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Subject: CFP: Learning in Dynamic, On-line Environments Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2002 18:31:09 -0500 From: Bud Gibson fpgibson@UMICH.EDU To: ISWORLD@LISTSERV.HEANET.IE
Full details available at: http://cmot-special.bus.umich.edu
Call for Papers: Special Issue of Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory on Learning in Dynamic, On-line Environments
Submission deadline: November 15, 2002
Over the past decade, the commercialization of the Internet and related communication technologies has dramatically increased the opportunities for dynamic interaction between individuals and organizations. Organizations now have the ability to form and reform alliances with business partners much more rapidly than they have in the past and are generally able to more rapidly reconfigure themselves in response to success and failure in the environment. Similarly, individuals are able to rapidly consume large amounts of information, more easily alter relationships, and learn from their experience.
In the past few years, a number of theoretical and empirical observations have been made regarding individual and organizational learning in similar dynamic contexts. However, many issues remain unresolved such as:
1. How well theoretical models of learning in dynamic environments correspond to how organizations and individuals actually learn.
2. The extent to which organizations and individuals acquire re-usable knowledge in dynamic contexts and ways to aid that learning.
3. The synergy (or lack thereof) between organizational and individual learning in these environments.
Papers are sought that identify factors influencing organizational and individual learning in the types of dynamic environments brought about by the communication revolution of the past ten years. We invite submissions based on diverse methods and different levels of analysis. We welcome innovative contributions and are especially interested in papers that combine computational modeling and empirical data.
All papers will be subject to a rigorous refereeing process. Manuscripts must not exceed 35 double-spaced pages (in 12 pt type) including all tables and figures per the instructions for authors set forth at http://cmot-special.bus.umich.edu. Inquiries regarding the special issue may be addressed to the guest editor, Bud Gibson (cmot-special@umich.edu). To submit a paper for consideration in the special issue, please send five copies to:
Melissa Andersen CMOT Special Issue: Learning in Dynamic, On-line Environments Editorial Office Kluwer Academic Publishers 101 Phillip Drive Norwell, MA 02061, U.S.A.
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