Forwarded message from [pan@CS.AUC.DK (Peter Axel Nielsen)] sent originally on Sun, 20 Feb 2000 14:00:51 +0100: : First Call For Participation : : IFIP WG 8.2 Working Conference 2000 : =================================== : : Conference Site: with the following topics. : * Programme : * Aalborg, Denmark : * Registration : * Accomodation : * Travel information : * Full papers on-line (for registrered paryicipants only) : Early registration until 28th February : : The Social and Organizational Perspective on Research and Practice in : Information Technology : : 10-12 June, 2000 : Aalborg, Denmark : : General Chairs: Heinz K. Klein, Binghamton University : M. Lynne Markus, Claremont Graduate University : Organizing Chair: Peter Axel Nielsen, Aalborg University : Program Chairs: Jan Stage, Aalborg University : Richard Baskerville, Georgia State University : : About the Conference : : IFIP Working Group 8.2 intends to meet at this conference to mark the turn : of the first century of the information age. The purpose of the conference : is to denote the transition from past to current to future investigations : of the relationships and interactions among four major components: : information systems (IS), information technology (IT), organizations and : society. These investigations share a primary focus on the : interrelationships, not on the components themselves. The various : contributions to the conference deal with the history of IS theory and : technology, with the directions faced by those sharing the concerns of the : field in its future research, and with attempts to draw these two views : together. Five discourses collectively seek to answer the key question: : "What is the status of IS, as related to organizations and society, now : that we stand at the juncture of the new century?" These discourses deal : with the fundamental concepts, the classical and novel challenges, the : conceptualization processes, automation, and new technology. : : What will be our story as we turn the first century of the information age? : We believe that IT is even more critical in social interaction in : organizations, that human language barriers form fundamental roadblocks to : IT implementation, that newer forms of IS integrate horizontally rather : than vertically, and that the mix of skills and knowledge is changing. We : also find that we lack integrated approaches to risk management, that new : social costs are being unleashed on people by the wiring of society, and we : are rushing headlong into globalized systems with our eyes closed. : : The conference will discuss how the old end user tension between central : control and innovation has reappeared in the intranet world, how IT has : been converted to a cultural commodity, and explore how the video screen : has become the central means for discovering our relevance to our universe. : We will explore the surprising ways that machines have acquired human : status, not through robotics, but rather through social construction. We : will discover new norms for defining the relationships and exchanges : between human beings and computers. For example, gender defines IS success : and web design defines social relationships. Consequently, we may see how : systems must now be developed interpretively, rather than through : rational-technical IS design principles used in the last century. : : The Conference is being held on the campus of Aalborg University, a : beautiful rural setting minutes from the delightful city of Aalborg : Denmark. The Vikings founded Aalborg where the Limfjord, the great waterway : of northern Jutland, is at its narrowest. The city has a charming : 16th-century look and a hearty nightlife; the local brew flows in quantity : at Jomfru Anne Gade, a tiny cobblestone street in the center of Aalborg, : where 400-year-old buildings house inns, pubs and cafes. : : ___________________________________________________________ : ! Peter Axel Nielsen ! : ! Dept. of Computer Science gsm. (+45)2128 4155 ! : ! Aalborg University tel. (+45)9635 8912 ! : ! Fredrik Bajers Vej 7 fax. (+45)9815 9889 ! : ! DK-9220 Aalborg, Denmark ! : ___________________________________________________________ : : ===== Start of ISWorld List Footer ===== : ISWorld list is a service of the Association for Information Systems (AIS) : ( hosted at University College Dublin. For archives, : subscribing, or posting "norms" see : ===== End of ISWorld List Footer =====
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