-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [isworld] CFP: AMCIS 09 Minitrack - The Web as a Digital Reflection of Reality Datum: Thu, 01 Jan 2009 20:32:18 -0800 Von: hill, tim hill_t@cob.sjsu.edu Antwort an: hill, tim hill_t@cob.sjsu.edu An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network isworld@lyris.isworld.org
(apologies for any cross postings) ______________________________________
Call for Papers for the AMCIS 2009 Mini Track:
"The Web as a Digital Reflection of Reality" (part of the Emerging Issues in IS Research track)
AMCIS - Americas Conference on Information Systems, San Francisco, USA, August 6-9, 2009
http://www.amcis2009.org http://www.amcis2009.org
The web is increasingly relied upon as a reflection of reality, which raises a number of key issues with material impacts warranting further study. This new digital reality and the unprecedented capabilities it embodies in terms of searchability, aggregatability, temporal persistence, and so on, give rise to great challenges in the areas of Digital Identity Management, Social Impacts, Currency and Accuracy of Digital Data, Distorting Factors, Legal Issues and Implications, among others, that are only just becoming recognized and articulated. This goal of this mini-track is to attract papers that explore some of the research questions stemming from this new digital frontier.
This mini-track consists of two sub-tracks: ³Identity Management on the Web² and ³Aging Content on the Web². The possible topics in the two sub-tracks are described below:
Sub-track 1: Identity Management on the Web ----------
Possible topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Accuracy and currency of digital data with respect to information about identity - Impression formation and management issues based on digital identities - Legal implications of incorrect or distorted personal information on the Web - Evolutionary processes in information that can alleviate issues related to digital identity management
Sub-track 2: Aging Content and Temporal Issues for the Web -------
Possible topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Definition of the term "outdated" in the Web context - Estimating proportion of outdated information - Natural demise of outdated information - does that happen? To what extent? - Impact of anonymity on age of content on the Web - Applying library management techniques to the Web - Issues emanating from the existence of outdated information on the Web - Solutions for maintaining current content on the Web - Algorithms for determining age of a Web document - Issues related to overly duplicated content - Economic drivers and solutions for dealing with outdated content
Important Dates:
February 20, 2009 Deadline for Paper Submission April 2, 2009 Notification of Paper Acceptance April 20, 2009 Camera Ready Copy Due
Mini Track Chairs:
* Richard Burkhard, Assistant Professor (burkha_r@cob.sjsu.edu) * Timothy R. Hill, Professor (hill_t@cob.sjsu.edu) * Shailaja Venkatsubramanyan, Assistant Professor (venkat_s@cob.sjsu.edu)
Management Information Systems Department College of Business, San Jose State University One Washington Square San Jose, California, 95192-0244
You are cordially invited to submit your research to the mini track!
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