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Subject: UML'2002 Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2002 13:55:44 -0600 From: Keng Siau ksiau@UNLNOTES.UNL.EDU To: ISWORLD@LISTSERV.HEANET.IE
Call for Papers
Fifth International Conference on UML - the Language and its Applications
'Model Engineering, Concepts and Tools'
Sep. 30-Oct. 4, 2002, Dresden, Germany
The Unified Modeling Language (UML) has rapidly become the `lingua-franca' of the software design and development community, both in industry and academia. The UML series of conferences is the premier venue for the exchange of innovative technical ideas and experiences relating to UML. The conference includes, among its active participants, the originators of UML and other key individuals involved in the definition and evolution of the standard.
UML 2002 takes place at a time when a new paradigm for software development called Model Driven Architecture (MDA) is being defined by the Object Management Group. Models, rather than code, are emerging as the key artifacts of software development -- raising the level of abstraction and serving as a basis for e.g.; verification and automatic code generation. MDA indeed increases the importance of addressing the many outstanding issues in the ongoing definition of UML and in modeling languages in general.
Featuring Bran Selic (Canada) and Michael Jackson (UK) as keynote speakers, UML 2002 will provide a forum for lively and exciting debate on key issues of the moment. UML 2002 will be held in the beautiful Baroque city of Dresden, situated on the river Elbe at the meeting point between West and Central Europe.
UML 2002 will be organized along two tracks, each consisting of conference papers, workshops, tutorials and tool exhibition: - Practitioners' track, as a forum for exchange of experiences and as an opportunity to obtain up-to-date information on recent developments around UML
- Research track, as a forum for scientific research related to UML
It is, therefore, with great pleasure that the UML 2002 organizing committee invites authors to submit:
RESEARCH PAPERS describing innovative research on any aspect of modeling, including, but not limited to, notations, automated tools, foundations, processes, architectures, and patterns. All papers should clearly demonstrate their impact on UML.
EXPERIENCE PAPERS detailing experience of significant industrial applications of UML and related modeling techniques, including, but not limited to, applications in real-time/embedded systems, information systems, software development, business modeling, knowledge representation. Such papers will be judged by the quality of their contribution to industrial best-practice (rather than to the body of research knowledge). Well argued, objective critiques of any aspect of UML and illustrative examples and proposals for resolving problems raised are encouraged.
Hard Deadline for Abstract 12 March 2002 Hard Deadline for Submission 26 March 2002 Notification to Authors 04 June 2002 Final Version of Accepted Papers 09 July 2002
Paper Submissions: Submit your manuscript electronically in Postscript or PDF using the Springer LNCS LaTeX style. Research papers should be 10-15 pages in length, experience papers 4-10 pages. Full details, including more specific guidelines on the preparation of papers, can be found on the conference website. Papers will undergo a thorough process of review by a programme committee comprising leading experts from industry and academia. Proceedings will be published by Springer Verlag in the LNCS series.
Workshop and Tutorial Submissions: Proposals for advanced tutorials and workshops are requested. Indicate your intention to submit by the deadline for abstracts. Submit a 2-4 page summary of your proposal by the deadline for paper submissions.
See the conference website http://www.umlconference.org for details.
General Chair Stephen Cook, UK Conference Chair Heinrich Hussmann, Germany Programme Chair Jean-Marc Jezequel, France Tutorial/Workshop Chair Jon Whittle, USA Publicity Chairs Jean-Michel Bruel, France; Robert France, USA
Programme Committee
C. Atkinson (Germany) J. Bezivin (France) M. Boger (Germany) J.-M. Bruel (France) D. Bustard (UK) J. Castro (Brazil) B. Cheng (USA) S. Cranefield (New Zealand) J. Daniels (UK) G. Engels (Germany) A. Evans (UK) R. France (USA) S. GĂ©rard (France) M. Gogolla (Germany) B. Henderson-Sellers (Australia) P. Hruby (Denmark) S. Kent (UK) H. Kilov (USA) C. Kobryn (USA) S. Mellor (USA) H. Miyazaki (Japan) R. Mitchell (USA) A. Moreira (Portugal) P.-A. Muller (France) J. Mylopoulos (Canada) G. Oevergaard (Sweden) G. Reggio (Italy) J. Rumbaugh (USA) B. Rumpe (Germany) A. Schuerr (Germany) K. Siau (USA) P. Stevens (UK) A. Strohmeier (Switzerland) J. Warmer (Netherlands) J. Whittle (USA) A. Wills (UK) R. Wirfs-Brock (USA) -------------------------------------------------------------- Sponsorship by ACM SIGSOFT pending --------------------------------------------------------------
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