---------- Forwarded Message ---------- Subject: [GI-FB5-L] Workshop on Knowledge Management - CfP Date: Wed, 07 Mar 2001 00:00:04 +0100 From: Ulrich Frank uko01@rs1.rrz.uni-koeln.de To: "gi-fb5-l@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de" gi-fb5-l@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, ich erlaube mir, Sie noch einmal auf den Workshop ueber Knowledge Management Systems aufmerksam zu machen. Die Frist fuer die Einreichung von Beitraegen endet am 26. Maerz.
Herzliche Gruesse
Ulrich Frank
The 2001 International Symposium on Information Systems and Engineering (ISE'2001) Monte Carlo Resort, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA; June 25-28, 2001
Workshop Knowledge Management Systems: Concepts, Technologies and Applications (http://www.uni-koblenz.de/~iwi/ise2001.html)
C a l l f o r P a p e r s
Subject While successful knowledge management depends on numerous organizational
and psychological aspects, the effective documentation, dissemination and utilization of knowledge recommends the introduction of computerized
systems to manage knowledge. The design of powerful knowledge management
systems (KMS) requires appropriate concepts to model and categorize knowledge. This includes traditional approaches to information modelling
as well as specialized languages to define knowledge bases or ontologies. In addition to the development of concepts and technologies,
there is need to gather experience with the introduction and the use of software to support knowledge management in organizations.
Objectives The workshop is aimed at stimulating the future development of new methods, concepts and technologies for building a variety of powerful KMS. It provides a forum for presenting and discussing research on various topics related to computer supported knowledge management.
Topics The issues to be addressed include, but are not limited to: · Data and Knowledge intensive Applications · Architectures of KMS · Conceptual Modeling for KMS · KMS to support Project Management · Integrating KMS with ERP Systems · Systems to design and manage Ontologies · Process-Oriented Knowledge Management · Methods to design KMS · Knowledge Based Decision Support Systems · Organizational Memory Systems · Data Warehouses and Repositories · Applications in Industry · Strategies and Processes for Introducing KMS · Metamodelling for Knowledge Management
Submissions The workshop is soliciting two kinds of papers: Research papers which describe authors' novel research work (motivated,
presented, and evaluated in less than 6000 words). Full papers must be original contributions, not published, accepted or submitted for publication elsewhere. Industrial reports which describe real-world experiences in introducing and using KMS (less than 6000; short papers are also welcome). All submission should include, on the cover page, authors names, affiliations, addresses, fax and phone numbers, and email addresses. Please indicate the corresponding author. Include up to 5 keywords (topic area), track, and an abstract of no more than 300 words. Electronic submissions are requested and will be accepted only in a PDF format attachment. Please submit a copy of your full manuscript (not to exceed 15 double-spaced pages including figures, tables, and references) to: kms2001@uni-koblenz.de. Consistent with standard practice, each submitted paper will receive a minimum of two reviews. Papers will be selected based on their originality, timeliness, significance, relevance, and clarity of presentation. Submission implies the willingness of at least one of the authors to register and present the paper, if accepted. All accepted papers in the Symposium are expected to
be presented and will be included in the conference proceedings. The length of the Camera-ready papers will be limited to 7 pages.
Important Dates Paper Submission Deadline March 26th, 2001 Notification of Acceptance April 9th, 2001 Registration & Camera-Ready Manuscripts May 1, 2001
Program Committee Ulrich Frank, University of Koblenz (Chair) Stuart Barnes, University of Bath, UK Mark Ginsburg, University of Arizona, USA Ulrich Hasenkamp, University of Marburg, Germany Clyde Holsapple, University of Kentucky, USA Anders G. Nilsson, University of Karlstad, Sweden Boris Petkoff, Alfabet Meta-Modeling AG Berlin, Germany Gerold Riempp, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland Rajkumar Roy, Cranfield University, UK Hanno Schauer, University of Koblenz Rudi Studer, TU Karlsruhe Alexander Teubner, University of Münster, Germany Michael Yacci, Rochester Institute of Technology, USA
-- Prof. Dr. Ulrich Frank Institut fuer Wirtschaftsinformatik Universitaet Koblenz-Landau Rheinau 1 56075 Koblenz Visitor Address: Rammsweg 1
Tel. : 0049-0261-287 2522 Fax : 0049-0261-287 2521 email: ulrich.frank@uni-koblenz.de www : http://www.uni-koblenz.de/~iwi
-- Mailing-Liste: GI-FB5-L@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de Administrator: GI-FB5-L-admin@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de Konfiguration: http://www.aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de/mailman/listinfo/gi-fb5-l