anywhere. Researchers can report these experiences to CRIWG through two categories of contributions: full technical papers and work in progress papers. In addition, Ph.D. candidates can submit to the doctoral colloquium. All topics related to the groupware area are welcome, including:
* Virtual groups and virtual worlds * Collaborative workspaces, Tailoring * Workflow management and coordination * Groupware development frameworks and toolkits * Distribution support * Group decision and negotiation support, Meetingware * Multi-user interfaces, Group Awareness * Hypermedia systems, Digital libraries * Cooperative Learning * Monitoring and analysis of group interactions * Organizational computing * Social aspects of group work * Work modeling
It is expected that the workshop will promote a very intensive interaction among those attending it, giving ample time to discuss papers. Each full paper will have a 45-minute slot for presentation and discussion. Work in Progress will have 30 minutes. In both cases, a moderator will present his/her view of the paper to initiate the discussion. The Workshop Proceedings will include contributions accepted by the Program Committee, and will be published by Springer Verlag in the Lecture Notes of Computer Science (http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/index.html).
Electronic submission, up to 20 pages (10 pages for work in progress), following the Springer LNCS format (see below), is due on April 22, 2002. We will use a double-blind reviewing process. Please, do not include the
author's name and affiliation or any indication, which may disclose the paper authorship, in the submitted paper itself. Instead, submit a separate submission page with the paper title, the authors including their affiliations, the contact author, the submission category (full paper or work in progress), an abstract and up to 5 keywords. The submission website will provide further instructions. In the meantime, a temporary web site is installed at: http://ipsi.fhg.de/concert/criwg02/ and http://www.dcc.uchile.cl/~luguerre/criwg/
Ph.D. candidates can electronically submit a position paper to the doctoral colloquium, which will be held prior to the workshop. For details, see the doctoral colloquium website http://ipsi.fhg.de/concert/criwg02/dc/.
As a result of the reviewing process, the Program Committee may suggest changes in the format and/or the contents of the paper, including the category of the paper. In this case, a paper will be conditionally accepted. The PC Chair will decide on the final acceptance or rejection,
based on the analysis of the revised paper. The format for the final version will be the Springer LNCS format (see http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html), which includes e.g. templates for MS Word and Latex. Examples and additional instructions will be available at the workshop website.
Submission deadline: April 22, 2002 Notification of acceptance: May 22, 2002 Final articles due: June 19, 2002 Workshop: September 1-4, 2002
CONFERENCE CHAIR Jose A. Pino, Universidad de Chile, Chile jpino@dcc.uchile.cl
PROGRAM COMMITTEE CHAIR Joerg M. Haake, FernUniversitaet Hagen, Germany joerg.haake@fernuni-hagen.de
Pedro Antunes, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal Beatriz Barros Blanco, UNED, Spain Karin Becker, PUCRS, Brazil Marcos Borges, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Dominique Decouchant, LSR-IMAG, France Yannis Dimitriadis, Universidad de Valladolid, Spain Henrique Domingos, Universidade Nova de Lisboa Oswald Drobnik, University of Frankfurt, Germany Jesus Favela, CICESE, Mexico Alejandro Fernández, Fraunhofer IPSI, Germany Hugo Fuks, PUC/RJ, Brazil Renee Gedge, Monash University, Australia Steve Poltrock, Boeing, USA Luis Guerrero, Universidad de Chile, Chile Joerg M. Haake, FernUniversitaet Hagen, Germany H. Ulrich Hoppe, University of Duisburg, Germany Franca Garzotto, Politecnico de Milano, Italy Marcelo Milrad, Framkom & Växjö University, Sweden Christine M. Neuwirth, CMU, USA Gary Olson, University of Michigan, USA Jose Alberto Pino, Universidad de Chile, Chile Atul Prakash, University of Michigan, USA Wolfgang Prinz, Fraunhofer FIT, Germany Mike Robinson, University of Jyvaskyla, Finland Manuel Romero-Salcedo, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico Ana Carolina Salgado, Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil J. Alfredo Sánchez, Universidad de las Américas-Puebla, Mexico Gerry Stahl, Fraunhofer FIT, Germany Ivan Tomek, Acadia University, Canada Gert-Jan de Vreede, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands Martin Wessner, Fraunhofer IPSI, Germany
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