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Subject: BIS 2002 Conference Call for Papers (deadline Dec. 15, 2001) Date: Sun, 2 Dec 2001 18:26:00 +0100 From: Pawel Jan Kalczynski pjk@KIE.AE.POZNAN.PL To: ISWORLD@LISTSERV.HEANET.IE
Attached to this message, please find the Call for Papers for the 5th International Conference on Business Information Systems BIS 2002 to be held in Poznan, Poland late in April.
Also, please let me interest you with two workshops and nine special sessions organized within the framework of BIS 2002. CfPs for workshops and special sessions are available on the conference website at http://bis.kie.ae.poznan.pl.
Kind regards,
Pawel Jan Kalczynski BIS2002 Organizing Committee ---------------------------------------- The Poznan University of Economics Department of Computer Science Tel +48 61 8569333 Fax +48 61 8569334 E-mail: pjk@kie.ae.poznan.pl
=================================================== Call for Papers ===================================================
BIS 2002
Poznan, Poland
April 24-25, 2002
http://bis.kie.ae.poznan.pl http://bis2002.kie.ae.poznan.pl
--------------------------------------------------- submission deadline: December 15, 2001 ---------------------------------------------------
TRACKS Business Intelligence Filtering E-business Process
ORGANIZERS The Poznan University of Economics, Poland
SUPPORTERS CEPIS The Council of European Professional Informatics Societies GI Gesellschaft für Informatik ISCA International Society for Computers and Applications, USA NTIE Scientific Society of Economic Informatics, Poland
TOPIC OF INTEREST BIS 2002 International Conference invites researchers and practitioners to submit papers that contribute the results of research in business information systems as well as papers that report on industrial IT projects. The Program Committee particularly encourages presentations of practical papers on industrial experience or on the validation of prototype implementations. Topics are restricted by the scope of the conference as defined above and they include inter alia:
Business Intelligence Track: Knowledge Management, Data Warehousing, Data Mining, Knowledge Discovery, Decision Support Systems, Integration of Information Systems, Web Warehousing, Web Mining, Balanced Scorecard Filtering Track: Information Filtering, Adaptive Filtering, Collaborative Filtering, Web Filtering, Knowledge Representation for Filtering, Textual and Multimedia Information Management Systems E-Business Track: electronic transactions and banking, commerce and payments on the Internet, standards, protocols, communication systems, virtual organizations, marketplaces, CRM Process Track: process-oriented organizations, workflow, information flow.
WORKSHOPS Business Applications of Virtual Reality Wojciech Cellary (cellary@kti.ae.poznan.pl) WOOBS 2002 - Object-Oriented Business Solutions Rafael Corchuelo (corchu@lsi.us.es)
SPECIAL SESSIONS Corporate Learning Solutions Torsten Schmale (Torsten.Schmale@inubit.com) Data Warehousing and Information Logistics Robert Winter (Robert.Winter@unisg.ch) Economic Models for Information Retrieval and Filtering in the Web Environment Richard Bonner (richard.bonner@mdh.se) Geo-business Information System Marcin Paprzycki (marcin@a.cs.okstate.edu) Knowledge Management Henry Linger (frada.burstein@sims.monash.edu.au) Language Technology for Business Information Systems Jakub Piskorski (piskorsk@dfki.de) Mobile e-Business Stephanie Teufel (stephanie.teufel@unifr.ch) Pan-European Legal Information Systems Erich Schweighofer (erich.schweighofer@univie.ac.at) Socio-Cognitive Engineering in the Modelling of Business Intelligence Andrzej Straszak (Andrzej.Straszak@ibspan.waw.pl)
SUBMISSION CATEGORIES Long papers up to 5000 words Work-in-progress papers up to 2500 words
SUBMISSION GUIDELINES Submission guidelines may be found at http://bis2002.kie.ae.poznan.pl/5_guidelines.htm
IMPORTANT DATES Dec. 15, 2001 submission deadline for long and work-in-progress papers Feb. 15, 2002 notification of acceptance/rejection Mar. 15, 2002 submission of final papers after correction Apr. 24-25, 2002 the conference
GENERAL CHAIR Witold Abramowicz - The Poznan University of Economics, Poland, (W.Abramowicz@kie.ae.poznan.pl)
PROGRAM COMMITTEE Marcin Paprzycki (special sessions coordinator) - Oklahoma State University, USA (marcin@a.cs.okstate.edu) Hans-Juergen Appelrath - University of Oldenburg, Germany Andrzej Baborski - University of Economics in Wroc³aw, Poland Ken Barker - University of Calgary, Canada Ryszard Bonner - Mälardalen University, Sweden Hans-Dieter Burkhard - Humboldt University, Germany Wojciech Cellary - The Poznañ University of Economics, Poland David Cheung - The University of Hong Kong, China Witold Chmielarz - Warsaw University, Poland Peter Dadam - University of Ulm, Germany Manoranjan Dash - National University of Singapore, Singapore Marek Fertsch Technical University of Poznañ, Poland Andrzej Gospodarowicz - University of Economics in Wroc³aw, Poland Adam Grzech - Technical University of Wroc³aw, Poland Zdzis³aw Hippe - University of Information Technology and Management, Poland Lech Janczewski - University of Auckland, Australia Janusz Kacprzyk - Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland Dimitris Karagiannis - Universität Wien, Austria Jerzy Kisielnicki - Warsaw University, Poland Gary Klein - The University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, USA Stanislaw Krzy¿aniak - Institute of Logistics and Warehousing, Poland Bernard Kubiak - University of Gdansk, Poland Henry Linger - Monash University, Australia Peter C. Lockemann - University of Karlsruhe, Germany Leszek Maciaszek - Macquarie University, Australia Heinrich C. Mayr - University Klagenfurt, Austria Jan Mrazek - Bank of Montreal, Canada Marian Niedwiedziñski - University of Lodz, Poland Roumen Nikolov - Sofia University, Bulgaria Jorgen Fischer Nilsson - Technical University of Denmark, Denmark Mitsunori Ogihara - University of Rochester, USA Maria Orlowska - The University of Queensland, Australia Mike Papazoglou - University of Tilburg, Holland Witold Pedrycz - University of Alberta, Canada Jaroslav Pokorný - Charles University of Prague, Czech Republic Václav Øepa - VSE Praha, Czech Republic August-Wilhelm Scheer - University of Saarland, Germany Erich Schweighofer - University of Vienna, Austria Evgueni Solojentsev - IPMASH RAN, Russia Janusz Stok³osa - Technical University of Poznañ, Poland Stephanie Teufel - University of Fribourg, Switzerland A Min Tjoa - Vienna University of Technology, Austria Jacek Unold - University of Economics in Wroc³aw, Poland Joseph E. Urban - Arizona State University, USA Thad Usowicz - San Francisco State University, USA Roland Wagner - University of Linz, Austria Robert Winter - University of St. Gallen, Switzerland Viacheslav E. Wolfengagen - JMSUICE, Russia Xindong Wu - Colorado School of Mines, USA Ronald R. Yager - Iona College, USA S³awomir Zadro¿ny - Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland Mohammed J. Zaki - Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA Jozef Zurada - University of Louisville, USA
ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Andrzej Bassara, Agata Filipowska, Karol Ginter, Grzegorz Glowacki, Tomasz Jakubowski, Tomasz Kaczmarek, Pawel Jan Kalczynski, Marek Kowalkiewicz, Malgorzata Miklas-Kalczynska, Jolanta Skorwider, Krzysztof Wecel, Marek Wisniewski
IMPORTANT ADDRESSES For submissions: bis2002@kie.ae.poznan.pl For information on special sessions: marcin@a.cs.okstate.edu (Marcin Paprzycki) For information on submission/proceedings: pjk@kie.ae.poznan.pl (Pawel Jan Kalczynski) For information on payment/accommodation: bis2002orgcom@kie.ae.poznan.pl For reviewers: kaw@kie.ae.poznan.pl (Krzysztof Wecel) Registration and general information: http://bis.kie.ae.poznan.pl
PROGRAM COMMITTEE The Poznan University of Economics Department of Computer Science Al. Niepodleglosci 10 60-967 Poznan, Poland phone: +48/61/ 856 93 33 fax: +48/61/ 856 93 34
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