-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [isworld] CFP: KM&EL Special Issue on "Collaborative Knowledge Management and E-Learning" Datum: Thu, 3 Dec 2009 11:02:34 -0500 Von: Maggie Minhong Wang maggiemhwang@gmail.com Antwort an: Maggie Minhong Wang maggiemhwang@gmail.com An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network isworld@lyris.isworld.org
Special Issue on �Collaborative Knowledge Management and E-Learning�
Knowledge Management & E-Learning: An International Journal (KM&EL) http://www.kmel-journal.org/ojs/index.php/online-publication KM&EL Lab http://kmel-lab.org/website/index.html
This special issue focuses on recent directions for the alignment of collaborative knowledge management and e-learning, and their rising impact on research and pedagogical practice. Finding effective ways to collaborate, and to create and share knowledge among people who are connected via disperse networks is one of the most challenging tasks. Many of our traditional learning models and educational systems are not yet ready for new forms of collaboration and knowledge management. To achieve effective education and training, we need to pay attention not only to the technology itself, but also to technology infrastructures, pedagogies, social, and management aspects.
Topics of interests will cover but not be limited to: * KM in Interdisciplinary Research and Scholarly Collaboration * Strengthening Collaboration through KM * Narratives, Stories and Anecdotes for Learning and Knowledge Transfer * New Models of Virtual Real-Time Collaboration, 3-D Collaborative Learning Environments * Collaborative Technologies and Learning Systems * Web 2.0 and KM for Collaborative Learning * Collaborative Learning Systems Platforms and Architectures * Social and Ethical Issues of (Virtual) Collaboration and Learning
Important dates: * Submission due: February 15, 2010 * Notification of acceptance: May 15, 2010 * Final paper due: August 15, 2010 * Scheduled publication: 2011 (Vol.3, No.2)
Submission Guidelines and Instructions: * Instructions for authors can be accessed through http://www.kmel-journal.org/ojs/index.php/online-publication/about/submissio...
* Manuscripts should be emailed as pdf file to the corresponding Guest Editor: Dr. Helen S. Du (cshelen@inet.polyu.edu.hk)
Guest editors: * Prof. Christian Wagner, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong * Dr. Helen S. Du, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
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